View Full Version : when i leave will he stay?

09-29-2004, 11:27 PM
i was thinkin i'm movin out of my parents house in less then two years!:eek: when i move out should i leave Beanie with my parents or move him with me? since he is getting older i think it would be hard on him to move,but he's also REALLY attached to me. more then anyone in the house. i ould hate to part with him,but it's not like i'd never see him again. i NEVER leaving Nashville! i LOVE it here!:D

i figgerd i should plan ahead.

09-29-2004, 11:43 PM
I am moving out also..probably in about two years also. I think I am going to take Chico with me but then again by then he might be too close to Omar and I wouldn't want to break up best buds. but he is my dog, and if my mom gets another dog as a playmate..i will take him with me. I also am going to stay in the same town.

I think if you are going to not be going very far, and you feel that he can handle it, take him. But if you feel that it will be too hard, leave him and visit often!!!!:D

09-30-2004, 07:05 AM
I think it would be harder on them both of you leave and not take them with you,, I think that pets dont care where they are,, as long as they can be with you!!

09-30-2004, 08:19 AM
I adopted a 6 month old GSD Mix when I lived with my parents, they live out in the country... had lots of land for Toby to run on, but she had to be tied up all the time because she would run away. Then 5 years later, I moved out when my hubby and I bought our house. I never thought twice about not taking her with me! She's MY dog... of course she's coming with me. But where we moved to, was not as much of a country setting as she was in before. Houses were closer, more noise, people walking down the street, things she had never come across before. She became a very nervous dog, and started snapping at people and bite the Gas man once!!! I kept her at my house for about a year, then asked mom and dad if I could bring Toby back. They said yes, that was 4 years ago, and Toby is living the good life now! She has not been tied up in years, no longer runs away, she has the run of their land! Does what ever she wants to, whenever she wants to. She is a GREAT dog!! I feel bad for moving her, and putting her through all of that. I wish is would have thought about it a little more before I did that. But I still get to see my Toby!! Here's a picture!