View Full Version : Pet peeves

09-28-2004, 04:31 PM
some ppl were talking about their pet peeves and I thought It'd be a good thread...

Mine is people smaking their lips or slurping when their eating... Also cell phones in reastauraunts?movie theatres

whats yours????

PJ's Mom
09-28-2004, 05:42 PM
So many...where do I begin? :D

*People who talk during movies.
*Minivan drivers who insist on going 10mph under the speed limit.
*People who put flyers on my door when there's a big "No Soliciting" sign on it.

I'm sure there's more, but I'm making myself mad. :D

Samantha Puppy
09-28-2004, 05:54 PM
Oh dear Lord, I have too many to count but I'll list what I can think of:

* People who talk during movies, plays, ceremonies and/or assemblies.
* People who make slurping/smacking sounds while they eat because they're talking at the same time.
* People who say things they know others won't like and then when others make their opinion known react by saying the opinionated person is a horrible person.
* People who go the speed limit or even just under in the fast lane on the highway.
* All the crap you have to do to change your last name.
* People who can't seem to get through their minds that, while in fact my church burning down less than two days before my wedding was unfortunate and quite the bump in the road, my wedding day was still about my MARRIAGE, not the fire. I *still* get phone calls from newspapers and news stations wanting a "follow up" on the wedding disaster... Was it really a disaster? Last I looked, I still became Mrs. Patterson at the end of the day so...
* Mothers-in-law who, most of the time are easy to get along with, sometimes forget that you and her son are grown, married adults and still tries to "boss" you around.
* My boss and his heinous breath.
* People with absolutely no couth.
* Parents who refuse to discipline their children and let them be annoying, disruptive little hellions in public.

Ummmm... that's it for now. If I think of anymore later, I'll add to the list!!

09-28-2004, 06:02 PM
I was thinking of starting a thread like this!!!!!

My main one is this:

People who ride their bike on like...the slowest gear or something, so they're pedaling a lot, but not going very far. I just hate that! Don't know why:o

09-28-2004, 06:14 PM
LOL! This might take up a whole page.

1: People who talk loud on their cell phones in restauraunts,
stores etc.
2: drivers who do not bother to signal when making
a turn.
3. People who spit in public.
4. People who throw out their cigaret buds/trash. (hello!!
lets keep our country beautiful and not trashy.)
5. Grafetti
6. People who use fowl language. (not cool)
7. People who do not listen.
8. People who do not treat others with respect.
9. People who lie, cheat, steal and worse.

I am sure I have a lot more but I can't think of them
right now.

09-28-2004, 06:15 PM
Using the phrase "same difference"

Not using your car's turn signals

09-28-2004, 06:27 PM
OMG there are too many to think of! Heres a few:

*When a friend/schoolmate has a HUGE binder that is always on my stuff/books!!!:mad:**coughcough-KRISTEN-coughcough***

*When people say mooooot-zerella instead of Mot-zerella
*People who say aygss instead of eggs,malk instead of milk, or like seerup instead of syrup

*People who "count" how many times you say Like or Um

*When kids say "lets go ladies" on sports teams... trying to sound like a coach.

*When people splosh around there mac&cheese or any type of food like that- that makes a really annoying discusting sound.

*People who chew with their mouths open.

*Rubberbands connecting the top and bottom of braces...(I know they cant help it if they need them.. they just bug me.)

*People who say "your so tall!" Nooo, I didnt notice! :rolleyes: (Im 5'7 and only 13)

*Stunned silence- I HATE when it is so quiet and then all you hear is like the ticking of a clock, or the rustle of someones clogged nose!!! UGHHH!!! THAT DRIVES ME NUTS!!!! :mad:

As you can see, I am a very nervous and jerky person. :p

There are so many more I cant think of or explain.

09-28-2004, 06:40 PM
*People standing real close to me at the checkout line! Please give me some space!

*People that don't use their turn signals when they are turning off!

*People that pull out in front of you when you are only a few inches away from them

*People talk with food in their mouth*yuck!*

*People that chew with their mouth open

*People drive 10 miles or more under the speed limit

09-28-2004, 06:48 PM
OH GOSH.....should I even go there?

