View Full Version : How's Birdie Doing? :)

09-24-2004, 11:20 AM
I was just curious about how the little guy was doing :) I think everyone's heart is just cheering for that little guy to get better soon!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-24-2004, 11:43 AM
You know, I was thinking about Birdie last night and I was thinking that what might have happened is that when he was bitten, either a nerve or a muscle was severed and that's why his tongue doesn't work - poor little guy. I don't know if you've all come to that conclusion already.... But maybe it's something that just a minor little sir-jury can fix.

But what I was really wondering.....has Birdie been tested for all the nasty kitty diseases? I was just wondering because it sounds to me like what Birdie needs is a kitty friend. One that he can snuggle with and one that will help him groom himself. The other kitty might really like it because he'll get all Birdie's slobbered leftovers, and Birdie will like it because he'll be clean so maybe he'll stop pulling his hair out?

Anyway, just some thoughts I had. Still hoping and praying that his little tongue starts working.....soon! ;) :)

09-24-2004, 11:55 AM
I posted a reply to Aguu yesterday re:Birdie boy. Here's the thread

T&P's Mom, no tests done yet for FeLV/FIV as he was in no condition a few weeks ago to have blood drawn. I'll probably be getting him tested in a week or so...finances are non-existant as usual. :( He's on quarantine too, so anyone that would be a good 'cell mate' for him would have to have a rabies shot. My house gang are all vaccinated, but not too sure anyone but Chip would be willing to room with Birdie. Chip's not one to wash the others anyway. He's too goofy, and may overwhelm the Bird! :rolleyes: I'll dole out multiple kisses to him later for everyone!