View Full Version : My Dog is a Brady Bunch Fan...

09-27-2004, 03:20 PM
I thought Oz and Gully were a lil' too high brow for pop culture. Apparently, I was wrong. Up until this weekend, the only music I've found that they really respond to is Opera. Quite by accident, of course. Channel surfing one day I stumbled across an Opera on PBS and before I moved onto another channel, I noticed that they both had their heads cocked and they ears alert. Totally immersed in the music. They now have their very own Opera CD. Notice that it's theirs, not mine. :)

This weekend though, I came to discover that Gully has quite eceletic musical tastes. There was a Brady Bunch marathon on TVLand and I was watching off and on all weekend, trying to catch one of the musical episodes, which are my favorites. Last night, they finally showed the episode where they enter a talent contest, trying to raise money to pay for the Silver Platter they got for their parent's aniversary.

They begin dancing and singing the "Keep On Movin'" song and I'm singing along... "Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on, dancing all through the night. Ya gotta keep on, keep on, keep on, doing it riiiiggghhtttt"... When I get to the "Wooo" part of the song, Gully jumped up and ran to me all excited, poking his nose in my face. Hummmmmm... He's really into this. So I jump up and do my best to imitate the dance steps, while I'm singing along. Cross step, point, bend and run backwards real fast

Gully just went nutz. He was bouncing all around me, then he put his nose near my thigh and moved wherever I moved. We were dancing. Well if you can call immulating the Brady Bunch steps as dancing. :) Oz finally joined in too. Murph, of course, looked at us like we've lost our minds. (He's a Cyndi Lauper fan, so I think he sticks his nose up towards the Brady's musical stylings;))

We had so much fun, I think I'm gonna have to break out my Brady Bunch Greatest Hits CD and make this a regular activity. Maybe we can perfect their dance steps together. Ah, who knew they had so much rhythm in their souls. ;)


09-27-2004, 04:11 PM

Oh, Par!! What a wonderful story. You told it so well and I felt like I was right there. Of course I know exactly what Brady Bunch episode you are talking about so I'm sure that helped ;) Oh, how I wish I was right there with you and Gully dancing and singing away!

Alden and I always think that Katie and Tori like opera and classical music as well. Everytime we are flipping chanels or watching a show and some kind of music comes on like that I swear they look right at the tv and cock their heads listening to the music.

Keep On Movin' Par, Gully, Oz and you too little Murphy!

Robin :D

Holly's mom
09-27-2004, 10:16 PM
LOL, you are DEFINITELY going to have to catch that on video!!!:)

09-27-2004, 10:23 PM
I got such a grin out of this story Par. I hate to hark on my own memories constantly but your stories and videos often bring back memories of times with my two collie boys. In this case I remember how crazy and excited Willie would get whenever I danced. He'd leap up and just start barking and wagging his tail wildly, jumping up and down himself. He thought it was the most fun thing ever :).

I could just envision Gully dancing with you, wish I could have seen it!

09-27-2004, 10:41 PM
Freestlye dogs in the making!!!

09-27-2004, 10:45 PM
i personally love the brady's... maybe i should introduce smokey to them.

09-28-2004, 10:46 AM
Hi there Robilee! With Oz and Gully, it's usually the Sopranos that get their attention in the Operas. Love all those high pitched notes I guess. I think that's what caught Gully's attention with the Brady Bunch too. It was when I went "Woooo" that he got really interested.

Hey there Holly's mom! Oh gosh, not sure how I'd get that on video. Not to mention the fact it would involve showcasing Moi singing and dancing badly for all to see too. ;)

Hiya K9soul! Feel free to share any and all stories of Cody and Willie. I love'em! :)

Hola Cincy'sMom! I actually went internet surfing yesterday to see if I could find classes around here. As bad as I dance, I can not believe I would even consider this. I found out though that Oz's agility instructor is one of the founders of the Music Dog Organization, with the lady that has Rookie the Golden. So I shot her off an email to ask if she was giving any training lessons on freestyle. She's not currently, but she gave me the name of a friend that is and it's only about 2 miles from my house. Now I just gotta get up the nerve to call her.

Hi manda99! Can't believe somebody else is admiting to loving the Bradys too. :) I love all that old 70s bubble gum pop, The Partridges, The Osmonds, The Defrancos, The Bay City Rollers. Ah, my generation, what taste we had. ;)


09-28-2004, 11:00 AM
:D How cute. I too know the episode you mean. LOL thankyou for sharing with us.

09-28-2004, 11:24 AM
hi clover! Ah so the Bradys have even infiltrated down under eh? Their grasp has no boundries I see. ;)


09-28-2004, 11:28 AM
LOL of course :D, we also have Brady-A-Thons. I have spent whole weekends last Winter wathing the Brady Bunch LOL :o . Although it is no longer being shown on TV but come Summer it will be back on again.

09-28-2004, 12:21 PM
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who was watching the Brady Bunch marathons all weekend!!!!!!!

That sounds so cute--Jada loves to dance too:)

09-28-2004, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by ParNone

Hola Cincy'sMom! I actually went internet surfing yesterday to see if I could find classes around here. As bad as I dance, I can not believe I would even consider this. I found out though that Oz's agility instructor is one of the founders of the Music Dog Organization, with the lady that has Rookie the Golden. So I shot her off an email to ask if she was giving any training lessons on freestyle. She's not currently, but she gave me the name of a friend that is and it's only about 2 miles from my house. Now I just gotta get up the nerve to call her.

Freestyle isn't so much dancing, as it is walking in time to music. You might to a little twist here or a shuffle step there, but really you are getting the dog to do obedience to music. I leave all the spins and twirls and fancy stuff to the dogs :)

09-28-2004, 04:42 PM
I could just picture you all dancin all through the night! hehehe

09-28-2004, 09:28 PM
Oh I would love to have seen this...you must do a video lol