View Full Version : Tatoo :D

09-22-2004, 08:27 PM
lol my friend has a little design she made that she drew on my lower back in pen, its a heart with devel horns, a devels tail with a tiny heart at the end of the tail, flames inside the heart, angle wings, and a lopsided halo lol it looks really nice their, and when my dad saw it just now he said it looks really nice there and I should get it in a real tatoo! I said I thought about that, because it really does looks really nice there and my dad said "well let me know when you want one, and I will take ya down there" :eek: "there" being Valhanna tattoos, the place he gets his tatoos done. hehe so I might get a real tatoo sometime! :D for those that have them.. does it hurt?

09-22-2004, 08:37 PM
and of coarse I forget to attach the picture.. lol

09-22-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by cali
:D for those that have them.. does it hurt?
Yes, it hurts. But pain goes away...the tattoo wont. Its really cute, but just make sure you REALLY, REALLY like it and want it on your forever. :)

09-22-2004, 09:25 PM
You are lucky your dad is letting you get that down!!! I've heard from friends it hurts alot but the pain goes away pretty fast as well.

If you really want a tatoo go for it:D I've always wanted one but then again I think about been 60 years old with a bunch of tatoos..that always steered me away from them!:D :p ;)

09-22-2004, 09:50 PM
lol my dad has what 8? 9? tatoo's now? lol he is 50 and you would never know it, it certainly does not show in his tatoo's! he designs all his own tatoo's they are pretty cool, I really like his newest one, its really big and on his leg, and its awsome! I wish I had a pic of that one! he has a flaming dove, a celtic knot cross, a strong arm breaking through shackles, our family crest, marvin the martian, a heart with feet, arms, eyes, and a hole in it lol, a canadian leaf with a silouete of a running man on it, and the newest is a big fancy design shaped into a cross, with a compus in the middle. I THINK I got them all.. lol

09-22-2004, 10:59 PM
Mine didn't actually hurt. I think it depends on where you get it. Mine is on my right shoulder. I was expecting it to hurt a lot, when the guy started and it didn't hurt I began to laugh.

09-22-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by cali
for those that have them.. does it hurt?

Yes, it hurts. But pain goes away...the tattoo wont. Its really cute, but just make sure you REALLY, REALLY like it and want it on your forever.

***I totally agree***
I love dolphins & have since I was in about 7th grade, I'm now 29. I have a dolphin in a tribal design on my right ankle. I thought it was the cool thing to do but now I'm not so sure. Sometimes I wish I didn't have it & other times I don't even notice it's there. My husband Matthew has 6 tatoos total, only 1 I think is really nice. You just have to make sure that's what you want for life. A friend of mine has a huge betty boop on her right shoulder & really wishes to have it removed, but heard the scarring can be worse than the tat itself. Just be REALLY sure it's what YOU want! I've seen some really cool ones & some not so great, it's all in what you desire!:)
The only part that hurt in mine was the "white" in the dolphin. He had to go over that area several times! ouch:eek:

09-22-2004, 11:24 PM
I use to draw tatoos on my ex-friend all the time. Her dad just loved them. I did a body one too. It was a green dragon starting on her shoulder blade & ending just above her ankle..

She was wearing a bathing suit just so every one knows!!!!! Saddly it only lasted about 5 hours. Her elderly neighbours invited us to swim in his pool & we couldn't say no, so we did.. He was a good friend of hers so we always go to his place to hangout with him & his wife. He use to build them toys & things...

hmmm... I think I drew about 20 diff tatoos on her.. Her dad kept a few of my sketches & wanted me to start up my own tatoo sketch shop thingy... I had started, but he was sent to jail for attempted murder & well, I stopped hanging out with his daughtor after a year, she started to go nutz, without her daddy.

09-22-2004, 11:53 PM
Of course it hurts. You are getting poked with a needle tens of thousands of times. It hurts worse if you get it in a bony place, like your ankle, than if you you get it in a fatter place, like your upper arm.

I would STRONGLY advice you to NOT get a tatoo at your age. Trust me ... what you think is "cute" when you are a teenager is NOT what you want on your body for the next 70+ years.

I got my tatoos when I was in my 30's. I thought about them for decades, literally. I SHUDDER to think what I would have gotten if I would have gotten a tattoo as a teen.

09-23-2004, 12:11 AM
oh I dont plan to get one right now! lol I am just thinking about getting one sometime.. when that sometime will be is beyond me lol. the reason I would go to Valhanna is because they are really really good, the most recomended place for teens to go for tatoos or peircings etc.. my dad said it just tickles, and his skin is just as sensitive as mine(I got mine from him lol) so it probibly depends on where you go, just like with regular shots, some nurses are really good and you hardly feel a thing, and others are horrably painful. like I said getting it actually tatooed on my back is just something that crossed my mind a couple times. my dad has gone over with my brother and I a million times, the effects a tatoo can have on your life, and job restrictions because of them etc.. so I already know all that stuff lol :p

09-23-2004, 12:23 AM
When I was taking Policeing in college they told us not to get tatoos & if we already have them, we wont get to darn far.

Most Police forces in Ontario do NOT want tatoos on their Officers, where they can be seen, wearing a t-shirt & shorts. Its dirty looking & unprofesional looking.

My sister got one at 16.. Its of Tigger & its on her shoulder blade. It looks ok...

My uncle has several on his arms. He had them done when he was young. Now he hates them & is trying to get them removed. His panther head was almost gone when I saw him 2 yrs ago, so I'm sure their all gone by now... Hes in his early 40's, has 2 ex-wives, first 0 kids, 2ed 3 kids & he has a girlfriend 1/2 his age & they have 1 kid... This new girl is GREAT... The others were ok, but I never really liked them much... His new one will translate the conversations she having with french ppl for me , so I don't feel left out.. My OWN family members don't even do that for me. I end up sitting in a corner, spinning around in a chair.

So if u do get one, make sure its somewhere it cannot be seen in a t-shirt & shorts... unless the job u want requires u to wear alot of dresses, then u could have problems hehe

09-23-2004, 06:58 AM
YES it hurts like a B*tch... Sorry but, its the truth... The pain is only when its being done and after it kinda feels like you've scraped yourself.... Here's a pic of mine it's on my lower back...

09-23-2004, 01:41 PM
Had to chime in lol....

Mine hurt kind of like a reeeaall bad sunburn, especially the one on my back (the lower part hurt the most). After a few days, the pain just fades away especially if you take care of it. I have a full backpiece, one on my shoulder, one on my chest and one on the ring finger of my left hand. Planning on getting the backpeice and finger one finished (if I can ever aford it lol) and adding one around my wrist where my watch sits. All of my tattoos are invisible in normal work atire except the one on my finger and no one even notices it (even the one on my wrist will be invisible if Im wearing my watch, sneaky eh?) All of my tattoos mean something to me spiritually so I'll never regret having them, and I made sure I planned the location specifically so they wouldn't effect my employability. Like everyone else said, make sure you get something that will mean something to you later in life. My brother told me once "That great pic of mickey mouse fippin the bird wont be so cute if your grandkids see it on your butt" lol!

If I get the chance Ill snap a few pix of the ones I have :D