- I HATE IT when people ride my butt on the road, don't use signals, flip you off for no reason, try running you off the road, etc.
- I work in retail as a Merchandiser in a grocery store, NOT for the store however. SO that being said, I hate it when people say: DO YOU WORK HERE?
- I can't stand when adults let their children go wild in the store or anywhere in general & have no disipline! Of course then again, I see a lot of adults who were probably NEVER disiplined as children as well!:rolleyes:
- I don't like being a home owner & having idiotic neighbors who ENJOY, "probably live life" just to cause problems for others!
- I LOVE animals don't get me wrong but, have some respect & clean up your dogs doodoo when they go in your yard!:p
- I'll just end it there....or it could take up 3 pages!!!:p

09-28-2004, 06:52 PM
Many of the above plus:

1. grown ups that cut in line right in front of my kids if I am not standing right by them.

2. rude sales clerks

09-28-2004, 07:12 PM
A whole lot mentioned. Popping gum being the worst! There's a woman at work that does this for hours! I about climb the walls trying to ignore it. Also, people that put "like" in all their sentences for like, every other word!! People that sense you're having a bad day then make comments on it. As if that will make you feel better. People that misuse their Welfare money and other people that deserve it aren't allowed to have it for some reason. Screaming kids when out shopping and the "mother" it's with not doing or saying anything to stop them.

09-28-2004, 08:38 PM
~Gum (gum popping and just gum in general, it makes me sick to my stomach to see it.)

~People who cut you off when there is no one behind you.

~I work at Mc Donalds, so I can't stand it when people order in drive thru and you can't figure out which person is ordering because everyone in the car is screaming for something they want.

~My hubby not putting down the toilet seat when he's done! (That is a huge one for me.)

~Kids screaming or misbehaving with no parental control.

~People in the express lane in the grocery store that have more than 10 items and hold up the whole line because the lane is suppose to go faster. (Hello it would if you people wouldn't go through the line with 50 thousand items.)

~People whining about every little thing that happens to them.

~Phone calls while I am trying to take my daily nap.

~People thinking animals are just 'animals' and not part of the family.

There are alot more, but I will stop now before my post goes on to page 2 and 3.

09-28-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by swimma253
OMG there are too many to think of! Heres a few:

*People who "count" how many times you say Like or Um

I do that. I can't help it... I count in my head how many times someone says it..
It gets on my nerves so bad when someone says "Um" Or "Like" every 5 minutes. Someone I know always says "So, um, like yeah......" That makes me want to scream.

I have a lot of pet peeves. but I'm in a fairly good mood and don't want to start ranting..

09-28-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by caseysmom
Many of the above plus:

1. grown ups that cut in line right in front of my kids if I am not standing right by them.

OMFG! That one makes me sooooo mad! We were just at Dairy Queen the other day and I sent my son up to buy a soda. He was standing at the register and she walked right up and stepped in front of him. I got up from my seat and said something to her and she told me that she didn't see him. Whatever, he's 4'6...that's tall enough to see. :rolleyes:

Also, when adults hit my kid in the head with their shopping bags because they aren't paying attention. AND then just look at him and don't appologize. What, kids don't deserve an apology?

09-28-2004, 09:43 PM
I forgot the biggest one!

People that Snarf...okay definition ....clearing sinus passages very loudly and wet sounding...yuk makes me want to puke...I am surrounded by snarfers at work!

09-28-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by caseysmom
I forgot the biggest one!

People that Snarf...okay definition ....clearing sinus passages very loudly and wet sounding...yuk makes me want to puke...I am surrounded by snarfers at work!

Something worse then snarfing...I work in construction with a bunch of uncivilized men. They plug one nostril and shoot their snot out of their nose onto the ground instead of blowing it. One time, I asked for tissue and a guy was all "Just blow it out." and then he demonstrated. I said "No thanks, I have some dignity and pride left."

PJ's Mom
09-28-2004, 10:09 PM
That's called a "snot rocket". My 1st hubby was an icky mechanic and did that all the time. Always made me sick. :mad:

09-28-2004, 10:12 PM

09-28-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
That's called a "snot rocket". My 1st hubby was an icky mechanic and did that all the time. Always made me sick. :mad:

iww for real! :eek:

09-28-2004, 10:54 PM
I have many, but for the moment I'm just going to post the ones related to customers at work.

People who walk in for their appointment and you go to check them in and they get a cell phone call...so instead of ignoring it, or answering it and saying they'll call back...they stand there and talk for 5 minutes while I have to wait for them. Usually I'm really busy so its really frustrating.

People who are late for appointments and don't even say they are sorry. I've had people walk in more than an hour late and don't even apologize or ask if we can still groom their dog. They EXPECT us to, and would be pissed if we said no. Um ok so our time doesn't matter?

