View Full Version : Surprise~! A new addition to the K's

09-20-2004, 11:22 PM
Well, I have kept the secret until the arrival date which was today. Keegan and Kylie have a new sister!!
Baby Kloe is an approximately 7 week old Tortieshell/calico.
Her momma had a litter in my best friends porch, this poor momma cat gets pregnant everytime she goes into heat. But she is semi feral and they can't get near her and she is not really their cat. She just shows up has babies and goes off again. They have kept 3 of her babies from 2 different litters. They got the first 2 fixed, and the other one is going to be soon.
Well, anyway, I happened to be over at their house one day and out came the kittens. There was a buff, tiger, dilute tortie, and this little tortie. They had eye infections at the time, their little eyes were all matted shut, so my friend was giving them some penicillian. I said "if this one lives, I will take her" so they gave her some more antibiotic and got the whole litter cleared up.
That was the Friday BEFORE Labor Day, the 3rd. The momma got mad her my friends youngest daughter (who does NOT listen for anything :rolleyes: ) and moved the litter which caused quite the ruckus. :p I think she ended up moving them twice. Well, last Sunday I got home from a weekend at my parent's house and I got a panicked call from my friend, she was crying and very very upset. Telling me to come over right away to get Kloe b/c her GSD got loose and got into the litter and killed all the babies except Kloe, who was hiding in the bushes. Then he went after Lorrie's older daughter and then after Lorrie. He has never ever been a nice dog. This litter made 11 cats that he had killed. I think he had the taste of the kill and enjoyed it. Unfortunately due to his temperment, he went to the Humane Society, and am not sure what has happened to him. Please, I don't want to be lambasted for what happened to Chief, just trust me on the fact, when I say he was not a friendly or nice dog, and I would never ever ever have turned my back on him or gotten out of the car at their house if he were loose. Yes, he was an outside dog, and I do not agree with that at all, but he is NOT MY dog, and it is too late now. I do not say it lightly that he was not a nice dog, b/c I don't believe in disposable pets, and neither does my friend, but it wasn't the first time he had went after her kids.
ANYHOO, we decided she would benefit spending another week with her mom, so they made a nice little nest for her and Momma fed her very well with field mice this week, and she also got kitten chow. :eek: Lorrie said one morning there were 10 mice in the carrier! Well, I made an appt for her b/c I wanted her to be tested for FIV before she came home. So I went and picked her up today, and Lorrie and I took her to the vet. She is healthy, has a bit of URI still and herpes infection. Her FIV was negative and she was FULL OF FLEAS. So as soon as we came in the door after Keegan pottied, Mizz Kloe got a bath!! Actually 2 baths b/c the first one didn't get all of them off of her. :( I am a bit nervous about what people will think b/c of her age, but I wanted to get her cleaned up as soon as possible. (Kylie has rodent ulcer from being bit by fleas as a kitten and do not want it to happen to Kloe, may already be too late. :( ) So she is still getting the penicillian and got a dose of Revolution after her flea bath.
Keegan is doing beautifully with her, very gently sniffing her.
Kylie on the other hand is PI$$ED!!! She hisses at Kloe everytime she sees her, then she hisses at Keegan then she hisses at me.
Kloe even growled back her !!! :eek: She has peed in her little litterbox and her play ground is the bathroom. She has snuggled with me. It's kind of funny that the mom is semi - feral b/c her kittens so far are soooooo laid back and little lovebugs.
I can't wait to see what she grows into. :)
Without further ado here is the link to the alblum.
The first 21 pics are of her last week, she crawled up to my neck and slept. Please don't mind the pics of my bathroom with my ahem clothes! I can't crop them down!!
:o :o :o


09-20-2004, 11:32 PM
CUUTE! She looks like a little nut ;) Congrats! :)

09-20-2004, 11:34 PM
Kloe is so cute! I just finished looking at her photo album. Awwww!

09-20-2004, 11:38 PM
Congratulations!! Kloe is a cutie!! I hope her and Kylie will make ammends eventually!

09-20-2004, 11:41 PM
She is just adorable! It sounds like rescued her from a horrible situation...how terrible. :( I'm so glad she's with you now!
Can't wait to watch this little darling grow up!

09-21-2004, 12:10 AM

09-21-2004, 12:10 AM
CONGRATULATIONS Staci, Kloe is a real cutie, and already has stolen my heart, BTW I love her name, I have a real thing about torties, calico's since joining PT, one day I hope to own one myself,it will be great to watch this little one grow up on PT.:)

09-21-2004, 12:11 AM
:D Welcome to the bestest home on earth, sweet Kloe! :D

CONGRATS Staci, she's a doll!!!

