View Full Version : Digging holes?

09-24-2004, 10:39 AM
Does anyone have problems with their dogs digging holes in the yard? Jada loves to dig holes and you could break your leg if you stepped in one of them. Lol. Do any of you have any suggestions on how to break her of that? Here is a picture of one of the holes she has dug. It's over to the left.


09-24-2004, 10:51 AM
Oh yeah!!!! :D You inspired me to run out and take some pictures!! I'll be back and show you some REAL holes!!!! :D

09-24-2004, 10:58 AM
LMAO. That was too funny!:D I cant wait to see your pictures.:D

09-24-2004, 10:59 AM
I have read on here recently if you place thier own feces in the holes and recover,, they wontr dig anymore,,, You can also try placing chicken wire just under the surface ,, it hurts the nails and they dont like it much....

Give it a try!!

09-24-2004, 11:01 AM


Notice what the digging has done to the nearby tree! :eek:

This would be the "dig to Australia project" :D


09-24-2004, 11:05 AM
Guilty party? You'd better believe it!!!! :D That's Honey, the chief digger at this house. :)


Not Guilty....sweet Zipper, who is outside a lot, but has NEVER been caught digging!!! :)


Here's a better shot of that Australian project. It has been underway for at least a year now. :) (and yes, there is poop in there, but it hasn't stopped the project)


Guilty? Lilly? YES YES YES!!! Even if she does look quite innocent this morning!!! :p


Murphy? No way!!! Although she does love to try and eat the dirt the others dig up!!! :)


09-24-2004, 11:17 AM
LOL! LOL! LOL! at the Australian project Logan! I think Honey has Bella beat by a mile, even in her 'digging days of old!' I was going to suggest a getting a second dog when I saw the title of this thread but I see that Jadapit already has two dogs. That's what made the change around here. As soon as we adopted Ripley, Bella stopped digging. It seems she was digging in the yard out of boredom and now she doesn't do it anymore.

I have no real suggestions for you Jadapit, although I know lots of Pet Talkers have this problem. Bella especially used to love to dig right after a rain which made for nice muddy paws! :rolleyes:

Logan, you have not mentioned Lilly. Could it be that she is a partner in crime? I hate to see Honey take the rap alone! LOL!

09-24-2004, 11:20 AM
That's some fine work by other dogs. Kayleigh would be glad to give some tunnelling lessons...

Kayleigh weighs 120 pounds and she can go into this hole, turn around and come out head first!
If you look closely, you'll see that her dog house is balanced on a tree root, she's excavated the rest of the area underneath it. She keeps her treasures down there.

Earle is also an expert digger.

Digging makes him a very happy dog!

I gave up a long time ago on getting them to stop digging. They are huskies, huskies dig. When we lived in town and had fewer dogs and much less room, Muskwa & Earle had a sandbox. I filled it with dirt and sand and then buried treasures in it for them to find. It saved our backyard.

09-24-2004, 11:23 AM
OMG:eek: Now those are some huge holes!! Makes Jadas holes look like nothing.:D My sister-in-law has a golden retriever. That dog is Mr. personality. I just love him. He always carries around at least 3 of those squeaky balls in his mouth at all times. It's so funny. Thanks for sharing those pictures!:)

09-24-2004, 11:30 AM
Oh my! Thats acutally pretty awesome that your dog dug a tunnel like that! Btw/ your huskies are so BEAUTIFUL!!
I was out walking my dogs one day and we walked by a house and there were a bunch of baby huskies out running around with their parents. OMG the parents were beautiful and the pups were just to die for they were so cute!! Have you had huskies for a long time?

09-24-2004, 11:30 AM
Geesh,,, those are indeed,,, ahem,, rather LARGE!!!!! :D :D I shouldnt laugh,, it has to be driving you crazy!!

I totally forgot to mention,,, what Glacier mentioned,, the sand box idea,,,, thats a good one!!!!

09-24-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Logan, you have not mentioned Lilly. Could it be that she is a partner in crime? I hate to see Honey take the rap alone! LOL!