People who let their kids run wild in the store and the salon. I've had kids barking and howling at dogs, climbing on the railing, etc. and parents that don't even look over! I also HATE it when parents have their kids call to make an appointment. Every 2 seconds they are having to make me hold while they go and ask their mom or dad....why can't the parents just call?

Not related to work but it drives me crazy when people say "nucular" instead of "nuclear" and "simular" instead of "similar." Double negatives annoy me too, though I know I slip and say them as well. Example: "I didn't do nothing!" What you really mean is that you didn't do anything, but when you say you "didn't do nothing" that mean's you did something. Ok that didn't even make sense lol.

09-29-2004, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by molucass
I do that. I can't help it... I count in my head how many times someone says it..
It gets on my nerves so bad when someone says "Um" Or "Like" every 5 minutes. Someone I know always says "So, um, like yeah......" That makes me want to scream.

I have a lot of pet peeves. but I'm in a fairly good mood and don't want to start ranting..

LOL I guess Im not one to talk, because this girl I know says, "And stuff like that..." after evey sentence... and it was driving me nuts. So one day I said to her, "Do you really have to say and stuff like that after every sentence?!?!"

Carly :p

09-29-2004, 08:51 AM
I am the queen of pet peeves. I have so many.

- repetition
- people with no common sense
- not using your turn signal
- people in the left lane who go the speed limit or slower
- people who litter
- not rinsing your dish before putting it in the sink or dishwasher
- writing "u r" instead of "you are" ( and other abbreviations like that)
- not putting the lid on the toilet down (not just the seat, but the lid too)
- toilet paper that is under rather than over.
- parents who don't discipline their kids.
- superstitious people
- when people make-out and hang all over each other in public.
- people who talk with food in their mouth
- people chewing with their mouths open
- people who look down upon me because I didn't go to college
- people who don't know us but think Justin and I got married too young
- people who look down on us because of our pets and the live WE'VE chosen for ourselves.
- people who "breed" mutts
- people who think they are the only one with problems
- when people leave water running
- when people fill the sink with cold water to wash dishes
- when people not in my conversation stand over my shoulder to listen, especially when I'm on the phone.
- people who get into my paperwork on my desk at work.

I know there's more, but that's all for now.

*edit* I just remembered a couple more
- when people write alot, it's two words not one, a lot.
- when people say "I could care less", the phrase is actually "I couldn't care less".

09-29-2004, 12:22 PM
Ooo I have more!

People that take the handicapped spot when they don't have a permit

Spelling mistakes in advertisements/publications. I can understand someone misspelling words in everyday life, that's not a problem for me. But when you publish something, take the time to proofread!!


At work - when I answer the phone and people just start ranting about something. Could you slow down and tell me WHO YOU ARE first? That way I could look up your account and actually help you?

Answering the phone with "Yello?" instead of "Hello" (my grandpa always did that).

People (Americans especially, I understand the Brits doing it) leaving the "h" silent in the following words:
LEARN TO ASPIRATE. It's not that hard.

Men calling me "Sweetie" at work. I cannot express how much that makes me want to reach through the phone or across the counter and choke that person.

When famous people name their kid stupid names (Moon Unit, Denim, Seven, Apple, Fifi-Trixibelle, Camera, Rainbow, Pilot Inspektor - COME ON!)

Not using punctuation when you type. For example:
"like omg there was this guy n i was like omg u r so hott he said i wuz 2 we went 2 th store n there was this girl there she was totally stoopid n so we left n went 2 the movies then we watched a movie it was great then we went 2 my house n ate popcorn l8tr he went home n it was like so totally cool"

Any time I ever mention that I was on my high school dance team & colorguard and therefore had to go to band camp with the band, I hear, "This one time, at band camp..." YOU'RE SO ORIGINAL!!! THAT'S SO FUNNY!!! WOW!! I'VE NEVER HEARD ANYONE SAY THAT BEFORE!!! :mad:

09-29-2004, 12:37 PM
I just thought of another one I know alot of people do it. Is when a person calls a female animal a "He" and a male animal a "She"

09-29-2004, 01:13 PM
*gum popping
*people who make way to much noise when they eat
*stupid neighbors
*people that get a dog and leave them chained up to a dog house in the back yard their entire life:mad:
*loud booming car stereo's
*two faced/back stabbing people
*when people ask my hubby and I when we are going to have kids
*people that LOVE to start arguments
*people that crave attention
*immature adults

The last one is about my job.
I rent wheelchair accessible vans, and I can't stand it when someone calls to rent one and we are booked up, and they say:

"Don't you know I'm handicapped,you have to help me"

Uh.... yeah...almost everyone I talk to is!!! :rolleyes:

09-29-2004, 01:16 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by lizzielou742
[B]People (Americans especially, I understand the Brits doing it) leaving the "h" silent in the following words:
LEARN TO ASPIRATE. It's not that hard.

