View Full Version : Idiot Dog Owner

09-29-2004, 03:52 PM
I wasn't actually there, but my mom took Snowy for a walk while I was at school and told me this story...

There was some guy with his dog off leash, no collar or anything. Well, the dog came up to Snowy. Well, she gets scared of other dogs, so my mom asked the man if he could call his dog away so Snowy wouldn't try to bite it. Well, the dog wouldn't come and the guy couldn't catch it. My mom ended up walking a few blocks with a dog that no one could catch and his owner following her. (The owner didn't seem to be trying very hard)

My mom was going to cross a busy street to get to the walking path, but she didn't want the dog to get hit by a care so she circled back. The dog and his owner STILL following her (The dog was just running in circles, barking, and wagging its tail) The dog decided that my mom and Snowy were no long of interest and went off to chase something else. Later, my mom saw the guy walk into his house, alone, and the dog on the other side of the street.

BUY A LEAST AND COLLAR FOR YOUR DOG! Does the guy even care? If he knows his dog isn't going to listen he should have a leash on it. But noooooo the dog didn't even have ID tags.

I hope the poor dog is ok. I think I'm going to take Snowy for a walk in the same area and if I find it, the dog is coming home with me. (It has no ID tags, how could I know it belongs to someone?:confused: )

09-29-2004, 04:49 PM
:mad: :mad: I saw something similar in my neighborhood the other day. It makes me sick. :mad: :mad:
I hope the doggie is OK. :(

09-29-2004, 05:01 PM
Sadly, I haven't had the chance to go out and lookfor it yet. Ihad to watch my little sister for my mom. I just really hope that the doggy is ok. I still can't beleive how his owner acted and just left him out there! My mom said he had very little fur, and its supposed to get down into the the high 30'sF low 40'sF tonight. Plus,we have lots of foxes and coyotes around here.

Maybe I'll take a quick walk with my dad when he gets home....