View Full Version : New beds - Fister's reaction?

09-23-2004, 03:33 PM
First, sorry for not replying as much as usual, but I've got a new job - and I love it! :) It's in a huge sportscenter.

Well, tomorrow, we're gonna have delivered new beds. Fister is often under the bed, John's side, which is close to the door going into the living room, and from there, he has a pretty good view of what's going on, and also feel secure. It's in fact the place he hides when we want to take him to the vet or to "a hotel". This will now be impossible for him, as John's bed will be an adjustable one with no space for Fister under it. Furthermore, he'll have to jump slightly higher to get on the bed for his afternoon nap.

We're planning to put the bedlinen on we have used in the last week, so hopefully the smell won't be too different. My concern is whether Fister will hate that new bed and perhaps "mark" it with his scent. :eek:

Any advise on how to handle this will be much appreciated! :)

Thanks in advance!

09-23-2004, 04:24 PM
I have no idea how Fister will react but I suppose he'll do a lot of sniffing around and complaining;)

I hope however that you'll sleep better in the end:D

Edwina's Secretary
09-23-2004, 04:32 PM
When we got a new bed we only had Edwina. She was not happy at first. She expressed her unhappiness by biting Don's toes when he was in bed....:D :D :D

She quickly got over it though....

09-23-2004, 04:37 PM
So far, I like your replies. :D :D

09-24-2004, 09:11 AM
When I bought my new bed, Juni and Pichu thought it is a cat bed :D

I hope Fister won't mind :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-24-2004, 09:51 AM

I get dirty :mad: looks when I just *wash*
the sheets and blankets! :p

Hate to think what the FurKid "reaction" to an :eek: New BigBed might be!

*Idea* ~

Maybe a "new" cardboard box, or even a Kitty Tent for Fister??
Put it right beside John's New BigBed - with a few "treats" inside -
to encourage Fister to check it out.

Sure HOPE he doesn't feel the "need" to :eek: <mark> it!

Good Luck!!

PS: What's your "New Job"?? - CONGRATS on it!!

/s/ Phred

09-24-2004, 11:29 AM
When we got our new bed Ripley just loved it and considered it "his" new bed. Furniture doesn't really upset him too much, it's new flooring that sets my little pee varmit off. Thank goodness that's something we don't have to change too often.

Good luck.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-24-2004, 11:31 AM
Sorry Randi, can't help. T & P have had the same old furniture in the house since they've been here. Hmmm....me thinks it's time for some new furniture.....:rolleyes: ;) :D

09-25-2004, 11:05 AM
It seems that I didn't have to worry. :) The beds had arrived and been put together just before I came home. I could smell them the minute I walked in - they had just arrived from the factory in Sweden.

John had put Fister in the bathroom and closed the door while all the commotion. I let him out and he raced into the bedroom - he stopped like he's hit a wall, when he saw there was no way he could under that bed. :eek: He sniffed around and wandered around it to see what the other side looked like - *sigh of relief* ... under there, it was as high as the old one. :D But it will now be even more difficult to get him out from under there! :rolleyes:

On with the sheets, and then a good brushing session on the floor. :) After that, he was still curious and jumped up on the beds and walked around a bit. He settled down on the mine, which is a Medium - John's is Soft AND Adjustable. :)

In the evening he came in to join John in bed as, but stopped and suddenly seemed surprized again. He just sat there on the floor staring under the bed for ages - he just could not understand why there was no room underneath. After a while he plucked up courage and jumped up, and more or less settled down. The biggest problem is the space between our pillows. We've put a little flat pillow there, but he is very suspicious of it. When we lay down to sleep, he crawled right up onto my pillow, leaned against my head and rested his head on my arm. I just couldn't get myself to push him away. :)

Here's a link to the kind of beds we got: http://hastens.com/

Phred, the job I have is making bookings for badminton, squash, fitness etc. and selling stuff, but I also work in the offices behind which is perfect, as I have a computer and can keep up with PT. :)

09-25-2004, 11:14 AM
Oh, by the way, this is his reaction to when we took the old one apart.


09-25-2004, 11:18 AM
Fister,will be fine,the New Bed,will give him,a bit,of a workout!