I wasn't aware we Brits did leave the 'H' off certain words!


09-29-2004, 01:16 PM
Snarfing is DISGUSTING!!!

Another one for me is:
When I answer the phone at work, I say, "Good morning/afternoon, [company name here], this is Elizabeth, how can I help you?"

50% of the time the answer is, "Is this ____?" always with some other company's name in the blank.

NO DUDE, what did I just say?!?!

OK sorry.

09-29-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
I wasn't aware we Brits did leave the 'H' off certain words!


I don't know if you all do or not, I just read somewhere that it's acceptable in Britain, but not here in the States. Don't know why that is...but it still gets on my nerves!

09-29-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
Spelling mistakes in advertisements/publications. I can understand someone misspelling words in everyday life, that's not a problem for me. But when you publish something, take the time to proofread!!

I saw a bumper sticker the other day on a car that said "Scarry Kerry." I wanted to say to the person "So you're saying Kerry has a lot of scars?" :p (obviously was supposed to say Scary Kerry).

As for peeves... I probably pretty much have the same common ones already listed. One personal one I suppose is when my hubby comes upstairs to ask me something and I'm in my office and he yells out "JESS!!?" as if I'm a mile away. :p Sometimes really startles me too if it is very quiet. :D

09-29-2004, 01:24 PM
*people whp talk to other people while on the phone with you, and dont tell you to hold on, or cover the phone.

*overweight animals-drives me up the wall, every time I see one, I just wanna rip my hair out.

09-29-2004, 01:30 PM
I have a lot of Grrrrrrs as I like to call em...especially lately!

~Don't cut me off to get into the fast lane in a trafic jam. In case you hadn't noticed, we are all moving at the SAME SPEED! Try not to hit my car, please! Grrrrr

~If you borrow my car (hint roomate) try not to burn up the clutch. Grrrrrr I hate when people leadfoot my clutch.

~Although small, my car exists, please be aware of that next time you are parking your big fat truck and refrain from scraping and or denting it. Grrrrrrrrr

~Ancient people on the highway, attention the speed limit is 65 mph. Going 45 is not going to keep you any safer. Grrrrrr

~To my boss: If I don't know what your presentation is about, how am I supposed to prepair it? Help me out here grrrrrrrr

I could go on....really :p but some of them have already been mentioned like

"When I answer the phone at work, I say, "Good morning/afternoon, [company name here], this is Elizabeth, how can I help you?"

50% of the time the answer is, "Is this ____?" always with some other company's name in the blank.

NO DUDE, what did I just say?!?!

OK sorry" I get that a lot, just change the name lol...grrrrrr

And sorry pitc9, Im one of those idiots with the loud stereo, but unlike most people you can actually hear the words to the songs too ;) and I turn mine down after 9 pm and dont have it loud til 10 am :)

smokey the elder
09-29-2004, 03:12 PM
News anchors who cannot speak clearly.

Typos in captions on the news, etc. Proofread, people!

Teeth sucking *shudder*.


People who don't use turn signals properly (either turn them on when not needed, or not use them when needed.)

People who diss my cats ("It's only a cat...")

People who cannot keep an appointment or commitment, and don't let you know.

People who are bigger nitpickers than I am.:D :p ;)

09-29-2004, 03:30 PM
I have a lot too.

People who are ALWAYS late. You invite them for dinner at 6 and they show up at 8...when almost everyone else is getting ready to leave. :rolleyes:

People listening to me when I'm on the phone, or reading my IM's when I'm chatting. :p I don't like anyone *out of the conversation* coming into it. :o

People making out in public, at school, etc. Ugh! That gets on my nerves. If you MUST show each other affection, please do so where no one else can see. :rolleyes:

Girls who go up to any random guy driving a nice car and say *Are you single?* I've been noticing that a lot at college and it bugs me. :p

People who constantly make promises and break them.

