View Full Version : Story For School(it is upsetting)

09-25-2004, 03:38 PM
Here is the story I wrote for school. It had to be about an escape. I cryed while writing it:( Some ideas came from images found on google while looking up only rabbit!:(

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Once there was a rabbit, #25844, that’s right she didn’t have a name, she was a meat rabbit, her breed was New Zealand White. Her crystal blue-red eyes, frightened, cold, lost. Her silky white fur was soiled with urine and feces from the rabbit caged above her. She lived in the smallest, crammed cage ever, fed only on bland pellets which were moldy, her water, which was never changed, had urine in it from yes the rabbit above her. She had no room to turn around, joints sore, this was so she would get plump for eating. Often bred for more babies to be sold for meat. This rabbit sat sickly in the corner of her cage, watching as a rabbit was hung by his hind legs and beaten to death with a metal pole. Blood splattering everywhere, on her and the other rabbits, the horrible screams coming from the rabbit stressed her out, thinking she could be next. She tried not to watch but was drawn to the scene, she could not stop glaring sadly at this rabbit, finally his body went limp and she knew he was at a better place. She turned her beautiful rabbit face, straight, long whiskers, and her pink button nose moving a mile a minute, then closed her eyes as they skinned the rabbit that sired many of her litters. Then the human came, bloody handed, and plucked her out of her cage, her eyes wide, heart beating faster and faster, then the human set her on a dirty, carpeted table, she recognized this table, it was the breeding table. The human left, then came back with a buck, messy as she, placed him on the table, he chased her, lust as can be, she ran and ran until she couldn’t run anymore, finally she accepted him, he thrusting then falling off her with a joyful squeal, got up did this a few more times then the human grabbed her and put her back in her cage. BANG! There was a shot, she bare not look, she heard the muffled voices of the humans in the next room, “ya killed another?” said one human, “yes” replied the other “an’ I bred him with the fattest, best doe we’s got, there’s

09-25-2004, 03:39 PM
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sure to be some awesome offspring”. She didn’t like the sounds of that! Hoping she’d have only few kits or possibly none so they wouldn’t have to go through this insane, horrible torture, the torture she and the others were going through.

31 days later she kindled a beautiful litter of six. The humans looked in on her and “hey look!” one said “she finally kindled”. The human reached his dirty hand in; the frustrated doe lunged and bit him really hard. “God damn you rabbit!” he snarled as hit her across the face. He grabbed the babies one by one and put them in a dirty, blood stained basket. “I’m gonna check these here babies for faults” said one human to the other “you get the fire started!” The does eyes got big, she worried for her kits lives. She scratched at the wire grunting and growling. The human picked up the babies one by one “this one” he said “is not big or healthy enough” he passed it to his partner who then threw it in the open fire. The doe cringed as she heard her baby’s squeals of pain, then all was quiet. The human placed the rest of the babies back in with their mom then grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. “How’d you like that you stupid doe?!” he said spitting in her face, then he threw her back in her cage.

As days wore on the babies started dieing from malnutrition and disease. There was now only one baby left, a little soft white doe. The humans took the baby away from her mother, “This one is goings to be a great breeding doe, then we can use her for meat” the humans looked at one another, and then grinned evilly. The doe just couldn’t bare this anymore, she just couldn’t. The humans then grabbed her, “as for you, you will be bred again”. She was placed on the yucky table again, they grabbed a beautiful black buck, he was the most handsome rabbit she’d ever seen. He didn’t go right at her like all the other bucks, he groomed her and snuggled her, making friends. “Get it on you damn rabbits” said

09-25-2004, 03:39 PM
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the human in his raspy voice, and eww he smelled of onions. The human placed the buck on top of her who was now lusty, he did his business and was put back in his cage, so was she. This was the greatest days of her life, meeting this beautiful young buck who showed her nothing but love and respect, and yes some lust. But before when she was just a young kit she lived with a nice family who gave her nothing but love then they sold her to this place not knowing anything about their meat rabbits. She knew she had to get out of this prison. She devised a plan; next time breeding she would escape.

35 days later she still didn’t kindle her litter. “Damn” the human said, “I’ll try to get her pregnant with that buck again”. “She must have absorbed the babies from stress” the female human frowned. Again to the breeding table, with that gorgeous buck again. No mating this time. She communicated with soft easy grunts to the buck saying “Escape with me”. The buck decided he would, so they jumped off the breeding table, she went first, looked up waiting for him, he jumped down but he twisted around landing on his back and neck, instantly killing him. She hopped over quickly, sadly, sniffing him, just then she heard “HEY!!!!” it was a human, she ran around the Rabbitry, him shooting at her. Finally she climbed a top of the cages, escaping out and open basement window. “AHH!” screamed the human “that doe got away and that buck killed himself!”
Finally she was free, she sniffed the fresh air, nibbled some grass, she couldn’t believe it, she FREE?! This didn’t last long as one of the human’s Dobermans chased her, he grabbed her then gently dropped her at the human’s feet, “good dog” he said in his grungy, pathetic voice. He tied her by the feet, he started whacking her with that metal pole, one: she felt the most pain she had ever felt from head to toe, two: she felt blood all over and started screaming a plea for help, knowing there was nobody to

09-25-2004, 03:40 PM
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save her, three: she felt numb, the pain was gone, four: she saw that tunnel, sparkly and bright, five: she floated up it feeling all the love and happiness ever, when she reached the top the black beauty of a male greeted her and they hopped away, happily, in the soft pinky-purple clouds.
Though she had only escaped for 10 minutes before, this time she escaped again… from pain, torture, stress…life.

d !

09-26-2004, 05:25 PM
holy... what grade are u in?? Good story a bit graphic though for school??? Good job though

09-26-2004, 05:27 PM
Grade 9. lol! thnx:D