09-21-2004, 02:45 AM
Welcome home, beautiful Kloe! She's adorable Staci! :D

09-21-2004, 02:50 AM
Aww, a tiny baby and she's beautiful. Congrats :)

09-21-2004, 05:35 AM
What a cutie-pie Staci - no wonder you couldn't resist her.

Welcome to your Furrever Home Kloe xxx


09-21-2004, 05:47 AM
AWWWWWWWE!!! What a cutie!! She is one precious tortie!:D
Does she have long hair? In some of the pictures she looks pretty furry. She is adorable and we are so fortunate because we will get to see this little beauty grow up on PT. YIPPEE!!!

Kylie, you are about to have a new friend that has lots of "tortietude"! ;) :D

Killearn Kitties
09-21-2004, 06:45 AM
She looks adorable! Good luck in your new life baby girl.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-21-2004, 07:40 AM
Congrats on the new addition Staci. Kloe is adorable. I LOVE little torties - they are so cute!!!

09-21-2004, 08:44 AM
Kloe,you look so much like my First Cat Pouncer,its incredible! And we know atht she,will turn out,to as sweet,and lovig a cat,as Pouncer was!Bless You,as Kloe,will repay you,a Million Fold!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-21-2004, 10:24 AM
Staci, she's adorable!!! And growling back at Kylie already - what a cheeky little thing!

Sad story about her siblings, but I'm so glad she's ok and found the best home ever!

Can't wait to hear all the naw-tee kitten stories, and how Keegan gets along with her....or more like how she gets along with Keegan. :D

09-21-2004, 10:37 AM
Welcome to PT Kloe!!! We can't wait to see more pics of you! You're adorable!!!

09-21-2004, 10:40 AM
awwwwweeee!! I loved the album pix!! Kloe is such a tint lil thing and soooocute! Hope big sister Kylie will decide to check her out pretty soon - Kloe needs to learn how to be a princess, too:)

09-21-2004, 11:09 AM
AWW! She's cute! Welcome home little Kloe.

Question: Since I'm not a dog person, what is a "GSD"?

09-21-2004, 11:20 AM
Oh Staci, how exciting! What a horrible story for her littermates, and I am glad that dog was stopped before he killed again ... he may have killed a child some day!! Poor dog, I'm sure the owners were to blame for his lack of social skills!:mad:

Anyway, the fact that little Khloe survived is proof positive that she was meant to be your baby! I am just so excited for you, and can't wait to watch her grow up on PT! Your album pics were precious, please be sure to tell us when they are updated!

Don't worry about Kylie, she'll learn to love the little one soon too! Keegan is just precious, I wish I could give him hugs!!!


09-21-2004, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by RedHedd
AWW! She's cute! Welcome home little Kloe.

Question: Since I'm not a dog person, what is a "GSD"?
Gernan Shepard I think, maybe??

What a cutie pie. I'm so glad you got her and I'm so sorry to hear about her siblings and the dog. Very sad. I'm sure you really rocked Kylie's world bringing Kloe in but hopefully with time they will become friends (or if they're like my cats, tolerate each other).

09-21-2004, 11:31 AM
Congratulations on the new baby! She's certainly a beautiful little girl! I can't wait to watch this lucky little girl grow up :)

09-21-2004, 11:51 AM
Awwwwwwwwww!!!! She's soooooo precious, Stac!!!

What a little dear! I agree with Tonya...she has the best home ever! :)

Congrats to you and to Kloe. :)

09-21-2004, 12:36 PM
Thanks everyone! Kloe is blushing at how many views she has~ ;)
She is asleep on my chest right now - she was exploring and came up to me shivering so I don't know if she got scared or was cold, so she is wrapped in my robe. She has used the box. Poo was a bit messy and had to have a foot bath afterward but she is doing well. She spent the nite in the bathroom so that I could have some quality time with the big girls. Plus she is so little I am afraid she would be squashed or try to jump off the bed and get hurt or worse. So until she is able to be big enough to fend for herself, she will be in the bathroom at nite and while I am not home.

Yes, while I do agree that Chief was not socialized properly and didn't have the best life being tied to a chain, she is one of my best friends, and knows how I feel about outside dogs and there isn't anything I can do about it. She has 2 cats in the house and 2 indoor /outdoor that have a great life and are properly spoiled and very well loved. :)

09-21-2004, 02:16 PM
She is a cutie :)

09-21-2004, 03:48 PM
Oh my stars! She's ADORABLE! What a little cutie pie! Congratulations on your new addition!

Welcome KLOE! :D

EDIT: GSD = German Shepherd Dog, I think :)

09-22-2004, 12:36 AM
Thanks everyone!