People who never pick up their phone when they ARE at home. SO frustrating when you need to talk to them about something important.

People who judge others without even knowing them.

People who let their dogs poop in the lawns of neighbors and don't pick it up.

Children (or even adults) that are picky about every type of food that exists.

I could go on and on.

09-29-2004, 03:51 PM
-- People who think their pets are better than everyones.
I swear..... like Pet Talk says "EVERY PET IS SPECIAL"

--People who are close-minded

--Secretive people

--When people put their beliefs in front of someone's life (EX: Gay marriages)

--Hearing people eat. It drives me INSANE.

--When people change plans at the last minute.

-When the television is really loud. Hello, unless you are 90 years old and half deaf, it does not need to be as loud as it can get..DAD!!

--People who NEVER put their dogs on a leash.

--Ugh, I hate when people are oh-so-angelic to you in the open yet in private they're complete snobs, thus when you act the way they are to you you're seen as the "evil one".

--When people turn 18+ and think they are so much better than people under the age of 18. As if a number gives them some sort of royalty?

--When the "older generation" constantly bashes on the "new generation's" music, style, etc.

--When people SMELL! GOSH.. how hard is it to bathe once in a while?

I could probably go on. :p

09-29-2004, 04:12 PM
Heres another that REALLY gets me...

When Im on the phone with a friend, and they say somthing rude under their breath, and Im like "What?" And their like I didnt say anything. And Im like I know for a fact you did what did you say?" "Nothing." "Seriously what did you say?" "I just said nothing." etc. etc. etc..!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For goodness sakes just spit it out!!!!!:mad:mad:mad:

09-29-2004, 04:12 PM
-When the television is really loud. Hello, unless you are 90 years old and half death, it does not need to be as loud as it can get..DAD!!

Ugh! It is like that when I go to my parents house. You can't even sit there and talk to them because it is so loud. Especially when there is a Nascar race on.

09-29-2004, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Tina
Especially when there is a Nascar race on.

Um.. since when do you need to hear the humming of engines? :p

09-29-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Tina
I just thought of another one I know alot of people do it. Is when a person calls a female animal a "He" and a male animal a "She"

I hate that too.:mad: Justin's mom always calls my dogs by the wrong gender.:rolleyes:

09-29-2004, 05:23 PM
Oh boy! Where do I start??

-bad drivers(there are MANY things that drive me nuts on the road)
-people who don't control their dogs (there are leash laws)
-people who don't control their kids
-people asking me "what do you feed that thing?" when I'm walking my dog.
-people asking me "Do you put a saddle on that thing?" when walking my dog
-people who let their dogs and/or kids run up to my dog without asking when out on in public
-people who let their dogs bark incessantly
-people who stop me at work to ask for directions(sorry but if you're going to an area you don't know...GET A MAP!)

09-29-2004, 05:30 PM
I have a few:

-Dogs outside all day and all night barking and their owners don't do anything about it:mad:

-Snobby popular kids at school who think they're sooooooo perfect:rolleyes:

-People who go on and on about how much better their dog is than mine:mad: i HATE people like that, I think all dogs are equal.

-People who snap and pop their gum.

-People who amke alot of noise and talk while they have a mouth full of food.

-Kids who stick gum on other peoples lockers at school:mad: I think that's disgusting and very rude!

-I HATE it when I see cats roaming around the city with no I.D tags or anything (sorry if any of you do this) I just don't understand how hard it is to put a harness and a long leash in your back yard so your cat can go outside.

-People who walk their dogs off leash when they shouldn't! They made a leash law for a reason! I have seen so many dogs this year get hit by cars because of irresponsible owners.

I'm sure I have a few more, I just can't think of them right now.

09-30-2004, 01:07 PM
I thought of three more.

- When people mispronounce names or common words. For example: my bosses cats name is Oxana (pronounced Ox- Anna), but one of the girls I work with call her Ox-on-a. It drives me nuts.

- When people shorten my pets names or give them nicknames. The same girl calls my cat, Oliver, Ollie. I grit my teeth and kindly correct her. She does that all the time, and not just with Oliver, but others too.

- Also "baby talk", I hate it. I can handle mild baby talk, but when you start saying "foodzies" instead of "food" then you've gone too far.

