View Full Version : What gets you up when your feeling down?

09-21-2004, 01:07 PM
I don't want to start a Awww poor me thing, but I'm just been so down lately and can't seem to find anything to bring me out of it.

The last year has been fill with to many downs. Ginger died, Brock died, hurricanes killed my rabbits, 4 of my kittys, gone, wiped out 2 fish tanks of fish and my Chin passed. My back yard still looks like H#$L, my side wall looks like a patch work quilt. Hurricanes brought on hard feelings with family, that was staying with us. I guess living to close toghter was to much for us. And every little thing/person seem to be getting on my nerves as I think I am getting on everyones else nerves too. Well you get the idea, life has sucked lately around here.

So what gets you up when your down? And I'm sorry to say, PT is not working for me right now. In some ways it's just reminds me of my lost babies. I have some guilt with them, if I had not of listened to everyone else who told me to set them (kitty's) free in the hurricane, they still be with me. I understand their reason for it. Like they said, If for some reason the house didn't make it they would been traped inside and most likely all would died. So I set them free as told.

I did join Dogster, something new, thinking that if I wrote/talked about the good in my puppy's that might bring me back into those good feeling I use to have about my pets, instead of thinking about the losted ones. Well, that failed, it just reminded me that Mooch and Cannilla are soon to follow, between cancer and old old age.

I know everyone has their up and downs, it's normal. So what differnt or crazy thing has brought any of you out of it? I think I need something that's not pet related. Don't get me wrong I love my babies and they mean the world to me, but sometimes I belive to be their for them completly, you have to take care of yourself first.

PJ's Mom
09-21-2004, 01:15 PM
Surround yourself with the people you love...those who can cheer you up. When you can't do that, eat chocolate and listen to your favorite music, very, very loud. :D

I hope you feel better soon. :)

09-21-2004, 01:15 PM
Milo, Lady, and Mama always cheer me up

09-21-2004, 02:42 PM
Wet sloppy kisses from my pups!
Running around the yard playing with my pups!
Curling up on the couch watching TV with my pups!

I sure hope things get better for you, I can't say I know what you are going through. All I can say is that I am sorry for your bad luck, and I pray things get better for you soon!

09-21-2004, 03:06 PM
I've been down a lot lately. I just stay/talk with family, do something with my pets or listen to music amd try to just relax and focus on the music

09-21-2004, 03:10 PM
PT helps me alot when Im feeling down..

So does taking pictures, I almost always go and take some pictures when Im feeling down, it's just something I love and it helps take my mind off of whatever Im down about.

Jasper also helps me alot, he is so goofy(typical Boxer--as you know ;))

Maybe try to think about what you have, instead of what you have lost!

I hope you feel better soon, Libby! {{{Hugs}}}

Desert Arabian
09-21-2004, 03:22 PM
* Go horse back riding
* Hang out at the stable
* Go for a hike
* Take Tasha for a walk
* Play with Peanut, Sam, and/or ratties
* Take pictures of stuff (flowers, animals, etc)
* Watch a good movie

stuff like that....:)

09-21-2004, 03:44 PM
* cuddling with Tito and Sophie
* shopping! Buying makeup and clothes is a big help to me. Unless I have to use the credit card, which makes me feel guilty...
* taking baths
* eating chocolate!! :D
* posting on PT! :D

09-21-2004, 03:56 PM
Shopping is always a fun thing to do! I also love to listen to music. Doing some crafts is fun. I'm already getting in the Christmas spirit so I've been listening to Christmas music. I hope it gets better for you soon.

Samantha Puppy
09-21-2004, 04:00 PM
If it's possible, go outside on a nice day somewhere nice - a park, your yard, somewhere quiet and relaxing and look around you. Listen. You'll see and hear things we taken for granted every day - the sun on your skin, the blue sky and the smell of grass... dogs barking, babies laughing... those are all things to cherish.

09-21-2004, 05:50 PM
Some things that work for me

engross myself in the brain numbing activity of playing my X Box and cranking up my music. :D There is something cathartic about beating the crud out of some anoying little virtual people lol

Writing songs. Im in a band (well kind of) and writing music really helps

Playing with Remus. I cant be depressed around that cat, ever lol.

