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09-30-2004, 03:57 PM
Town advertises for cat army

A Mexican town is advertising for an army of cats to kill off a plague of rats.

Authorities in Atascaderos have posted ads in Mexican newspapers asking for people to donate their cats.

They want to give at least 700 cats to local families to kill off an invasion of 500,000 rats.

A spokesman for the town's mayor said officials had already tried poison and traps but succeeded only in killing all the local cats.

Emilia de Leon, from Mexico's Animal Protection Society, said she was concerned about the formation of an army of cats.

She told Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper: "It would be a big mistake if the cats have not been castrated. They would end the rat plague but then they would have a cat plague!"


Everyone knows you can't get and army of cats to march in formation....

09-30-2004, 04:28 PM
Oh my.... I have wet monitor syndrome.

said she was concerned about the formation of an army of cats.
:rolleyes: Yes, and I'm certain they'd all wear little matching berets and carry little canteens too.

Don Juan's mom
10-01-2004, 01:18 AM
How are they going to drive tanks and Humvees and fire guns without opposable thumbs?



10-01-2004, 06:40 AM
That is so funny! Wonder what the want ad looked like?
Wanted: cats with an appetite for war. Bring an empty belly and some courage.

10-01-2004, 08:44 AM
Theonly thing,is that these Cat,would have to have some hunting instincts,as Rats,can be pretty dangerous! I actually,think,that they would,do,a lot better,with Terriers,that are bred,for this sort,of work. I know,that the Found Cats,wouldnt be,of much help.And you couldnt catch,the ferals,that would!

10-01-2004, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
Theonly thing,is that these Cat,would have to have some hunting instincts,as Rats,can be pretty dangerous! I actually,think,that they would,do,a lot better,with Terriers,that are bred,for this sort,of work. I know,that the Found Cats,wouldnt be,of much help.And you couldnt catch,the ferals,that would!
Your right catmandu...cats aren't a match with these dangerous rats.
Trained Terriers make better sense.

10-01-2004, 03:08 PM
I know a few good terriers! Send in about 10 of em and the rats would be no more! Rats are smart critters, once they see that there's something big on the loose, they tend to move away on their own!

10-02-2004, 10:04 AM
My Grandfather,has a Cairn Terrior,and small,as he was,he could really go,and get those Rats,even Rats,that were three times,his size! I would hate to see The Found Cats,and Rats,it wouild be a mismatch,eve,with The Princess,and Michael,who were both Barn Cats!