View Full Version : Thoughts and prayers please

09-30-2004, 10:59 AM
First off I was *cough* blessed *cough* with two sets of in-laws...This MIL isn't to be confused with the MIL that had Speedy. My in-laws are coming Monday to see our new house. Luckily they only come once a year or so. They HATE dogs. They think it's ridiculous to have a dirty furry creature that just poops, barks, and makes messes.

The last time they were out (last year), my MIL said "Won't your dad take them?" I was all "What do you mean?" She goes "Your dad, can't you give your dogs away to your dad? Or maybe find a good home for them in the paper?" I said "You were complaining about my dogs, not me. I love them. Why don't you find Heather (my SIL) a good home? Why would you want to keep her if she just makes messes and eats all your food?"

I can't tell you how many times she's put my dogs down and/or offered to help me get rid of them. This house is brand new and of course, the dogs have already created some damage around the house. Nothing that is a big deal to me...scratches on the doors and the fence, holes in the ground, fur, etc...

But I just know, that is going to put her over the edge. That my "stupid dogs" "ruined" such a beautiful brand new house. My husband and I are already kind of fighting because I'm getting edgy already.

Please pray that my mom in law and father in law will keep their mouths shut when they come Monday. And also that if they don't, I can control my anger. Also, that this won't come in between my husband and I like it usually does.

09-30-2004, 11:02 AM
Who's house is it. Love me, love my pets.

Samantha Puppy
09-30-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by bsherman
Who's house is it. Love me, love my pets. What he said.

09-30-2004, 11:22 AM
i agree with both Tonya and bsherman. but try to control your anger. i have had to do that with peope that come into where my mom works and want a tattoo of a pit bull because they have a lovely pittie that wins lot of fights!:mad: it takes everything i have not to tear into that person right then and there!:mad: just try to keep the hubby happy.:D

09-30-2004, 11:25 AM
Here's a thought , put up a really nice sign so they can see when they come over, letting them know that furbabies are family too! I have a MIL who is a little afraid of big dogs, well Tawny is 85lbs of love. She always brings a treat for her because she knows that Tawny is my and her son's child, we don't have any furless babies, she knows how much Tawny means to us even if its hard for her to understand sometimes. I have to say I have a great MIL.

09-30-2004, 11:37 AM
The other thing I've found helpful is the first time she says anything say "I appreciate your view on a lot of things, but the dogs are part of my family and we won't be getting rid of them. So I would appreciate it if you would not dwell on the idea that you would not have them if this were your house. This is our house and they'll be staying. Let's agree to disagree about this issue and enjoy your stay here."

I'd also put a sign "A house is not a home without the patter of doggie feet" somewhere very noticeable in the house. That's what my daughter-in-law has above her back door.

09-30-2004, 06:26 PM
I have a little sign with a poem on it that says:

These are my dogs,
This is their home.
From which I hope,
They'll never roam.

These are my dogs
They love me best.
This is their home,
You are their guest.

If dogs to you,
Are just a peeve.
Then by all means,
Feel free to leave.

I also have another sign that says:
This house is maintained for the comfort and security of my dogs.
If you cannot accept that then you can not accept me. So go away.

:D Maybe you could make a similar sign?

LOL Ok so those might cause some grief.

Honestly I really like robinh's idea of what to say. It is nice, polite and too the point.

Good luck and hang in there!

09-30-2004, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by robinh
The other thing I've found helpful is the first time she says anything say "I appreciate your view on a lot of things, but the dogs are part of my family and we won't be getting rid of them. So I would appreciate it if you would not dwell on the idea that you would not have them if this were your house. This is our house and they'll be staying. Let's agree to disagree about this issue and enjoy your stay here."

I'd also put a sign "A house is not a home without the patter of doggie feet" somewhere very noticeable in the house. That's what my daughter-in-law has above her back door.

thats a great idea! i sure would do that if i were you.Like put one on the front door,or somewher where everyone see's it! I hope that it doesnt become a big fight or anything,prayers are with you

09-30-2004, 06:40 PM
Shelteez what great signs! Good luck Tonya. How is your relationship with your MIL outside of your home? Is this woman just picking on the dogs to get at you? I would think if your relationship with her is ok you could tell her outright what robinh suggested and move on to another topic. Based on what information you've written it sounds more like this woman is just plain rude and disrespectful. She's coming to YOUR home and look how upset about it you already are :(. Be strong and when you need some extra support think of us here at Pet Talk :).