12 new pics at the end
the pi$$ed off kitty!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-22-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Find the pi$$ed off kitty!!

I thought you meant Kloe was mad, but now I see it's Kylie. That is too funny how she's hiding! Did she do that herself? Too funny how she knows it turns and she can hide like that. :D

Kloe is such a little sweetie pie. I love the pic where she's sleeping in her little tent and Keegan's paw is there - awww......:D

09-22-2004, 12:15 PM
Kylie found that spot to hide in when she first came her 3 years ago!
Sometimes I come home from work and she has been in there. I can't believe she still fits - she is a bit wider then when she first came here~

09-22-2004, 01:10 PM
That picture of Kylie in the cabinet cracked me up!!!:D :D :D

Kloe is just adorable!:) :)

09-22-2004, 01:57 PM
Kloe is so sweet:) I am happy that she survived and found a Five Star Pet Talk home:D

09-22-2004, 04:23 PM
Awwwwww, she's so adorable! :)

Congratulations! :D

09-25-2004, 10:58 PM
Sorry I'm so late in wishing you congratulations!!! She is a cutie!!!

09-25-2004, 11:23 PM
She sure is a little PISTOL!

09-25-2004, 11:44 PM
Awww, Kylie does look a bit uppy-set...is she looking at Kloe??

I LOVE this picture:

What a little cutie!! How is she doing?

Miss Meow
09-26-2004, 12:21 AM
Oh my god, what a dear little kitten!

I'm so sorry to hear about the other little ones; at least they'll have each other at the RB :(

Congratulations on your new addition. She's a stunner! :D

09-26-2004, 11:08 AM
Thanks again, yup she is my little parrot! ;)
She is doing pretty good up until Friday we hadn't had a litter box accident, then she waited until I got home then pooped in the corner by my dryer. I figgered she was so busy playing that she didn't take the time to go into the litter box.
Then after a very long day yesterday she was in her bathroom (that is full of toys and a box) the whole time. I let her out and ran out to my car and she went right back to the same spot and pooped again!
I discussed it with aly and she gave me a few ideas. I gave her a tsp of canned food and put it in the same spot. Then I was standing at the sink and was watching her play in the spot and she started to pee there! So I said "NO" and swooped her up and set her in her litter box and shut the door.
Then this morning, she pooped in her box when I got up. I had laid a towel on the spot then I let her out and was watching her and she went back over there and sat down. I honestly don't know if she was just sitting down or going to pee or not, I wasn't going to take a chance! I put her in her box and shut the door and set the timer for 8 minutes. (why 8 and not 5 or 10 I don't know :rolleyes: but anyhoo) then when I let her out she had pooped AND peed in her box in the bathroom.
Sometime when I go to the petstore I am going to get some Nature's miracle for that spot. I don't know why she chose that spot, to my knowledge, Kylie has never peed there. I don't think Kylie has ever had an accident outside the box. (and I hope even tho she is not too thrilled she doesn't start either!) :o

Yes Kelly, Kylie was in the lazy susan and watching Kloe run around!


Cinder & Smoke
09-26-2004, 05:04 PM

Do Gram & Gramp "know" they have a New GranKitty, yet??

And Hey Keegan ~

Please remember - Lil Kloe is NOT a new :eek: Squeekie Toy!

Hope everyone "adjusts" - Quickly!!


09-26-2004, 10:36 PM
Granpa and Granma do NOT know about little monkey yet!
Tomorrow marks a week!
Tonite I was laying on my futon and Kloe was underneath my gliding rocker stool and Kylie was on top, they kind of played together with the cat dancer. Kylie grabbed at Kloe a little bit with MINIMAL hissing, and Kloe played with Kylie's tail. :)
We are still having some issues with the bathroom, today she backed herself right against my door and sat there and when I went to pick her up there was a spot on the floor, she had peed there.
She was sleeping on my stomach and I tried to comb her and she got a bit hyper and mean with the teeth and claws so I knew it had been awhile since she pottied (at least I think so) and put her in the bathroom for a break so she can play by herself.

09-26-2004, 10:51 PM
Awwwww I'm sorry I didn't see this before, but what a cutie pie little Kloe is.
Thank you for saving this little girl. I hope she gets over her bathroom issues soon. I guess it's because she was outside that she is use to just going anywhere. Is it possible to put a few kitty litter boxes around until she gets use to using one. It's just a thought.:)

09-26-2004, 10:55 PM
well that thought has crossed my mind but I know Keegan would peruse them and try to eat the remains. :rolleyes:

09-26-2004, 10:56 PM
Keegan seems pretty patient but then she gets into a mode where she wants to play with her but tries to roll on her!

