View Full Version : KIWI

07-30-2000, 12:11 PM
Oh my gosh, this story about Kiwi made me cry. What a wonderful dog!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Sherry

07-30-2000, 02:57 PM
i checked out kiwi's web site.. and kiwi certainly is a wonderful dog..it is great to know that these dog are available to help when needed, and that they seem to absolutely love what they are doing......

08-07-2000, 05:06 PM
HI every one it is Kiwi's mom . I just wanted to thank you for your kind words about Kiwi. I tihnk she is rather amazing myself and can't believe I am so lucky that she is mine. We went to a cottage this past weekend and Kiwi spent most of her time swiming but when I went fishing she tried to catch the fish as I was pulling them out of the water. Doesn't she know we were NOT catching cat fish ??! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

karen israel
08-08-2000, 08:00 AM
Bless you Kiwimom..How IS Kiwi? Is she over her illness? Was very concerned. Love, Karen

01-02-2001, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by karen israel:
Bless you Kiwimom..How IS Kiwi? Is she over her illness? Was very concerned. Love, Karen

Hi Karen;

Thanks for your thoughts about Kiwi. Kiwi is doing fairly well, her epilepsy is under control for the most part. She has taken retirement with a mixed reaction, she enjoys the rest on the days she is feeling poorly. Kiwi has lost her sight in the left eye. We just finished filming a new tv series called Animal Miracles featureing Kiwi's second life saving act which happend June 3rd 2000. She pulled me out of a chemicle spill and burned her face and paws doing so. Now we are starting filming on another dog show series.....WHEW doens't Kiwi know she is retired! She is doing a lot of public appearences and teaching children about service dogs and dog safety. Her trainee is comeing along nicely at 7 months she is further ahead than any of the service dogs we have trained in the past, I think that is due to Kiwi's involvement in her training. We have put together a foundation in Kiwi honor to train service dogs for children with disabilities. So far we have 7 pups in training. I think now I need ot retire it is hard to keep up with this dog some days. I just thank God every day that she is still with me.