View Full Version : Sarah (zanzanfergie)??

09-21-2004, 11:04 PM
Has anybody heard from Sarah at ALL? She hasn't posted in ages! :( I miss hearing about Lucy, and Lachie, and Austin.. and all of the others!

Come back, Sarah! We miss you around here!


09-21-2004, 11:07 PM
I haven't heard from her in ages, and honestly, miss her VERY much. I think about her often and wonder if she'll ever come back. She was such a special member of Pet Talk. I miss her, and all her pets.

Come back Sarah! :(

09-21-2004, 11:39 PM
I was thinking of her the other day too, I have a husky notepad on my fridge that she gave me that makes me think of her. I haven't heard from her in quite a long time. :(

09-21-2004, 11:44 PM
I MISS HER TOO!!!! Come back Sarah!

09-21-2004, 11:47 PM
She must've been gone long, I'm not even sure who she is:p

09-22-2004, 07:30 AM
She is very special, Maria, and you would enjoy her a lot. I hope she will come back soon too. :)

09-24-2004, 01:30 AM
Hi everyone ;)

Just a quick message to say a big THANKYOU for thinking of me (and thanks for the email pulling me back in, Ash =) I miss you all very much too, and sometimes think of coming back here as a regular poster. Once or twice I have visited and read through the latest pet comings and goings - new additions (I can't believe Kay has a pack of 3 gorgeous muttlies giving her love now! :) Lucky, lucky girl - Kiara is a doll.) And poor Amy - I'm so sorry about Smokey :( It was so sad to read that he's slipped quietly away. I'm sorry I missed that.

My fur-crew are all doing well. Zander is three and a half now - a funny little gentleman set in his ways. He has become much more loving in his old age, and often comes up for a hug and kisses with his mom before bed which he didn't use to do. I love him very much - he sends grunts your way for thinking of him in his prime years. (He is of the opinion that he is rather a fine specimen and compliments never go astray to lure a hug from him - after all, he is a man of some standing, and has his pride :D)

The birds are doing well - Popcornbird, you will be pleased to hear that Austin has settled down to become a contented, gorgeous young lady as her second birthday approaches. We did have some difficulties during her adolescence - around 15 months of age - when she became very moody and aggresssive, and overpreened to the extent that we had to visit the vet. After a couple of hormone shots settled her down we bought her a new home, away from Lachie (they were quite the 'odd couple', pettily bickering like an old married couple). Lachie is his usual amusing self ;) He makes me laugh so much! Mom is at her wits end because he has perfected the fine art of imitating the phone ring, with always amusing results. He also wolf-whistles and chatters to himself. He's a busy bird and always has some project in effect, whether its tearing up paper or learning how to open the cage door on his own :D The most cute thing, though, is that he has taught Austin how to speak - she now says "Hello Lachie" as well. It's so cute -- you should see them having a conversation!! It goes something like: "Hello Lachie!" "Hello Lachie!" "Hello Lachie!" They are the sweetest little couple. It seems like having their own separate apartments was the best thing for them. They still talk to each other (and Lachie does enjoy watching Austin do her daily aerobics every morning, especially the upside-down wing stretch, hehe =)

And the little pigs - well, they're just happy being the pigs :D Eliza is my little angel. She looks as if she has perpetually been afflicted with a bad case of 'bed hair', LOL! Every morning when she waddles out of bed, wheeking for her breakfast, we can't help but laugh at her mussed her little hair, because it looks as if she's had a very busy, very rough night! :eek: She's adorable. The others are all fine, as well, pottering about in their usual piggy way.

That's the basic update for now, since there have been no major newsworthy events in their little lives. I'm busy catching up on all of your fur and feather-kid news though, so hopefully this tiny drop in a big puddle makes up for all the missed updates.

I just want to say once again how touched I am that you all thought of me, and took the time to respond - I am a funny little duckling with very little to add to the board so it made me very, very happy to come back and see you all again, and hear your kind thoughts. Since you are all very kind to take the time to think of me and my little mottley crew of loved ones! :D Keep posting, and stay sweet!! =) I'll talk to you all soon!

09-24-2004, 01:43 AM
I had to dig around to find your email. I'm glad to see you back! :D

09-24-2004, 02:01 AM
Oh Sarah, reading a post from you just brought a huge smile on my face. :D I have missed you and your crew so much! I'm glad to hear Austin has settled down in her own cage, and that she is talking also! Wow! Not many female tiels can talk, so she's one talented girl!

I hope you return to PT as a regular poster. It just isn't the same without you around here. We need to see pics of Austin and Lachie!! I miss seeing them around.

If you don't mind, could you please PM me your email address so we can keep in touch sometimes, even if you *disappear* from PT again? I was thinking about you but didn't have your email address, so I had no way to contact you and get you back here. :p He he he! Don't leave us again!