View Full Version : Cant find a Microchipper!

09-23-2004, 01:46 PM
GERRRRRRR I think I am going to scream!!!!!

I want to get my three boys microchipped but am having no luck finding someone to do it! I have called every Vet every Shelter and no one seems to do it. I think I am going to call PetSmart next to see if they can refer me to some one!

****Screams loudly******

Sorry I just needed to vent

Where did you get your pooch chipped at?

09-23-2004, 01:53 PM
It surprises me that the vets you called don't do it. It is pretty standard practice now days. Plus it is a big profit maker as the chips cost about $5 each and most vets charge between $30 and $50.

I would try calling rescue organizations in your area. Most rescues use microchipping as a fundraiser and generally have microchip clinics pretty frequently. You can also try calling the shelter in your area to see if they know anyone who does it.

Petsmart use Banfield microchips which run off a different frequency than the Avid and Home Again chips. Most shelters and vets do not carry the Banfield readers (although check with your shelter to make sure) and the Banfield chips cannot be read by the standard Avid readers.

09-23-2004, 01:54 PM
The shelters I got my dogs from microchip their dogs before they adopt them out.

If PetsMart doesn't help maybe contact Avid or some other brand to see where you can get it done.

09-23-2004, 02:04 PM
Local feed stores usually have a once a month low cost vaccination clinic that includes microchipping.

I adopted casey from the shelter and microchipping is mandatory.

Cinder & Smoke
09-23-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by FizzGiggs_Mommy
... having no luck finding someone to do it!
I have called every Vet every Shelter and
no one seems to do it.

This problem doesn't surprise me -
"Microchipping" seems to be a "regional thing" -
SOME areas go for it in a big way and EVERYone in the pet care
industry has readers, USES them, and does or sponsors
the chip insertions and registery. :)

OTHER areas (like mine :( ) are Chip-Deprived ~
and NO one inserts them - and
more important - NO one (Vets, Rescues, nor Animal Control)
even HAS a reader... so a pet who HAS a Chip stands a *zero* chance
of ever having its chip READ if it gets lost in this area. :mad:

You should ask the Vets (AND Animal Control) in your area *IF* they
1) HAVE a reader in the Clinics, or Shelters; and
2) IF they make it a practice to SCAN *ALL* animals they see?

Sadly, chips don't *work* to return lost pets if
NO one in the area scans for them in lost pets.

:( :mad:

/s/ Phred

09-23-2004, 02:48 PM
That is a sad fact, Phred. :( And sadly too, many humane (I use that term loosely) socieites and shelters fail to really check, even if they DO have the equipment available!

The whole Banfield situation is reprehensible. :( I would certainly caution anyone against getting that chip placed in their dog at this point.

My dogs have the AVID chip. I paid $50/dog to have it put in Honey and Lilly. Zipper's came free as a result of being a rescue boy. But all 3 of them wear identification on their collars as well. I know many people remove their dog's collars for safety reasons, but I am convinced that we are safer having our dogs wear their collars at all times, just in case. Murphy, our old lady, is not chipped, nor does she wear a collar (because she has a reoccuring cyst on her neck, right where the collar rests), but she also rarely goes outdoors, except just to do her business, under our watchful eyes, and then she is right back inside.


My Peanuts
09-23-2004, 02:53 PM
That is really weird. Harley got chipped at the shelter. Every dog there had to leave with one. We got Sylvia done when she was spayed. My vet is a small place and they not only offer it, but encourage it. Harley's was part of his $85 adoption fee and Sylvia's was $40. :)

After reading what Phred wrote it does make a lot of sense. Us city folks (I'm near Chicago) don't realize that every place isn't like it is here. I took Harley and Sylvia for shots last week and someone brought in a beautiful pure bred Pit puppy and said they found her. The nurse whipped out the scanner and I just thought everyone had one. I think around here vets, shelter, and police stations have scanners.

PS. the guy asked if anyone wanted the Pitty puppy since it had no chip and if my mom wasn't with me I might have left with a third dog :D

09-23-2004, 03:38 PM
My vet put Sophie's chip in when I had her spayed. I'm getting Tito done soon.

Not all the shelters around here scan, but some do, so I figured I'd go ahead and do it anyway. Hopefully more and more shelters will get the scanners in the future. :)

09-23-2004, 04:09 PM
Jasper's breeder had him microchipped. Our SPCA also does it.

I hope you find someone!

09-23-2004, 10:24 PM
We got our husky microchipped as a puppy when she was spayed. Our vet was very skeptical, but a couple months later she squeezed through our fence gate and was returned within minutes because the dog warden spotted her and scanned her. We lived in the middle of nowhere in Illinois, not even close to any big city.
Our vets have always done our dogs. Keep searching! Like us, one day you may be very glad you did.

09-23-2004, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by clara4457
Petsmart use Banfield microchips which run off a different frequency than the Avid and Home Again chips. Most shelters and vets do not carry the Banfield readers (although check with your shelter to make sure) and the Banfield chips cannot be read by the standard Avid readers.

They should all switch to a standard microchip! the Banfield kind (ISO microchip) is what they use in the rest of the world, and the Avid is what they mostly use in the US.

I hope you can find someone to do it FizzGiggs_Mommy!