Guilty? Lilly? YES YES YES!!! Even if she does look quite innocent this morning!!!

Look again, Pam! Although Lilly was comfortably resting by the door, she is a guilty party, for sure!!!! :D

The problem here, Jadapit, is multiplied by the fact that we have red clay. It gets really, really hard and we can't refill the holes easily!!! :eek: I've tried rocks (as you can see). I've tried poop in the holes. I've tried everything possible, and as you can see, they just go find another place to dig! :o Obviously, the is the eyesore of my yard, which is why my dogs have a contained space and not full run of the yard!


09-24-2004, 11:33 AM
Pam, you didn't mention your "blue bucket". I have always loved that Bella knew she had to dip her paws before coming inside!! :)

09-24-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Logan
Pam, you didn't mention your "blue bucket". I have always loved that Bella knew she had to dip her paws before coming inside!! :)

How well I remember those days! :D It must have been raining this particular day because I had her 'soak those tootsies' inside! LOL!
Sorry, I didn't see the note about Lilly! :o At least Honey is not alone in her shame! LOL!

09-24-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Jadapit
Have you had huskies for a long time?

Only about seven years. Muskwa was my first husky. He turns seven next month. He was about five months old when I met him--He was actually my now husband's dog. They were a package deal. I wanted the man, so I made it my mission to make friends with his dog. Along the way I fell in love with both of them and the husky breed.

Samantha Puppy
09-24-2004, 12:11 PM
Samantha used to, especially before her first birthday, but we'd monitor her whenever she went outside and if she started to dig, we'd open the door and say "NO!" very sternly. It only took us a few weeks to completely break her of it.

09-24-2004, 07:26 PM
When Daisy was around a year old, we decided to put in new sod grass in the backyard. Needless to say, it looks just like it did *before* we put in the new grass. :o She dug, and dug, and DUG up until a few months ago when she started to "mature". I've never caught her digging since then, but I suppose our backyard would say otherwise. ;) I've never seen or caught Molly digging, but I'm sure she was Daisy's "partner in crime" once or twice. :p

This is our backyard now. If you look closely, you can see the holes. Keep in mind, this used to be a lushious green!

*sigh* DOGS!! ;)

09-24-2004, 08:45 PM
The same thing happened at our old house too, Julie!!!:D

09-24-2004, 08:49 PM
Snowy is working on getting to China by the end of 2004.....

The holes she digs aren't that big and she gets bored with them easily. :p

09-24-2004, 10:48 PM
:D :D :D ROTFL! I mean, Logan, I always believed you..but to actually SEE the little criminals in action..Well..I know you and Scott always wanted to go "Down Under" huh? Free airfaire..drop through anytime!
Pam...I still have that picture you sent of Bella and the Blue Bowl...look at her facial expression...still cracks me up!!!! :D :D
Gotta say, Cody never dug one single hole, but Mz. Klo is the mistress of mole hunting and finding cool spots! Yep, twisted many an ankle this year and loved to be greeted by a dirty nose above a HUGE self gratiified smile! ("Logie..you been diggin?" "Not me! Not me!") Must be the invisible Other dog..!
I'm not thrilled, but I can never get too angry with her..I more or less do.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

09-25-2004, 07:36 AM
Sierra dug when we first got her, but grew out of it!!

09-25-2004, 08:42 AM
LMAO. This thread is funny. Roxy tunnels like your huskies, Glacier. Drives me crazy!!! I can't actually break her, but I consistantly fill her holes with poop. Since there isn't enough poop to go around to all her tunnels, I just fill the ones along the fence line because I don't want her to dig out. I've given up on the ones in the middle of the yard. She does stay away from the holes with poop in them. Wouldn't want to get her pretty little paws smelly. She knows DARN WELL that digging is bad. She gets this pathetic guilty look, and sure enough, everytime, I will find a new hole. I must say, giving her a KONG with something new in it everyday has made a HUGE difference though.

We've been in this house for about 3 weeks and our newly landscaped backyard is SHOT. We put a divider down the middle of the yard, so the dogs only have half now. That way, hopefully, we can repair one side of the yard and have pretty green grass.