Bowl. Same thing goes with bowling as with the video games. The pins make great targets

I hope you feel better. Depression sucks, I know. *Hugs* for you!

09-21-2004, 05:56 PM
I usually do some of the following:
1) Go horseback riding
2) play with Tango
3) go for a walk
4) take pictures of the dogs/horse

09-21-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501

Maybe try to think about what you have, instead of what you have lost!

This is the best advice! No matter how bleak things seem there is always someone who is going through a worse time. The blessings in my life are my family, especially my precious grandson, and my pets.

When I get really down in the dumps I think of my brother's wife. She is slowly dying of terminal cancer. No matter what life throws at me (us) as long as we have our health we have everything!!

09-21-2004, 07:39 PM
My rabbits....nothing else can help me like my rabbits!I spend hours sitting in their hutch petting them and laughing at them! They are so silly and sweet & ALWAYS bring my mood up!:D

09-21-2004, 09:43 PM
I understand how you feel (although I didn't have to go through all you've been through).
I've have been so down since Angus has went to the bridge I've just wanted to cry every day & the last couple of days have seemed to be worse than ever.
Like you PT is not as fun as it used to be for me either. It just reminds me how much I miss Angus. And I guess it's because he was such a big part of my PT life.
So I am trying to spend alot of time with my girls. Take them for walks playing with them and just in general giving them all the love I would have give my big boy.
I hope soon that you'll find something to bring you out of this depression.

09-21-2004, 09:58 PM
I try to take a break from the computer....try and get everything I need to get done, done and then just go cry. Listen to depressing music, and then I'll listen to other music that makes me feel better. Then I'll take Major for a walk. That's what *usually* helps me.. Sometimes you just have to wait it out.

Aspen and Misty
09-21-2004, 10:03 PM
Going out with a good friend. Or going somewheer where I know alot of my friends will be.

I'm telling ya, call up a good friend (even if you havn't talked to them in 3 months) and ask them out for Coffey (SP) or something you really enjoy doing.

Think of what your FAV. thing in life is, and do it, no matter what. You need to get out of this rute to re-start your life and enjoy the things you used to. You've been through so much, I am so sad for you right now.

I'm here if you need to talk ::hugs::


09-21-2004, 10:05 PM
I have been feeling pretty down myself lately too. I'd kind of gotten so depressed that I wasn't taking care of myself. I hadn't shaved or put on makeup in a looong time.

Anyways, hubby took me shopping and bought me a new outfit. I came home, soaked in a long hot bath, shaved, put on lotion and my new outfit. I took my time on my make up and hair and then went out for a pedicure.

I'm not normally a girly girl, but it really lifted my spirits. I don't think it was helping my depression much that I was walking around in sweats all day looking like hell.

09-21-2004, 10:29 PM
Sometimes we just need a break from our lives. I know I sure do! I like to try something new or do something I haven't done in a long time. Maybe a new hobby? Watching funny movies? Just something to look forward to!

09-21-2004, 10:56 PM
Oh...I'm so sorry that you're having a hard time right now!!!:(
I guess I'd have to say try spending your time with family & friends. That's what has kept my sane in the past!:p
I also like to go shopping, gardening, playing with my dogs, watching a good movie, taking a bubble bath, or just sitting out on the back deck relaxing or listening to music seems to help!
Also it never hurts to share your feelings with us here at Pet Talk!!!!!!!:)

09-21-2004, 11:38 PM
First I want to say to anna_66, I'm so so sorry about Angus and feel bad that I didn't say something before now. It's no excuse, but I have not be up to reading/posting about things like that lately. I hope you undersatnd why. I have yet to even say the names of my lost babies after the hurricane to PT.. Not ready to see it in type yet.

Maybe try to think about what you have, instead of what you have lost!
Thats what I always tell people to do too. Funny how it works sometimes and other times not. But I'm still am everyday reminding myself how lucky I am to have what I do have. Even if the house has a big whole in it at least there's still a house left. :)

Tonya, I know what you mean about sweats, fixing yourself up some etc. I even went as far as to dye my hair red. I always wondered what I would look like as a red head. :eek:

Aspen and Misty, I think maybe your right, I need to go out re-start somewhat over. I'll work on that idea. Do something fun and crazy maybe, deal with all this mess at home later.

