View Full Version : Puurfect Puffy!

09-27-2004, 09:20 AM
The Found Cats,are estatic,that they get,to start,the ball rolling,o our New Pal Puffy! And we like,that there are not one,but two poses,ofOur Ebon Pal,twice as nice,for such a Purrrfect CAT! All The Found Cats,send a Mighty MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW To Puurrrrrfect Puffy COTD!

09-27-2004, 09:36 AM
How purrrfectly precious you are Puffy...such a sweet, sweet face and I love your beautiful, round golden eyes!!!:) Just the sound of your name puts a smile on my face:D What a beautiful ebony girl you are! You remind me so much of my boy Oliver, who also loves to sleep "paws up!" A good time for your mom to sneak in some extra belly rubs:D I tried to visit your and Jeb's website but it was temporarily down. I'll be sure to check back later! Puffy, I loved meeting you sweetheart and I hope today you and Jeb and your proud purrrent enjoy a very special day, celebrating your well earned Cat of the Day honors! Congratulations to you beautiful, Puffy!!! Hugs and purrrs to you Sandra and kitties Mr.B and Oliver:)

09-27-2004, 11:08 AM
Puffy, you are very, very "cute" and you really do have an intense "owl-like" look in your eyes! Our kitties love their little rattle mice too!! I wasn't able to open your other photos, but will try again later - you are such a sweet kitty. Catgratulations on being today's purrrrrfectly charming Cat of the Day!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Cat Happy Pride

09-27-2004, 12:11 PM
How beautiful you are! My black kitty, Chester, thinks so too! He likes play fetch too! I'm sure things are never boring with you around! Congratulations, sweetie, on being our very deserving Cat of the Day today!:D

09-27-2004, 12:23 PM
Puffy - you are sooooo beautiful, what a sexy girl, lol!! So sleek and pretty - and with so much character in those cute round eyes! Puffy RULES!! :) :D :)

09-27-2004, 03:31 PM
Oh, PURRty PUFFY, you are adorable!! You look so soft and shiney, and you do have an owl's exPURRession!! I would love to see you chase Jeb around in a burst of energy! I bet your naptimes really feel good after all that running and playing.

I will have to check back on your site later, as it wasn't working at the time. Can't wait to see more pictures of you! You're a beautiful baby! Thanks for starting our week off so nicely!! :cool: ;) :D

09-27-2004, 04:42 PM
:D :D :D Puffy, you are so cute!! you look so much like my kitty "Cecil" he is a Maine Coon, he also has that serious owl look to him he looks very "halloweenish"and so do you my dear little Puffy. Congrats on your special day!! P.S. I love your name, it suits you purrfectly.;)

sasha the cat
09-27-2004, 06:38 PM
Mew, PPP i.e.: PUFFY [the Purrfect Pussycat], you are soooo cute. My KatMa has flipped over you. What a sweet girly-girl kitty you are! So smart, playful! Sleeping Beauty has major competition for the Prince's kiss...that photo of you napping is very, very cute.

The Jebster is lucky to have such a fine fursister. We clicked onto the link Jeb but the site was so busy that we haven't been able to check it out. My KatMa promised we'll try again later.

Have a great day today, Miss Purrfect COTD. Live long, happy, healthy and adored by your purrsons -- and celebrate with Jeb and the folks 'cause you deserve a party.


09-28-2004, 09:31 PM
Hello, Puffy. What a pretty girl you are with your long black fur and bright eyes! I saw more pictures of you on your website; you like your picture taken, don't you? Your brother Jeb looks a lot like my little Janie because she has short black fur too. It sounds like you and Jeb have a great life, playing and napping all the day. I hope you have many happy and healthy years together and with your loving family.