View Full Version : Grooming Q as well ladies and gents!

09-27-2004, 02:55 PM
Another Grooming Q HELP!!!

Kinda following PJmom from Behaviour section to here,, I need some help too!!!!!

I am TRYNG to brush Merlin and he just freaks on me!! He yelps, jumps in cirlces ,,, doesnt like it one bit! Its a nice brush,, doesnt hurt on my skin even when I press down.... its one of those good groomers brishes,, bent wire bristles,, you can brush both ways with it,,, super nice on the skin,,, so it isnt hurting him,,,, but man,, he goes nuts! I dont wanna have him turn off from it completely,, so I have tried brushing only say,,, 4 strokes and then let him go,,, its hell!!!!!!
any suggestions,, besides knocking him out??!!

09-27-2004, 03:06 PM
you mean a slicker brush? I had one of those once.. shadow was the ONLY one who liked it and she's got a sheltie coat. for the medium coated dogs I use a regular pin brush, and for shorter coated dogs like merlin I would use a curry type brush(the soft rubber knobed ones) I have found that these goes over much much better with the shorter haired dogs..

09-27-2004, 03:23 PM
Maybe try different brushes and reward him with a treat after each brushing no matter how brief the brushing. It took me nearly two years to get Lacey to really let me brush her and she still isn't great at it! Good luck! :)

09-27-2004, 03:27 PM
Hi Lorraine!

Get out some peanut butter. Have him lay down and the first few times, just run your hands over his body, while he licks on some peanut butter. Then get out the brush and run it across his body, while he's distracted with the peanut butter. Keep doing that everyday, increasing the length of time you brush him. Won't be long before he associates the brush as a really good thing, then you can just give him a treat at the end.


09-27-2004, 03:52 PM
I think I would just forget about using a slicker brush on his coat type. I don't think it's the right brush for him. Instead I would get yourself a Zoom Groom. You can get them at Walmart or in any petstore usually. They are made by Kong.
This is a great brush for both of your dog's coat types. You press the rubber knobs into the dogs coat and rub it in vigorous circles.

Here's a pic of one.


09-27-2004, 04:29 PM
thanks gang,,

Great suggestions,, I will try them all,, and see if I cant find that brush!
:) :)

09-27-2004, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
I think I would just forget about using a slicker brush on his coat type. I don't think it's the right brush for him. Instead I would get yourself a Zoom Groom. You can get them at Walmart or in any petstore usually. They are made by Kong.
This is a great brush for both of your dog's coat types. You press the rubber knobs into the dogs coat and rub it in vigorous circles.

Here's a pic of one.


This may be the best brush invented. I love this thing and so do my dogs.

The peanut butter that Leslie suggested is also a wonderful tool. With that, you can teach almost any dog that anything is good, lol.