View Full Version : Missy's visit

09-23-2004, 06:37 PM
Missy's visit is nearly over - for the next few days, she will stay with Paul's mom. We have a family dinner after church on Sunday and they fly out before dawn on Tuesday morning. The visit went far too quickly:rolleyes: We did cram LOTS of things into a short time though as they needed to split their time up among all of the family. Chris brought Misha over today and the "girls" spent some time oooing and ahhhing over baby Misha. The kitties always stay nearby, although only Eliot comes close enough to sniff her:) Dennis took these photos while we were playing with Misha..we all look slightly silly because we were making faces at her!!!
Missy has also enjoyed getting to know the kitties and I know she misses her Boomer. Emily has been sleeping with her and last night, even Eliot snuggled in the bed with her:eek: He won't even snuggle with us!
Here she is with Dylan - gives you a good idea of what a bigun he is:D

09-23-2004, 06:49 PM
Dylan! You are a bigun for sure!!!

I'm so glad to her that Missy had kitty companions to keep her company at night. I'm sure Boomer will be ready to give her lots of love when she returns home.

09-23-2004, 07:24 PM
What adorable pics of you all .... I can't WAIT!!! How is Missy feeling? Any queasies yet? ;)

09-23-2004, 11:37 PM
Cute pictures. I know you will hate to see Missy leave but think, you'll be seeing Lisa, Kim and me next weekend!!

Once you see Ripley you'll have to tell me how he compares to Dylan in size. I'm thinking they are close.

09-24-2004, 08:52 AM
Thats An Amazing Shot,of the family,with thier Cats,in the Fore Ground!