09-30-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by pitc9
[BThe last one is about my job.
I rent wheelchair accessible vans, and I can't stand it when someone calls to rent one and we are booked up, and they say:

"Don't you know I'm handicapped,you have to help me"

Uh.... yeah...almost everyone I talk to is!!! :rolleyes: [/B]

I work for the phone company, and I hear that alot, especially when I used to be a service rep. "You can't disconnect my phone...I am handicapped..." Well, then, maybe you shouldn't have racked your phone bill up with all those 1-900 calls. Pay your bill and you'll get a phone! (BTW, even when we disconnect the phones, they are always able to dial 911...so safety isn't a concern.)

09-30-2004, 01:29 PM
Oh! A BIG work related one....People who confuse us (telephone company) with cable tv or power.

I get things like:

Idiot: "Mam, are you working on my line, my cable is out."
Me: "No, I am not. I am working on your neighbor's telephone line."
Idiot: "Mam, are you working on my line, my cable is out."
Me (louder): "No, I am not. I am working on your neighbor's telephone line."
Idiot: "Mam, are you working on my line, my cable is out."
Me (shouting): "No, I am not. I am working on your neighbor's telephone line."
Finally, I come all the way down off of the pole...
Me: "I work for the PHONE COMPANY, not cable tv. I do not touch cable tv, and I know nothing about cable tv. You will need to call the cable tv company."
Idiot: "Well, can you come check out my cable?"
Me: "I cannot, I work for the phone company, not the cable company."
Idiot: "Well can you come fix it? I think you may have accidently disconnected my cable instead of my neighbors."
Me: "Mam, I am not anywhere near the cable lines, I am working on the phones."
Idiot: "Ok, sorry. So, do I just call your company to have a repairman come out?"
*edit* I forgot a part...then they say (if they even get it) "Are you sure?" I am damned sure what I am working on. You can't confuse power, cable tv, and phone lines. It's impossible and deadly.

Or the classic pick up line I get literally weekly...And every guy snickers like he's original...
"Hey, baby...My power is out, wanna come fix it?"

Read the truck...I am the phone company, not the power company!

09-30-2004, 02:42 PM
Tonya, I used to work as a retail pharmacist and every once in awhile I have a similar experience. Some guy would come in to buy a box of condoms and then say something "brillant" like , "do you want to help me test them?"

As I got older that became less of an issue, but I still found it disgusting

* A pet peeve is people who play their car stereo's so loudly that you can hear them a block away.
* People who assume that you must be part of a couple to be happy (and have children).
* Cell phones and BlackBerries at dinner/movie/visiting, etc.
* A game of "one up manship", who knows the most important/famous/powerful people (hey I live in DC and that is an issue here ;) ).
* People who complain all the time but do nothing to change their circumstances.
* People who assume that because I am a (small) female that I can not do any repair work around the house :rolleyes:

I could keep going, but that is definitely a start ;)

09-30-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I said "No thanks, I have some dignity and pride left."

And the boogie stuck in your nose....;) :eek: :confused: :D


People who do the walkie talkie thing on their phones....






They move in front of the sign that asks people NO to use cell phones in the area.:confused:


WARNING: Yelling into a cell phone will not make you heard on the other end of the line.

guster girl
10-13-2004, 08:50 PM
When people mispronounce shih tzu. Like sh*t zoo. OMG. That makes me want to scream!

10-13-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
-- People who think their pets are better than everyones.
I swear..... like Pet Talk says "EVERY PET IS SPECIAL"

--People who are close-minded

--Secretive people

--When people put their beliefs in front of someone's life (EX: Gay marriages)

--Hearing people eat. It drives me INSANE.

--When people change plans at the last minute.

-When the television is really loud. Hello, unless you are 90 years old and half deaf, it does not need to be as loud as it can get..DAD!!

--People who NEVER put their dogs on a leash.

--Ugh, I hate when people are oh-so-angelic to you in the open yet in private they're complete snobs, thus when you act the way they are to you you're seen as the "evil one".

--When people turn 18+ and think they are so much better than people under the age of 18. As if a number gives them some sort of royalty?

--When the "older generation" constantly bashes on the "new generation's" music, style, etc.

--When people SMELL! GOSH.. how hard is it to bathe once in a while?