10-01-2004, 08:17 AM
I hope she keeps her mouth shut! Where do some people get the nerve to say the things they say?!:rolleyes:

I hear crap from my inlaws all the time about getting rid of Buddy because he still does not like my hubby!!

10-01-2004, 11:20 AM
Im glad my MIL doesnt whine about my cat (although she makes it up by whining about other stuff :rolleyes: )

I like the signs Shelteez! I should change those around for my kitty as I have had my fair share of morons whining about MY cat in MY house.

Sigh, I wish your MIL was more understanding Tonya. Be polite but be firm though. Don't let her push you around!

10-01-2004, 11:50 AM
I love those signs, Shelteez!!! I WILL make one! :D I can't do it for this visit though. My husband has a really big mouth so he'll say something like "Yeah, Tonya hung those up RIGHT before you came." ;)

Thanks for the thoughts, everyone! I know in some ways it seems small, but it's a really big deal to me. I think you all understand. Our pets are like our children, we don't want them to be put down.

10-01-2004, 12:08 PM
Of course it's a big deal - they are just as much your family as the skinkid(s). I think we all feel the same way.

I might apologize to a guest for a lot of things (messy house, no ice, no beverage of choice, etc.), but never for the puppies - it's their home.

You're a good mommy!!

10-02-2004, 10:14 AM
Thankfully my in laws love our puppies. They come over every sunday for their "play date" with their grand dogs!!!! I love it cuz the kids are so worn our when grammie and grampie leave they just flop right down and go to bed. Tonya, I know the feeling when someone acts annoyed with your babies and it does really hurt your feelings, but just remember that they love you more than life itself and the MIL will get hers. Not everyone can be an animal lover as all of us here are, but they still need to respect the fact that we are and always will be and if they don't like that, the I say "tuff doggie doo" to them.
Good luck. Let us know how the dreadful visit goes.

10-03-2004, 10:33 PM
Well, tomorrow is the big day. Jeez. :rolleyes: Sadly enough, my husband wrecked at his motorcycle race today, so we were stuck out of town while he was at the hospital. (He's ok.) I am to tired to clean now, so she'll have several things to criticize. Hopefully she'll be to mad about Mike's crash to complain about other things.

10-03-2004, 10:43 PM
This is soooooooooooo Cool Shelteez2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is your house Tonya
and I would politely & Kindly let the MIL know this !!!!!!!
Yes robinh has it down pat !!!

Originally posted by Shelteez2
I have a little sign with a poem on it that says:

These are my dogs,
This is their home.
From which I hope,
They'll never roam.

These are my dogs
They love me best.
This is their home,
You are their guest.

If dogs to you,
Are just a peeve.
Then by all means,
Feel free to leave.

I also have another sign that says:
This house is maintained for the comfort and security of my dogs.
If you cannot accept that then you can not accept me. So go away.

:D Maybe you could make a similar sign?

LOL Ok so those might cause some grief.

Honestly I really like robinh's idea of what to say. It is nice, polite and too the point.

Good luck and hang in there! :)

10-04-2004, 04:26 PM
They didn't even call or show up. :rolleyes: They give us crap that we never come to visit them, but at least we come when we say we will.

10-04-2004, 04:51 PM
So Tonya...our prayers worked!!! hehe

10-04-2004, 05:53 PM
Ha ha ! I read this too late, I was just getting ready to pray for you, I'm an expert at praying about in-laws! :D We don't get lots of company because of all my pets, too bad! If ya don't like animals, don't come to my house! :p

Shelteez2 Those sayings are great, I jotted them down :)

10-04-2004, 10:51 PM
Hehe, thanks for the prayers! Good job! I just talked to my FIL, apparently, they did try to come. The car broke down and they were stranded for three hours. Once they fixed it, they went back home. Darn. :p