View Full Version : Look at Ginger

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-21-2004, 12:49 PM
Lisa, I hope this will re-assure you regards your feral kittens - with time, patience and love, just look at the progress Ginger has made:

A reminder of how he looked after being trapped and neutered (and probably feeling like your porch kittens are at the moment). Once I released him into the garden, all I ever saw was his little bum and tail disappearing around the corner as soon as the door was opened:

NOW look at him:

Supper time tonight - don't you LOVE his spots!!!

Never mind not allowing me to TOUCH him - he now jumps on my lap for some scritchies, and purrs like a little tractor :)

09-21-2004, 12:52 PM
Oh Julie what a wonderful example ... and I too have pics to document some of my ferals! I will get back on later and post them ... Lisa needs all the encouragement she can get!!!;)

09-21-2004, 01:03 PM
Put him in a box and send him:)

09-21-2004, 02:31 PM
Oh Julie! Thank you so much!!! I just love Ginger and he is so adorable!
The strange part of this is that I have done what my co-worker is doing. As a matter of fact Lucky lived in our house with us for 18 months before I could touch him!:eek: Why is it that I would feel so much better if it was me doing it and not someone else?
In my head I know that this will all work out and they will be fine. I guess it's the way I feel I betrayed them but I also know that in a few months I will be able to go see happy youngsters that have access to a barn and 7 acres to play on. It's a far better situation than I can provide.
I just have trouble giving them up!!
Just keep reminding me that I'm not some special cat Goddess and other people are also able to tame ferals!;) I just have trouble trusting anyone outside of me and PT people!!!

Ok, it's time for everyone to imitate Debbie and *SMACK* me!!;) :D

Ummm, Julie since you've already done all the work could you send me Ginger??:)

Thanks everyone for the support.

09-21-2004, 03:59 PM
Ginger could have fooled me! he's feral? Or just a scardy-cat? He looks like one happy, and very handsome boy now. :D Off to give CCL a few smacks myself! :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-22-2004, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Ginger could have fooled me! he's feral? Or just a scardy-cat? He looks like one happy, and very handsome boy now. :D Off to give CCL a few smacks myself! :D

He was part of a litter I trapped on a building site next to the place I used to work. I managaged to trap the entire litter (except one, who was hit by a car), plus the Mom. TNR'd all of them, and released Ginger and his Tortie sister and Mom into my garden. Sis and Mom were never seen again, but Ginger stuck around.

That first pic was taken in APRIL, so it's taken 5 months for us to progress this far!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-22-2004, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Put him in a box and send him:)

Don't put ideas into my head Barbara - after all I DO have your address LOL!!

09-22-2004, 08:46 AM
If I ahve learnd anything,at The Found Cat Hotel,it is that if you give the Strays Love,eventually,they will learn,to trust You,and give you,back a Million Fold,what you ahve given them.