View Full Version : Ads on smoking but not on chewing...

09-22-2004, 11:49 PM
You know you always hear or see ads on smoking but what about those who chew?
My husband (unfortunately) chews tobacco & has since he was about 12 years old & is now 29.
A friend of his got him hooked on it....not too much to do in his hometown I suppose!:rolleyes: No excuse!
I just wonder why nobody seems to focus on that...because it's not hurting anyone else I suppose!
I just really, REALLY wish I could get him to quit. His teeth look terrible but, he doesn't care & says if people don't like him for that...too bad for them.
I knew it when I met him but thought he would quit over time. Boy was I ever wrong! I love him but I do worry about his health & I hate to say it but, what people see in him.
I really do not believe that looks should matter, it's supposed to be what their personality is like right?
But what if you saw my husband for the 1st time & saw how bad his teeth were? Would you run the other way or just say hey he's nice, he's cool, whatever.

09-22-2004, 11:53 PM
The "rednecks" in my school are CONSTANTLY chewing tobacco.. IN CLASS. One of my teacher does it as well. I guess it doesn't bother me personally, but I have seen some gross outcomes of people who have been chewers for years and developed mouth cancer.

09-23-2004, 12:10 AM
That's what I worry about.....I really wish I could get him to quit!
He's seen the pictures & doesn't care....it's too addicting!

09-23-2004, 12:28 AM
When I was in high school our football coach chewed tobacco all the time. I found out a few years ago that he had most of his tongue and lower jaw removed because of cancer.

Tina, I hope you can convince your husband to stop.

09-23-2004, 07:48 AM
YUCK! A few of my college guy friends did that, and I just wanted to vomit when they did it around me. How fun can it possibly be to carry around a spit can? One night a bunch of us were out drinking, and my friend was spitting into an empty beer can, and he set it down next to my friend's drink...I'll spare you the details but http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys1/yuck.gif.

As a person trying to quit smoking, I know how hard it is to stop using nicotine, and that you really have to want to do it for yourself. Nothing anyone says to you will be likely to make a difference. I hope he quits soon!

09-23-2004, 07:59 AM
Yuck! Hubby was a chewer, and his whole family is. His 18 year old nephew is the biggest chewer around! :eek: I think its disgusting... not only the gross things it does to your mouth, but the gnaw gnaw, spit, gnaw gnaw, spit. *shudders* Then you're sitting there looking at a wad of saliva covered black gunk and want to just vomit. GROSS!

Hubby quit, noit becuase he wanted to, but because at the time, he was a single father of three who wasn't working and was going back to finish his college degree: simple economics made him quit! :D He couldn't afford the money on chew - he'd rather save it for important things like gas for his car. He admits that if it wasn't for needing the money for other things that he'd still be chewing today. Funny, because just two days ago he was commenting on how white his teeth are today compared to even three years ago - he said that chewing tobacco had stained his teeth very bad.

So he quit and now is wasting his breath trying to get his nephew and other famikly members to do the same. Its a ritual for his family... after a family dinner, the WOMEN clean up, and the MEN go out to the den, sit staring at dead animal heads on the wall and chew tobacco (can we say sexist/outdated here?) I feel like we should be sitting out on the front porch in rocking chairs with shotguns. :rolleyes:

09-23-2004, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
I feel like we should be sitting out on the front porch in rocking chairs with shotguns. :rolleyes:

:D :D Funny! Remember the thread I posted here in General a while back about my cousin's place? (here is the thread) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58105&highlight=Morehead)

That's what they really do out there after dinner (and sometimes before)! :D :D :D Hee hee! Gotta watch out for the coyotes!

09-23-2004, 11:21 AM
Chewing is really gross! My cousins ex husband chews, and the gunk is EVERYWHERE! Not to mention his teeth are bad and he has had surgery for cancer already :rolleyes:. Nothing anyone says can make him quit though.

I worked as a custodian for an event center. One time there was this bull riding competition and it seemed like everyone chewed (even the women...ick) Cleaning the floors was a NIGHTMARE. Icky icky icky!