View Full Version : Clipping Nails

09-23-2004, 10:34 AM
Who clips your dogs nails?

Samantha Puppy
09-23-2004, 10:36 AM
Either the groomer or the vet. I refuse to because Samantha's nails are black and I'm afraid of cutting too short, cutting the vein inside and crippling her.

09-23-2004, 10:58 AM
I do all three every week.

09-23-2004, 11:00 AM
Usually the vet clips them once a week, and then I bring them home and file them smooth.

09-23-2004, 11:31 AM
I can proudly say, for the first time, that Scott and I have mastered clipping those nails, finally!!!! :) I used to always have the vet or groomer do it, but after helping my dad with Scout a couple of times, we finally decided to get the right tool and try it ourselves. Our "kids" are very cooperative! :)

PJ's Mom
09-23-2004, 11:38 AM
The vet or groomer does my dogs nails. :)

09-23-2004, 11:43 AM
Lucy has hers done by the vet,,,, but with Merlin,, we are gonna try it ourselves.. he seemed just fine with the vet doing it for the first time!

09-23-2004, 11:58 AM
Clip their nails???:confused:

I don't bother clipping them actually. They need them a bit longer to grip on ice in the winter when they are running. Most of them keep their nails pretty short on their own with all the digging they do! Franklin is currently hard at work on a new "human trap"--that's what we call the holes he digs right near the gate. Someday I am going to break an ankle!

09-23-2004, 12:19 PM
I do :p I dont have a specifice schedula that i clip them though I just look at their nails regularly and if they are long I cut them lol oh and we ALWAYS cut them before a dog event, like flyball, or agility, just so they dont hurt themselves. Blair though we have to get tranquilizers from the vet, and from there its still a struggle! lol so we go through that torture only if it absolutly cant wait any longer, it takes 2 people, a double dose of tranquilizer, a pillow, a blanket, nail clippers, sissors, the table, and some banadages to fix yourself up after being bitten and scratched for an hour lol

09-23-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Clip their nails???:confused:

Franklin is currently hard at work on a new "human trap"--that's what we call the holes he digs right near the gate. Someday I am going to break an ankle!

thats when those big ol snow shoes come in handy,,, youll be able to walk right over those big holes,,,:D :D :D :D

09-23-2004, 01:11 PM
I clip my dogs nails once weekly, Rebel is great, Claire is getting alot better, I'm so proud. :D

09-23-2004, 02:36 PM
Drake doesn't get his nails clipped. Our daily six mile runs and long walks do the trick!

09-23-2004, 02:48 PM
If I could and did run 6 miles/day with my dogs, we wouldn't have to worry about clipping nails either! LOL!!! :o

09-23-2004, 04:06 PM
I do Duke's with a portable Craftsman thing. Can't remember the technical term.

09-23-2004, 04:19 PM
I clip them every 1-2 weeks by myself, Tango doesn't have to get them done often though because she runs around so much they're about where they're supposed to be.I MUCH prefer the actual nail clipper made for dogs, I find it easier to use and my dogs aren't afraid of the clipper like they are with the dremel thing.

09-23-2004, 04:29 PM
do Duke's with a portable Craftsman thing. Can't remember the technical term.


09-23-2004, 04:43 PM
The tool is called a dremel and it is so easy and quick!!!! we do theirs every week to keep their quiks form over growing> the cordless dremel we bought was only $20. definately worth it!!!


09-23-2004, 06:46 PM
I do, and it isn't fun for either me nor the dogs. :(
Sheba has all black nails and Rocky has mostly black.
The white nails are easy but the black ones.........:eek:

09-23-2004, 10:56 PM
I use to do RB Max's all the time. He loved it. I would grab the clippers & he would lay on his side without me asking him too... It was his last year he was getting fussy. his back & neck were sore so laying on his side was a bit painful for him, but he still let me do it.

No one does Cadeau's nails. I cannot, she bites when I did try, when I first moved in. Her regular nails aren't too bad, the floor is stone, so her nails get ware from her pasing all day. But he bouble dewnails r now circles & have nails growing in nails. When she was sleeping I touched one & it fell off, because another nail was growing behind it... The amount of nail I removed is the size of 1 regular long nail.. its kinda cool. so I kept it. Its in my granny wallet heheheh

I plan on useing it for art. I'll use it as a tooth & paint it off white.. it'll be cool (I used a racoon K( in one of my wooden paintings, but I lost it in the move up here)

09-23-2004, 10:58 PM
I cut Major's :) He's quite good about it, for now. Sometimes he'll whine a little or get impatient, but, really, he'll do anything for food:o

09-23-2004, 11:12 PM
I clip all the dogs nails myself. Nebo is very good about it. Reggie and Sydney squirm a bit I just have to hold them in my lap.

09-23-2004, 11:38 PM
God Bless you guys..I'm so impressed that most of you clip them yourselves! :eek:

Cody was petrified, but quite cooperative until it came to his one paw, so for safety's sake, he was easily muzzled (looking forlorn and defeated, poor thing :( )

Logan is another matter all together...I had to cancel the first nail trimming at the vet because she was too wise and quick for a muzzle, and, as I was told by the SPCA..she hated the vets. I found out real fast! (poor dear must have had a traumatic experience in her past life). So now, John and I muzzle her at the house (easily..what a fun game it is!) and during the last visit, she was pretty okay..much more resigned and relaxed (except for 1 specific paw). Her nails are black. I should mention that on her 2nd visit she had to be sedated (and she fought that!)and I was so upset, I vowed never ever to do that to her again.

09-24-2004, 12:36 AM
I cut both dogs' nails myself. I took Kai to a groomer in Petcetera ONCE and that one time, she managed to cut the quick. It was pretty tramatizing for him but luckily, I've never cut the quick.

Kaedyn's a brat about it. It takes 2 people, LOTS of treats and about 30 minutes to do all of them. I'm thinking about trying the dremel but I'm not sure if he'll be okay with it since he's so timid with everything.

09-24-2004, 07:50 AM
I cut all my animals nails myself, dogs, cats, birds, rodents, iguana, everyone. For the most part they're all really good about it.

Originally posted by cali
Blair though we have to get tranquilizers from the vet, and from there its still a struggle! lol so we go through that torture only if it absolutly cant wait any longer, it takes 2 people, a double dose of tranquilizer, a pillow, a blanket, nail clippers, sissors, the table, and some banadages to fix yourself up after being bitten and scratched for an hour lol

Try using a muzzle so you don't get bit. I had to use one on Charlie when we first got him, he hates his feet touched at all. Now he still doesn't like his feet touched or nails clipped, but the muzzle isn't as necessary any more. I keep it close though just incase he gets nippy.

09-24-2004, 09:15 AM
I can do them, but I usually make my husband do it--they all listen much better to him, so it's just easier.
Abbey is great about it, Kito settles once we have him on his back, and once we catch him, Riley is good too. Jada acts like a nut, but she's alright to do too.

09-24-2004, 09:36 AM
I know exactly what you mean about being timid, but we found that if you pretend at first with the dremel, let them check it out ease them into it they get used to it really fast. cheese and treats also help. when we get one nail done they get treats. it also helps to not force it and when they try to pull away to let them and then go back to it and not hold them down. it takes some time doing like this but if you don't try to get all the nails done all in one sitting they seem to be okay with it the next time.
We have a cordless and use the lowest setting. Our older dog (terrier mix) used to hate the clippers but he has let us use the dremel on him and fell asleep the last time! definately a struggle saver!!!

good luck