View Full Version : What Does YOUR B-Room Look Like!?

Desert Arabian
09-22-2004, 10:46 PM
I thought it would be cool to post some pictures of your bedroom! Don't be shy- even if you think your room is a little messy- post pictures! :D I love seeing pictures of other people's bedrooms- get a lot of nice decorating ideas! :D

I just recently had to re-do my room since Peanut's arrival. Here are pictures of my Arabian room:

Here is my door:
Here is the rattie cage and my dresser and junk:
^ This is an older picture- rats have a different cage now....
Here is my bed covered in an Arabian blanket, Arabian stuffed horse, two other horses, and two stuffed dogs (yellow Lab and Weim.):
Another shot of my bed, Arabian pictures, and horse wallpaper murals:
Peanut's "cage":

So- that's my room- I prefer to call it my "stable" :p :D

09-22-2004, 10:47 PM
wow! you really love your arabs!I'll go take some pix now... :)

09-22-2004, 10:58 PM
Wow! Your bedroom is neat! My bedroom is VERY boring.

Looking in....

And to your left...

Looking out...

We also have a vanity area and a bathroom :)

09-22-2004, 10:59 PM
Okay! here are the pix :) :

The door from the inside of my room: (pretty boring, huh)

My bed: (i just had to throw the comforter over it :) )

Here's the wall over my bed:

Freckles' Cage:

Baby's cage:

Hermie tank:

And, the rollout trundel bed! :rolleyes:

:D kinda messy right now :)

09-22-2004, 11:05 PM
I love your room Yellowlablover! I don't have any pics of my bed room.

09-23-2004, 12:58 AM
Hmmmm ... well, I'll try out the new digital camera, that I have yet to use much.

I'm thinking I should have cleaned my room somewhat, or at least made my bed properly ... but oh well, you may as well see it as it usually is - messy!

09-23-2004, 12:59 AM
And since I don't know how to post more than picture per post, here is another view...

09-23-2004, 12:59 AM
And another ... the last, I promise.

09-23-2004, 01:51 AM
You have a very interesting looking bedroom YellowLab! My old room back home was kinda bland aside from the paintings I did on my walls. I love how you guys have cages in your rooms .. :) that's so fun =) I wish I was allowed to have that when I was younger!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-23-2004, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by ScantyNebula
I love how you guys have cages in your rooms .. :) that's so fun =) I wish I was allowed to have that when I was younger!

I was JUST thinking the same thing. My folks would NEVER have allowed anything like that when I was living at home - even my fish tank was in the lounge, and not in the bedroom where I wanted it!!

Your rooms are all so nice, and the best thing - they really express your individuality and your love of animals!

Desert Arabian
09-23-2004, 02:56 PM
I would die if I couldn't keep my pets in my room! :eek: I love everyone's b-rooms!

I wish more people would post pictures of their rooms!

09-23-2004, 03:29 PM
Wow, cool rooms. I'll post mine after. Too lazy to find pics lol

09-23-2004, 05:39 PM
Love the rooms everyone. :p

Here's mine.. My mom just recently suprised me with it, after i wanted to FOREVER! :p

My door, walking up the stairs..

The sign on my door..

What you see as soon as you open the door... (BTW- On the right side of the window, theres a picture there now. I just was too lazy.. In one of the picture's you'll see it, because i just took it.)

Walking in and looking towards my bed....

And looking straight ahead.. (See the picture? And notice the TV. It's on the new's.. Hurricane Jeanne is coming. :rolleyes: )

Thats it! :) And looking to the right is just my closet. :p

09-23-2004, 05:58 PM
My camera is full of bun pics right now:D I'll take pics later but my room has this ugly puppy and kitten wallpaper which is SO not my age and its all country and ugly and my mom chose it!My whole room is WALLPAPER WALLPAPER and MORE WALLPAPER!:eek: It drives me insane. I'm treaing it all down soon and painting it 3 shades of pink:D I like what I see in lots of those rooms!:D I don't really spend alot of time in my room, mostly down in here(the office) or outside.

09-23-2004, 06:54 PM
I'll post pics of my room when I get my lazy bum out of this chair! lol

Everyone's rooms are so neat!