I could probably go on. :p

oh my gosh...I just HAD to comment on this. I was walking with one of my friends and her dog and I had Heidi with me. Well we met TWO people who had there dog off leash, and its in town, and I was bending over helping my friend with something and this one guy calls his dog to him, and her name was Heidi and Heidi thought he was calling her, and so she went running to him (she was on a leash), and she pulled me over and I hit my head on the pavement!!! :mad: I was SO mad....why couldn't the guy put his dog on a leash? That all could have been avoided. And then someone else had their dog off leash and it came running up to Heidi...what kind of people are these? Idiots! :mad: My dog could have been dog aggresive (which shes NOT) and ripped your dog apart cause it was a little Boston Terrier. Blah! :mad: :rolleyes:

Oh, and I was just curious, why does it bother you if people are secretive? I mean I don't share a lot with people...just curious.

Oh I DEFINATELY agree with the whole "people take a bath...its not going to kill you". i had a piano teacher once who as soon as you walked into his house you gaged. It stunk SO bad in there-from B-O. :eek: :o Nasty....and he was SO unkept and everything. Yuck!

10-21-2004, 01:55 PM
I've been thinking of some pet peeves. Here are some:

When people make excuses for why their dog is aggresive/mean or why they misbehaved. I dunno that just erks me.

When I am in my room doing something, and someone comes into my room to give me something/tell me something and then leaves, and doesn't shut the door "proper" meaning where you have to turn the knob to open it. That REALLY bugs me! :mad: I have no idea why.

People who run their dogs next to their vehicles...I won't go into that. :o

When people think they are right, but the facts point otherwise and they STILL think they are right. hello?!? You're not always right, ya know!

People who think they are know it alls. :mad:

People get involved in other peoples busy, when it doesn't even involve them. Nosey people, busy buddies, etc.

When people get mad at someone and don't like them simply because they like the same person they like even though they ARE NOT dating...that bugs me!

People who abuse animals. :mad: :mad:

People who get an idea in their head and they stick to it and tell everyone about it, like for instance, my aunt just got new neighbors and they have 4 dogs and I wanted to go over and see them, so I had my grandma stop and I knocked and asked the lady if I could see her dogs. They were the SWEETEST things!! She had 2 boxers which she got in Germany because her husband is in the Air Force, and so they were stationed their for awhile, and they have a German Whirehair and German Shorthiar. Well my grandma stayed in the vehicle and one fo the boxers was barking at her, and so the lady put her inside because she didn't want her to jump and scratch the car. Well then my grandma says later on our way home, that shes not going to go over there again because she doesn't trust that dog because it was barking and foaming at the mouth! :rolleyes: My dog foams when she gets excited or hyper, and I KNOW that dog wasn't vicious because it was SO sweet with me....sigh....so then she tells everyone that they have mean dogs over there! :mad: I was NOT happy about that, so I was the one defending them. Oh yeah, and their big thing is that 4 dogs in the house is A LOT....my extended family thinks that Heidi should be outside because thats where dogs belong. :mad: They have told me that too, and I have told them that we like her inside and she isn't going outside...ok sorry about the vent! :o

People who do NOT keep appointments. Grrr....that happens to my dad a lot. :mad:

When people call me "Amanda" or "Brenda" when its MIRANDA. Shesh! :rolleyes:

Well I am going to stop there because I could go on and on and on....:rolleyes:

10-21-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Something worse then snarfing...I work in construction with a bunch of uncivilized men. They plug one nostril and shoot their snot out of their nose onto the ground instead of blowing it. One time, I asked for tissue and a guy was all "Just blow it out." and then he demonstrated. I said "No thanks, I have some dignity and pride left."

LOL LOL ROFL....I'm sorry, but some of these descriptions just had me laughing! http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/catlol.gif

I agree, that IS gross!!

Ok, I am the queen of pet peeves also:
--people who tailgate
--people who dangerously weave in an out of traffic (hurry up and wait folks! There is a jam up ahead! :rolleyes: )
--people who don't use turn signals
--people who cut you off
--people who drive large vehicles, but can't park them properly in parking garages or parking lots - sure, they may technically fit in the spot, but what about opening their doors? Keep in mind there are cars on either side. Or taking up multiple spaces...ugh
--people who feel like they can run you out of a lane because their vehicle is bigger than yours
--women who are putting their make-up on while driving :mad:
--people who talk on cell phone and therefore can't concentrate on the road (I have no problem with people who can concentrate on the road while on the phone, but that's the minority out here) :rolleyes:
--people who throw their d@mn cigarettes out the window (and especially the ones that start roadside fires during our dry season) :mad:
--bad drivers in general

..gosh, is there a theme here?? *sigh*
My commute is 1.5 hours in the morning, so needless to say I deal with a lot of driving issues and annoyance!

