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Cougie Wechsler
10-10-2001, 10:44 PM
Hello all, I thought I would use you as a sound board and ask for some advice. There has been a beautiful Maine Coon girl that has shown up at my office for the past 2 1/2 weeks. She is typically there in the morning and stays there all day, occassionally trying to get into the building (I work in a multi-tenant office). We have always assumed that she showed up to the office during the day and left at night. Well anyway, she has been more aggressive about getting inside the lobby and has gotten in a few times.

Anyway, I have been getting to work earlier and have noticed her there sleeping on the patio furniture - it doesn't seem like she has been going home. To make matters worse, the building owner has threatened to "dispose" of her so today I acted. I called a friend to take her in and took her to my friend's during my lunch hour. She is now in a home and safe.

The people from Albuquerque Cat rescue say that she exhibits the traits of an abandoned pet and a cat that has a home would not spend the entire day at the office. She does not seem to be malnourished and she is not scraggly looking. My fear is that we have taken someone's pet but she will have a home now - Albuquerque Cat rescue will foster her until a forever home is found. Did I do the right thing by getting her off the street????

My office is in downtown Abq. so there are quite a bit of hazards...I feel good that she is safe but at the same time my heart is aching because some owner may be missing their cat.

[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: Cougie Wechsler ]

10-10-2001, 10:52 PM
I think you did the right thing in that her life was being threatened by the building owner. I would just be extra dilligent and keep an eye out for "lost cat" posters anywhere - phone poles, laundromats, area stores - any place people might post it, and in the local paper. You could also post a "found cat" flyer, but don't give her description, just "Maine Coon found by 43 Main St. office" or a vague-at-best description, so if someone calls, you can ask for them to describe her color, size, etc., so you know it's their cat.

At least she's safe for now, and you can be happy about that!

10-10-2001, 10:54 PM
Sounds like you made the right decision to me. You can always put up some FOUND CAT posters or a newspaper ad if you want.

A responsible owner should have a collar and tag on the pet. I have to admit that I haven't always had tags on my cats. I know that I'm taking a big chance by making that choice. But, you might have the cat checked for a microchip to be safe.

The worst regrets are about things we didn't do. I don't think you should regret this for a minute! Good luck to the kitty - and to those who care enough to save her.

10-11-2001, 07:08 AM
Cougie - you absolutely did the right thing and Karen you have the answer. Putting an ad in the local paper about a lost Maine is a super idea - that will ease your mind on whether you took someone's pet. I wish everyone would be this caring, just breaks my heart when I see an animal without a home :(

Cougie Wechsler
10-11-2001, 08:37 AM
Thanks everyone! I do feel better this morning especially since it was really cold and drizzled a bit last night. If she is truly homeless, she would have been out in that. I talked to my friend and she had a good night - she felt really comfortable, ate, used the litter box, and had a nice chair to sleep in. Albuquerque Cat Rescue wants to get her in to be checked soon and I am going to visit her tonight. A truly beautiful girl!!! :)

10-11-2001, 10:14 AM
It sounds to me as though this little Maine Coon girl was trying to get into the office building to find you!!!! You did everything right and you have already been given excellent advice. Please keep us posted on how all of this turns out. Bless you for taking the time and effort to rescue this sweet girl.

10-11-2001, 11:18 AM

You definitely did the right thing! Purrs and headbutts to you from Thelma and Weezie ...


10-11-2001, 11:19 AM
Cougie, I agree with everyone here! Job well done! I would have done the same. Please do keep us posted on her whereabouts! *hugs*

10-11-2001, 11:42 AM
I agree! You absolutely did the right thing. :) :)

Cougie Wechsler
10-11-2001, 01:35 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Thanks for making me feel good about this. You are all so amazing and I appreciate all your advice and kind workds! You are right too, she is better off. And I kind of had a feeling this would happen, my friend called me and told me that she has a forever home with her if she is healthy and the owner can't be located. Thanks again :D :D :D

10-11-2001, 01:41 PM
You most certainly did the right thing! And I think Spencer is also right that the previous so-called owners don't seem to care about the poor cat. (Note that the cat rescue people say she is exhibiting abandoned cat behavior.)

Good for you for taking the time to care! And I'm glad the kitty has found a good home!

4 feline house
10-11-2001, 08:22 PM
And if she did get loose and lost (as we all know happens even to the most responsible owners), and her owners are eventually found, they will be really relieved to know that someone took her in out of the cold and made efforts to reunite them with their beloved little girl.

10-11-2001, 11:47 PM
Yes, yes, yes, you did the right thing! If she did have a home, someone was not taking very good care of her, so I myself would not worry too much about finding out where she came from. Maybe that is the wrong way to feel, but I have SUCH a hard time with people who don't take care of their animals. There is a chance that she was maybe a long way from home and was lost, and if that's the case, maybe her owners deserve a second chance. But aside from that, she will have a better chance to find a good, loving home somewhere else.

Cougie Wechsler
10-12-2001, 08:45 AM
I visited her at my friends last night - she is so comfortable in the new surroundings. She is also very sociable and loving! Haven't seen any lost cat signs or adds. The important thing is that she is safe and loved! Thanks again for your help!!!

10-12-2001, 12:37 PM
I'm so happy she is doing well! Thanks for the update! :D