View Full Version : I can always count on my Father. LOL

09-24-2004, 11:25 PM
I just had to share this, there's nothing like the love of a Father. :rolleyes:

My Father called this morning to see what our plans were for the hurricane and if we had a place to go if we need to. He said he is really concerned about us. Nice of him, right? Well he then goes on to tell me that they are going back to the Condo in Tampa, for the hurricane, sense Port St. Lucie, where he lives, is in the path again. So they are leaving, great, I wont have to worry about him, now.

But here where you can count on him, he then says to me, You have the key to the house in Port St Lucie right?
ME: Yeah I have a key, why?
Father: In case you want to come here and ride it out. Just do me a favor, if the power goes out, could you clean out the fridge.
Me: Sure no problem. Thanks for the offer, but I think we are staying here this time.
Father: ok but you know you are always welcome here at the house.
Me: thanks, I know that.

Do you see something wrong here. lol

He's leaving that area because of the hurricane and then says he's worried about us. SO HE OFFERS US THE HOUSE IN PORT ST. LUCIE!!!! :confused: The house that's not safe enough for him!

I got off the phone and couldn't help but laugh. I love that man but something I have to wonder about him. Did he really think this one out.

Sure, I'll want to go to the house closer to the path....................... Not.

Nothing like a Father's love right. LOL At least he gave me a laugh for the day.

09-24-2004, 11:58 PM
Haha, how considerate of him! That sounds like something my mother would do.

09-25-2004, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Haha, how considerate of him! That sounds like something my mother would do.

That's exactly what I was thinking. My mom would be the one to say that too.

09-25-2004, 06:51 AM
That would be like ME offering you Shelter at OUR House!!!!!
See Address below Delidog Name!!!;)

Here we go Again!!!!
Another Week,Another Hurricane!!!!:eek:

09-25-2004, 09:21 AM
Yeah you have to love a man that offers you shelter in a area that most are leaving. LOL

I know somewhere in his mind he had a reason for his thinking, I just doen't know what it is. :confused:

After the Storm is over, I will have to ask him, what where you thinking sending your only daughter towards danger? I'm sure theres some odd off the wall reason.

That would be like ME offering you Shelter at OUR House!!!!!

What, You don't want to have a small PT meet in Port St Lucie this weekend?? LOL ;) OH yeah that's right........a hurricane is coming, again. :rolleyes:

I think I'll take shelter right here, not safe but safer, for sure.
Good luck to you Delidog, I'll be think about you, stay safe.

09-25-2004, 09:30 AM
Thanks FoxGal!!!
Its' headed for a Direct Hit...Pt.St.Lucie...Ft.Pierce....
And Now it has Grown in Strength and Size!!!!
It is up to a Cat.3....And is not out of the question of being a Cat.4!!!
I do Not NeedThis!!

09-25-2004, 10:34 AM
Libby, sounds like my mother! Nothing like the love a daddy!