--bad mannered children
--bad mannered adults
--people that keep reproducing, that shouldn't have in the first place
--people who leave their tiny dogs (ahem...min pins) outside where they are so cold and barking non-stop. I mean come on! This dog is all of 2 pounds and should be inside (neighbors)
--people who dump their animals
--animal abusers
--puppy mill breeders
--pet stores that sell puppy mill dogs
--people who don't leash their dogs
--indecisive people
--two-faced people
--rude people
--people who are all over each other in public (Geez! Get a room!)
--people who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom, especially in public places - yuk!
--people who drink and drive
--young kids dressing like sluts - so sad...at that age I was still playing with barbie dolls!

Ok, I should stop...or I'll just go on and on! :o LOL

10-21-2004, 03:07 PM
Just to name a few:

People who come and breathe in your face when they haven't brushed their teeth in a while

When some people, especially restaurants, are overly lazy about washing dishes and there's clumps of food stuck to the dishes.

10-21-2004, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by wolflady

--puppy mill breeders
--pet stores that sell puppy mill dogs
--rude people
--people who are all over each other in public (Geez! Get a room!)
--people who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom, especially in public places - yuk!
--young kids dressing like sluts - so sad...at that age I was still playing with barbie dolls!

Oh, I agree! I think its embarressing when you are in the mall and someones in front of you or you are in line or something and they are UNDERdressed and you see a wee bit too much...:o :eek:

10-21-2004, 04:17 PM
When people start a sentence 'I don't mean to offend you" but, well you know it's obviously going to offend you.

When shop assistants are busy carrying on a private conversation with their friend, while you are waiting to be served, this happens a lot to me, and I feel annoyed, but say nothing, one of these days , someone is going to feel the brut of my annoyance, and I feel sorry for them.

10-21-2004, 05:03 PM
People who don't vote and then complain about the outcome of elections.

10-21-2004, 07:56 PM
OOH!!!!!!! NEW ONE!!!

Probly my biggest Pet Peeve Ever!

When racing and someone beats you by like .01 seconds!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Desert Arabian
10-21-2004, 08:23 PM
* People who chew/smack extremely loud- especially gum
* People who drive way under the limit making it dangerous for those on the road
* Tailgaters- good thing my car has good breaks and does not cost much, so I can slam on the breaks and not have to car about wrecking my car "oh, I'm sorry- a deer ran in front of me"
* Rubbernecking!!! One time we were stuck in a traffic jam down south for 2 1/2 hours all to rubberneck at a RV with a blown out tire!!!
* People who bash hunters/guns when they have no clue about hunting/guns
*People who bash rats when they have no clue about rats
*Discussing polictics (especially at meals)- I hate listening to politic discussions, puts everyone in a bad mood
* Talking on cell phones while driving
* People who are late/being late in general. I try real hard to be on time.

My largest peeve...


guster girl
10-21-2004, 08:47 PM
People who don't say thank you when someone holds open a door for them.

It used to drive my ex insane, because he would always open my door, and, keep it open if someone was right behind me. And, they would very rarely even acknowledge that he'd done it. He said people in Seattle almost fell apart when he did it there, because I guess it's so unusual! But, at least they said thanks! People here really do seem to think it's your job, it's terrible.

And, these questions that I've gotten ever since Finn entered my life:

"Is that a lab or a labrador?"
"Is that a lab or a retriever?"
"Is that a lab or a labrador retriever?"
"Is that a golden lab?"

I know, I know, it's petty...but, most pet peeves are. But, it drives me absolutely batty, especially when I try to nicely say that they're the same thing (or, in the case of a golden lab, that there isn't really a breed called a golden lab), and, they get all ticked off. Ugh.

Anywhoo.....that's all for now! :)

Desert Arabian
10-21-2004, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
-When the television is really loud. Hello, unless you are 90 years old and half deaf, it does not need to be as loud as it can get..DAD!!

Oh...my..Lord..YES! AMEN! My dad is deaf too! I swear one of these days the speakers are going to blow on the TV. I was outside this summer, and all the windows were open, I was half way down the drive way and I could hear the TV crystal clear- no joke! Then another time we had an appointment to go to and my dad would NOT get off the couch, so mom went downstairs and flipped the circut breaker to turn off the TV- HAHAHAHAHA!

And I don't even want to know how loud the TV will be when he really IS hard of hearing- oy, good thing I won't be living with him! :D :D :D