View Full Version : God, I love my Micah!!

09-22-2004, 09:24 PM
Do you ever wonder, seriously, if your cat or cats are angels??

I know Micah is my little angel. He always, always is my kitty nurse when I'm sick and in pain. How does he know?? He's just such a sweet soul and I thank God for my Micah every moment I can.

:) Just wanted to share. :)

09-22-2004, 09:41 PM
No, I do not think they are angels but I have no doubt that they are certainly provided to us by God and for our delight and pleasure. God knows how much we love our animals and I am sure that pleases Him as well. I also believe they will be with us in heaven:D

I also love my Emily, Eliot and Dylan:D Dylan is my special buddy!!

09-22-2004, 10:30 PM
I believe that animals can pick up on our feelings so if we're sick or in pain then they know that we need some extra loving and comforting. I know that my Storm is very sensitive to my feelings.:)

Kelly, I'm so glad that Micah can be there for you during your difficult times.:)

09-22-2004, 10:31 PM
I'm so glad Micah brings you that much happiness and comfort.

Of all my cats I believe Scout is the one I would say that about the most. There is just something so special about her.

09-22-2004, 10:41 PM
On no Kelly, are you sick again??? Is everything OK?? God bless your little furkids for watching over you for us.

Kissies Micah!!!

09-23-2004, 12:02 AM
I know this does sound crazy, But sometimes I just sit and think how much I love my 3 furbabies, and I feel like I love them so much that I wish I never got them, because I could not bear to EVER EVER EVER be without them. I confessed this to my hubby a few months ago, and he said he felt the same exact way about them and has thought that before. I was wondering if anyone else ever thought about that, just out of curiosity?
and yes I have also thought before that my kitties are special angels sent from God to comfort and watch over us.

09-23-2004, 12:13 AM
Oh, Kelly, I do think that I agree with you that our cats are special angels sent to be with us through our lives.

Truly, whenever I have been really down in the dumps, or sick, it has been my cats that have given me everything they had to help me get well..............and beyond what humans have tried to offer.

And I think it all has to do with LOVE! I have dearly loved every animal that has been in my life...........and I can assure you that they gave me back ten fold of what I gave to them.

Kelly, I do hope that you are well...............but I know that Micah will help you get better.

09-23-2004, 01:41 AM
Kelly I hope you are feeling okay. I was sick four days last week and my boys where the best company...snuggling when I needed and at the foot of the bed when I was too hot with fever.
I absolutely agree they are angels. This morning I overslept right thru two alarms (which I never do as I'm a light sleeper usually) 15 minutes after I was SUPPOSED to get up, Calvin pawed my face to ask why meowmie wasn't up and around. His food and water bowl were okay so it' wasn't that...Mind you I've been on vacation three weeks and though I've been traveling a bit, his schedule is all messed up and how did he know it wasn't a Sat when Meowmie is in bed till 9 at least?? I really think they can read our minds. I think we can all agree how much our babies mean to us.

09-23-2004, 01:48 AM
You guys are so sweet, thanks for your concern and your responses. Its so wonderful to read about your wonderful babies. :)

I've been on pain medication since Tuesday night, but I made it to class and lab today before I had to take more. That made me feel better. I'm done with my iron treatments, thank goodness! I just have to schedule another CBC with my doctor as soon as I'm able to.


09-23-2004, 03:12 AM
I've never met an Aby who was an angel;) but I can confirm that they are the most loving, tender, sweet and funny companions you could think of.

I hope that cuddling with Micah makes you feel better. All the best for you- and scritchies for Micah:D

09-23-2004, 05:51 AM
Kelly I'm so gald to hear that your feeling better.
I think most all of PT understand what you mean about that deep overwhelming love. I feel that way with each one of mine but some are more sensitive to me and my feelings. They are amazing creatures that God gave us aren't they?:) :) :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-23-2004, 07:00 AM
I fully believe that we have a "heart connection" with some or all of our animals.

I had a reading with an animal communicator last week. Some of the things she mentioned:

- I should try communicating my love to Ally by imagining a pink light going from my heart to her heart (we are working on addressing the issues she has with Connor). So every day I have been spending time doing this with her - not just stroking or talking, but really CONCENTRATING on communicating my feelings to her - even my hubby has commented on how much calmer she has been

- She also told me that CONNOR is a healer, and has been sent into my life for a specific purpose. That I should watch him, and take note if he pays attention to any particular part of someone's body.

I know some people are very sceptical about this, and I don't want to hijack Kelly's thread. I also know that some pople find it controversial, so if you would like more info please PM me.

Killearn Kitties
09-23-2004, 08:18 AM
I truly do believe that cats know what we are thinking. They certainly know when we are upset or not well. Good boy Micah, looking after your meowmie like that! :D

09-23-2004, 09:23 AM
I know,that the found Cats,are in thier own way,Little Angels,On Earth,sent to replace my Family,sadly ,most of whom,have passed on.

09-23-2004, 09:26 AM
I agree NoahsMommy! I think Tito and Sophie were both put into my life for a reason. Also, I talk to Tito and Sophie a lot, and sometimes I think they understand what I am saying ;)

PS I hope you feel better soon. :)