If all else fails, I'll just wait it out like MariaM said, in time something got to give in my favor, right?

Thanks to everyone.

Buddy Blaze Lover
09-22-2004, 08:54 AM
Talking to my friend Kathryn or Lindsey ALWAYS helps me up when I'm feeling down. They know what I'm going through and that helps a lot, and they most always do! :)

09-22-2004, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
Thats what I always tell people to do too. Funny how it works sometimes and other times not. But I'm still am everyday reminding myself how lucky I am to have what I do have. Even if the house has a big whole in it at least there's still a house left. :)

That's a better way to put it ;) I hope you start feeling better soon!! {{Hugs}}

09-22-2004, 09:28 AM
I have lived with major depressive episodes (MDE) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for many years - so what you are talking about is probably a bit different because you really do have some very immediate and difficult situations to deal with! But I am sure the hopeless and sad feelings are similar ((((HUGS))))

In my depressions - I isolate and quit taking care of myself or interacting with anyone - so when I feel one coming on...I do some of the things I have heard mentioned and some of my own:
*take nice hot showers with my scented soap and loofah
*fix my hair and put on make-up
*light scented candles
*put on something that makes me feel like I look nice
*think about the GOOD things in my life (VERY hard to do!!!)
*buy myself a little present (candle, bookmark, some tea, etc)
*make the bed and arrange the night stand
*go to the library and get a book I have been wanting to read
*call an elderly friend "just to chat about THEM"
*call a trusted friend if I really need to cry
*read my Bible and sing hymns
*crank up the radio and sing country western songs :-) (happy ones!)
*dance when nobody is watching - the movement is healing
*write a check and send it to a charity or someone I know who needs it
*pet my cats and concentrate on how they feel and how their heart beats
*feel my own heart beating and listen to my breathing

Some of these things come from very desparate and suicidal times so they may not be what you need, but they are things I have learned to try. again...(((((HUGS))))))

09-22-2004, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
Tonya, I know what you mean about sweats, fixing yourself up some etc. I even went as far as to dye my hair red. I always wondered what I would look like as a red head. :eek:

I've had my hair that different blond, brown, and orange-red chunks and streaks for about 8 months or so. I was feeling so trendy and icky. I went in the other day, dyed it back to the good ol' dark red I always did, chopped some bangs and layered my hair. It felt good to have a new old me and get all that heavy hair off of my head. I think that lifted my spirits alot.

09-22-2004, 11:37 AM
When I feel down I just mope around for a few minutes, then I turn on the TV...

The hurricanes in Florida made me realize My problems ain't sheet compared to what's going on out there.

Also, the problems in Africa make me a appreciate my life a bit more.

People will probably think it's terrible to use other people's pain to make me feel better- It doesn't - It makes me realize my problems aren't anything to get bent out of shape over.

09-22-2004, 11:51 AM
Luckily, I think there's always something good in everything bad. If not, there's always chocolate, friends and my fur angels. :)

09-22-2004, 11:55 AM
Libby, it has been 15 years now, but after Hurricane Hugo, I watched my own mother drop into a terrible depression. I can still remember the day after the hurricane hit their town and we drove up with a car full of ice, and there was my mother, in the middle of the mess, raking up a small, visible patch of grass. She had to do something, I guess, in the midst of huge trees blown down all around their home. The horror of the hurricane itself, plus the devastation on her town, really got to her. It took her over a year to snap out of it, but she did. And she didn't have the losses you have endured with pets. Theirs was more of the whole landscape and beauty of their town.

It's going to take some time for you to get past what you've experienced this year. Just take it one day at a time, and try to accomplish one thing each day that improves life in your home. It is so easy to get overwhelmed and depressed. I'm even trying this solution in my own life and we haven't had to deal with the things you have. I think the best things that work for me are taking a dog and walking for a while, and spending time with my husband and children, outdoors, whether it be playing ball with them, gardening, cooking out on the grill, or just taking a walk with them and the dogs at dusk. I also find that prayer and quiet time help me to get things into focus as well.

I am keeping you in my prayers and hoping that each day will be a bit easier for you, my friend.


