View Full Version : Bad Meowmie, Good Boy

09-21-2004, 11:23 AM
This morning I went to let Nicki out and Allen was quick as lighting - out the door before I even knew he was flying through. I figured that if he was THAT eager to go outside to let him chew grass for two minutes while Nicki did her thing.

Then Miss Nicki was being bad, and decied to go say hi to the utility guy reading the meter on the side of the house. So I ran after her before she could scare the wits out of the guy (who by the way thought she was the sweetest thing.) I returned to the back of the house and Allen was GONE! :eek:

I ran in the house to grab the package of Temptations - the boy will come running from anywhere to get his paws on them. I gave the package a test shake as I was running through the kitchen to make sure it had maximum shakiness to attract Allen. What did I hear? A very LOUD meow coming from the basement! He had wanted in, but since the kitchen door was closed (so Pouncer wouldn't get out) he went through the opened cellar door - only to be blocked by the closed door from the basement to the kitchen... poor boy was being GOOD and going back in the house, while BAD meowmie left him alone to chase after a BAD Nicki.

09-21-2004, 11:45 AM
Sounds like mine when they happen to slip out .... a few minutes with a closed door, and they are back and BEGGING to get back in the house! Can we say "CULTURE SHOCK!!!" :eek: :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-21-2004, 12:00 PM
Sounds like an exciting morning you had!!! What a good boy Allen was, to come straight back inside where he belongs.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-21-2004, 01:23 PM
Boy, never a dull moment at your house! :D

09-22-2004, 08:55 AM
We are Gald,that Allen,Like JJJ3,is cnditioned,to respind,to the Shake,of theWhiskas Temptations!Thank God,for Whiskas Temptations!