View Full Version : Need help on foster...

09-30-2004, 08:25 AM
I don't know, but I think Evie her her leg just now. I was playing with her and Harry when she jumped to get the feather teaser and must have landed poorly because she screamed, hissed and ran under a cabinet. I had a devil of a time getting her out from there. She can put weight on her leg, but limps. She doesn't want to play, but sits out watching it. This happened all of fifteen minutes ago.

Does it sound like she just fell wrong and she'll be a-ok in an hour or do you think she really hurt herself? She's back to being skittish (and we worked so hard all week to get rid of that!) When I tried to lightly press on different places on her leg, she didn;t screa or flinch, so maybe it was the shock of falling wrong?

I e-mailed the poeple in charge of the rescue, but in case I don't hear anything from them soon, I knw I'd get some answers here.

09-30-2004, 08:27 AM
Kittens,are very resilient,and we think,that she will be all right! We are praying,that the Little One,one of the Found Cats Favorites,is copasetic,and all is well!

09-30-2004, 08:44 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: Aw poor Evie!! :( If you touch it and it doesn't hurt, and she's walking, then it can't be too bad. Maybe she's just limping to get attention ;) I don't know? How bad is the limp? Poor girl! Wish I had better advice...

let us know what happens!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-30-2004, 09:20 AM
It could be she just landed wrong and maybe sprained something, and the only thing that can heal that is time. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have her checked out if she's still limping, just to make sure, but what the vet told me when something similar happened with Peanut is that it just needs time to heal. He told me I could give Peanut a baby aspirin to help ease the pain and reduce any inflammation there might be.

HOWEVER - and this is important - if you do give her baby aspirin, make sure it's St Joseph's and [/b]no[/b] other brand. There is one brand and darn it I can't remember which one, but the baby version of that is lethal to kitties so be sure and use only St Joseph's!

She may be a little quiet and not join in the play as much for the next couple of days, but it'll heal and she'll be back to normal in no time. I'm sure young baby Evie will heal much quicker than old lady Peanut did, and for Peanut it was about a week.

09-30-2004, 09:53 AM
Tiger has done the same thing. He used to do "super jumps" after the feather toy and one day, he just landed wrong and limped off and on for a week.
We sort of ended the practice of enticing him to jump that high anymore. It took about 2 weeks for him to completely get over favoring the leg and start running up and down the hallways again.
We just don't think about cats spraining something - they are usually so flexible and agile!

09-30-2004, 11:21 AM
Pepper is so active and she does the same thing. She likes to leap from place to place and every now and then she'll hold her paw up like it's hurt. But, she'll let you touch and pet it. Sure hope Evie is feeling better.

09-30-2004, 11:44 AM
I think that if it was really injured that she wouldn't put any weight on it.

She probably her her pride as much as her leg. I think the best thing to do is keep her quiet and she'll bounce back.

09-30-2004, 12:04 PM
I think Catland's right... she was so stunned and spooked by hurting herself that she limped off with wounded pride. Because right now she is running around after one of those little balls with bells inside them. You'd never know she had yelped, hissed, and limped earlier.

Thank you everyone for your responses!