09-22-2004, 12:46 PM
Libby, I hope you get to feeling better soon. I think what got me to feeling so bad was coming on here and seeing that Angus and Felony had passed away.

I don't know what to tell you, because I haven't found that miracle cure yet myself.

I do hope and pray you get to feeling better though really soon, and I am so sorry to hear about all your losses and the troubles from the hurricanes.


09-22-2004, 01:14 PM
After doing some thinking and talking last night, my husband has decided he wants to take me to Disney's Animal Kingdom, this weekend. Something to look forward to, if it works out. I have to be honest though, I want to go, but then again, I don't. It's not chep and we really should save the money to fix the house. But then again I really want to get away and just enjoy one day. He's even gone so far as to say he doen't care if the dogs happen to pee in the house while we are gone. :eek: :eek: He's says if they do we will clean it up when we get home. That goodness for tile floors. lol You have no idea what a big statement that is for him to say......it's a WOW double WOW!!! We have never gone anywhere for a whole day toghter before because of the pets.

And I think I have decided to get my hair cut. It's been 3 almost 4 years sence I got my hair really cut. At least when I have to come back to reality, hopefully I'll look cute doing it. lol

Anyway thanks guys for your understanding and advice. You have helped. Like I said in the begaining, I didn't want anyone to see this as a Awww poor me thing, it's just I'm not use to this. I have always been the one others come to, not the other way around. It's a new feeling being on the other end of things for me.

09-22-2004, 01:27 PM
Yes the first days in weeks are horrific but in the end it will be okay! I thought I'd never get over any of my bunnies deaths, the pain has gone but I still love them and miss them!i can picture my Silky perfectly, sitting in her favorite corner of the old hutch rocking back and forth while I petted her. Sugar and how he used to just lay there by the wicker chairs like he was the king. Basil and how silly she was hopping around & Cadbury and how much she loved people food and how much of a little suck up she was! These memories made me sad before but now they make me smile.

09-23-2004, 12:08 PM
Libby, provided that yet another hurricane (Jeanne), doesn't affect your plans, I hope you will get to go to the Animal Kingdom this weekend with your husband. What a great day that would be for you. I loved the Animal Kingdom when we visited there last year. Unfortunately, I didn't think we got to see enough, but I had 3 grumpy kids, which didn't make it easy! GRRRRRRR......

You go and have a great time. Get your hair cut. That will brighten your day too. :)

Keep us posted.


09-23-2004, 12:35 PM
Thanks Logan, but it looks like Jeanne is going to stop that trip. Our plans where to go Sat. but of course Jeanne has plans for us on that day. :mad: Even if it doesn't hit us, the rains will.

So instead it looks like Sat might be a day of filling the cars with gas, ice buying etc. and again putting up the deck furniture, that we just got back out!!!

You ever feel like there's a big bull's eye on your back? Florida is just one big Bull's eye with signs all around saying "HIT ME... again and again and again. :rolleyes:

09-23-2004, 05:46 PM
libby I am so sorry to hear you are feeling low, and no wonder, look at what is happening to you , especially with these continuous hurricanes, thats enough to depress anyone.

I was going to say, you go to the Animal Kingdom, and enjoy it to the max, sometimes we have to prioritise things, and your health and well being comes before fixing the house.

I think sometimes nothing will make one feel better, we just have to ride through it, and hopefully see light at the end of the tunnel, and hope that tomorrow we feel somewhat better, comparing our lives with others, and thinking how much better off we are than the starving people with not even the bare essentials, does not always work for me, it just depends how low I am feeling, I battle daily with continual fatigue and pain, and yes I tell myself well its not life threatening and there are a lot of people worse off than me by far, but when its bad, not even those thoughts cross my mind, its more WHY ME?? I guess everyone can relate to that feeling.

When its not too bad, having time out, going shopping, helps me and of course having my two adorable cats to chat with and pet always lifts my spirits, and coming on PT, I cannot count the many times PT has really helped me, just the caring on here is over-whelming and can really turn your day around.

I hope things improve for you Libby soon, and that you will feel better soon, we all empathise with you greatly and wish the best for you and your pets and family. CHEER UP sweetie if you can.HUGS.:)