View Full Version : Tito and Sophie love each other, Sophie's sceptre *13 pictures*

09-21-2004, 09:13 PM
First let me say I am glad I had my camera nearby for all these! But, WHY do they have to move right before you take the pictures? These two pictures were so much cuter before I woke them up trying to take pictures.

Oh well! :rolleyes: :D

Spoonin' ;)


They were curled up in the same cat bed, in their favorite spot (on the chairs tucked under the dining room table). There's another bed right in front of them, but they chose to share one. :) See Sophie's royal sceptre coming out?

Here's some more sceptre pics:

Sceptre right on Tito's face! :eek:


Double royal sceptres:


More coming right up!

The white spots are where I blanked out our phone #, which is embroidered onto their collars.

09-21-2004, 09:18 PM
Tito beginning to slide out of bed...(or is Sophie pushing him? :eek:)

See the other bed in the picture (white "carpet condom' in the foreground)? They are usualy sleeping on one of the two when I come home every day. :D



Tito being goofy
Pretty Sophie girl!

That's all! :D

09-21-2004, 09:42 PM
Those are some adorable pictures Liz!! Your babies sure did hit it off and are best buddies-must make you feel so happy:D How cute to see them so cozy together!! I love it!!

09-22-2004, 04:42 AM
The Sophie girl knows she's a princess:) So much royal sceptre;)

Both are so cute. I love that picture of Tito rolling on the screen. From a cat's point of view a flat screen cannot be recommended:D

09-22-2004, 05:55 AM
MAJOR AWWWWWWWWWWE!!! Look at those two spooning! What sweeties! I want to hug and snuggle and smooch all over both of them! Those two have bonded so well and really love each other.
There is an awful lot of sceptre from that little bunny butt! Tito must be a very patient and loving big brother as well as being cute as a button!!!;) :D :D
Great pictures Lizzie!

09-22-2004, 06:33 AM
Awww, Liz, they're such cuties!!! I love the pic of them spoonin'!!! That's too sweet!!!

Looks like Sophie is doing well after her surgery!

I hope that if/when we ever get another cat, that he will bond to Josie like yours have!

Love the pics!

09-22-2004, 07:02 AM
I think since Sophie's had her sir-jury and was gone for a night, maybe Tito realized how much he missed her! We've caught them sleeping together like that three times since she got back Saturday morning! Last night was the cutest (no pictures, sorry) - they were laying facing each other, Tito had his paw over Sophie, and she was resting her head on his cheek (if that makes sense) and they were both sounds asleep. So cute!!! :D

By the way, at the vet's we found out Miss Sophie weighs SIX whole big pounds! :eek: ;) :D

09-22-2004, 07:08 AM
AWWWWwwwwww..... I love when they wrap ther arms around each other. So sweet and loving.

PS: I LOVE the one shot under the spooning sho... cute picture and the aded bonus of "giggle factor" - I can see the bottom of the table top! :D LOL

09-22-2004, 08:35 AM
Tito,and Sophie,are so Great Together,that is a Good reason,that Cats,should not be alone,as they need Another Cat,to bond with!