View Full Version : Awful people!

09-22-2004, 05:56 PM
I know I shouldn't have, but I can't help it. I looked in the classifieds today under "cats." Here's the ad:

CAT, free to a good home, orange & white male, 4 yrs., neutered, companion, very affectionate. Owner is pregnant and can't keep. 502-xxx-xxxx.

:mad: :(

Yeah. Some companion you are. I just don't understand how anyone could look at their cat and say, "Sorry, kitty, YOU have to go." :confused: :( I could never do that! Never mind the whole pregnant thing!

I swear, if I could, I'd get that cat right now. I hope he finds a good home and manages to adjust to losing his owner. :(

09-22-2004, 06:00 PM
GRRRRR... what does being pregnant have to do with giving away a cat? My RB Tiny slept in the crib with me since I was an infant - so there's absolutely no truth to the tale that cats kill infants. I can't beleive people still believe that @%*$ in this day and age. :mad:

Did you call and give her a piece of your mind? I would have.

09-22-2004, 06:02 PM
That would be tempting to call, wouldn't it:mad: What does being pregant have to do with it??? My babies also grew up with kitties as is my grand-daughter. Boomer will also grow up with Missy's baby-to-be. This is soooooo sad:(

09-22-2004, 06:03 PM

I couldn't agree with you more!!! It makes me so mad to hear stuff like that.

There's a woman where I work who is looking to "get rid of" her husband's two cats, one is 12 the other is 15, because they are completely re-doing their home and she's sick and tired of all the cat hair they leave around!!! :mad:

Her husband must be REALLY whipped to allow his wife to dictate if HIS two cats, who he's had since they were babies, should go or not. What a freaking wuss!!!!

I do hope the cat and the two elder cats I mentioned get well deserved homes. It's so sad that stupid people such as these think that cats are disposable. :(

09-22-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
There's a woman where I work who is looking to "get rid of" her husband's two cats, one is 12 the other is 15, because they are completely re-doing their home and she's sick and tired of all the cat hair they leave around!!! :mad:

Oh my gosh, that's so sad. :( Just thinking about it makes me want to cry, and they're not even my cats...so I don't understand how someone could do that to their own pet.

I did not call this lady for fear it would turn too nasty. I'm too chicken basically. But if anyone wants her number, I have it... ;)

09-23-2004, 09:43 AM
There,are sadly a lot of people,who beleive,the stupid old wives tales,of Cats,smothering babies,and sadly thiese myths,are still ,out there! Poor Cat,being ousted,by idiots!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-23-2004, 09:58 AM
Have you thought about calling in a non-confrontational way and trying to get an explanation as to why the cat has to go? If it's a case of common misconceptions and old wives' tales, you may just be able to save this cat from being rehomed, if you approach it with sensitivity and do some research first. (eg this (http://www.snopes.com/critters/wild/catsuck.htm)

(I often phone the "Free to Good Homes" ads around here and explain the shortfalls - some people are extremely rude, but others are willing to listen and take advice)

It's worth a try - what's the worst that can happen!?

09-23-2004, 10:47 AM
im pregnant now !!, but i wonder if it has anything to do with the litter box? maybe she dont have anyone to clean it? not everyone knows your not supposed to be around the litter box,, you can catch some diseas thats in the litter.. my hubby changes it.. he kinda fussed but now hes "your not supposed to be touching it"

09-23-2004, 10:51 AM
I grew up around kitties. Mom was more worried about them attacking dad than me lol ;). I could never immagine re-homing my pets just because I was pregnant...or because I was remodeling. If I remodeled, I'd do it to match the cat hair :D

09-23-2004, 10:59 AM
Pregnant women are scared to death of the litterbox thing. But it's very easy to get around. All they have to do is:

1) give that job to another family member while they're pregnant, or
2) Use disposable medical gloves when changing the box & wash the hands thoroughly afterwards.

It's called toxoplasmosis. It only applies if you let your cat outside. Cats being cats will sometimes catch birds, eating raw meat, no matter the source, is how the cat contracts toxoplasmosis. You can be tested to see if you have ever had it, if so you have nothing to worry about. You can not catch it again. If you have not had it, can't be tested, or can't get someone else to clean the litter box, wear gloves and a mask when cleaning the litter box. Wash up thoroughly afterwards, accidental ingestion of cat feces is how humans contract toxoplasmosis. You should also take care when gardening as strays or your cat might decide the flower bed is a litterbox.

I bought a box of 250 gloves a while back and I use them all the time when cleaning out my cat's box, and I'm not even pregnant. Calling this lady and reading this info to her might help.

09-23-2004, 11:03 AM
There are currently 2 lovely cats at our Humane Society - ages 5 and 9, de-clawed. They were turned in for the same reason. People are just ignorant and believe anything without doing any research.

09-23-2004, 12:14 PM
they also have disposable litter boxes. where you dont have to change it, just buy a new one.. comes with litter and all