09-26-2004, 10:58 PM
and a final one

09-26-2004, 11:05 PM
EEWWWWW Keegan, not nice to try and eat kitties ummmmmm remains.....stick with the dog food, it is A LOT better for you.:)

Oh well shais-mom, it was a good thought.

I loved those pictures of Keegan eating with Kloe hanging around.
Does he growl at all, like my Buddy does, when the cat is near his food dish?

09-27-2004, 07:09 AM
I LOVE the picture with big ole Keegan and teeny lil Kloe looking at each other!! So cute!!!

09-27-2004, 07:15 AM
Oh Staci, Khloe is so adorable, and I LOVE the pics of Keegan with her ... how sweet!!! :D I'm sure little Khloe will get the idea of the litterbox soon ... I think the main idea is to confine her in as small an area with the box as possible! Just let her out for loving and playtime, which sounds like what you are doing!!! ;)



09-29-2004, 11:18 AM
Well, the secret is partially out of the bag!
My mom had a drs appt this morning that I forgot about and she had to go to the bathroom so she stopped at my house. :eek:
I ran around picking up the litter box and kitten put them in the bedroom and shut both doors. All was well until Kloe started to meow! She sounds very different from Kylie so the secret was out! A very dissaproving Human Mom! So I got the lecture on how I didn't need another animal and why did I want one and etc.
She said "don't tell your dad!" I said "I won't but you will!"
Whenever you tell one of my parents not to tell the other one something they always do. Except for the surprise party in July! Dad kept that one!
So that is the uppiedate on the secret!
Kloe is doing well, we are still having litter box issues, she poops in the box but keeps peeing in the spot in front of the door. I laid down foil so she moved over to where I had put the laundry basket to stop her from peeing in the first spot! She peed right beside it.
Poor Keegan, she goes to lay down like a good girl then gets ambushed by kitten claws and teeth so she moves then here comes the little skeeter!

09-29-2004, 12:01 PM
Staci .... why do you let your parents tell you what pets you can or can't have? You are an adult, and it should be your business and responsiblity, right? ;) Don't mean to butt in, just think it is sad you feel the need to hide your kitty. ;)

As far as little one's litter box problem ... you may need to put her in a very small area, like a cage or crate, for a while. That way, she has virtually no choice but to go in her box. After she gets the habit, then maybe she will not have any more accidents! Hang in there!


09-29-2004, 12:17 PM
I know I will be 29 in less then a month, my dad loves dogs and loves Keegan, (and cried right along with me when my Shaianne died) my mom doesn't care much for animals - tolerates Keegan VERY VERY WELL, and doesn't particulary like cats and neither does my dad. They weren't thrilled when I got Kylie so I knew that they wouldn't like me getting Kloe.
I suppose you never get to old to wish for your parents approval.
And also she stays in the bathroom while I am asleep or at work, or if I feel she needs a break from the big girls. If she hasn't pottied for awhile I put her in there. Last nite she didn't use her litter box the whole time I was at work, I came home and kept her in the bathroom with me while I washed my face etc and I put her in the box and she immediately started to scratch and pooped. I let her out when I went out and she ran right to the spot she always does and peed right in front of the door. At least 3 times everytime I let her out of the bathroom she runs right to the spot to pee. I have changed the litter and given her a bigger box. She poops in it so far so good, tho Fri and Sat she pooped in that spot. Saturday I was at bark in the park and gone for about 12 hours she was in her kitty playroom with a box of course and she didn't use it the whole time I was gone and I let her out and ran out to my car and came back in and had pooped right in front of the dryer. I discussed it with Aly and she said that is so weird b/c it is like she is waiting for me to get home to potty.
I didn't know cats especially little ones could hole it that long. :confused:

09-29-2004, 12:18 PM
here she is attacking poor Keegan's tail

09-29-2004, 12:19 PM
looking cute with mooneyes

09-29-2004, 12:21 PM
burying in the pillows

09-29-2004, 12:22 PM

09-29-2004, 12:23 PM
she reminds me of a ferret in this one

09-29-2004, 12:24 PM
attacking her feather toy

Cinder & Smoke
09-29-2004, 01:14 PM

That's One KUTE Kat!! ;)

Bye-the-bye - how's da UDDER Kitty taking to Kloe??

09-29-2004, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

That's One KUTE Kat!! ;)

Bye-the-bye - how's da UDDER Kitty taking to Kloe??

Not too shabby.
We have had some swats and hisses and a lot of growling.
Kylie is very clingy to me when Kloe is in the bathroom.
Like right now she keeps putting her paws on me and meowing loudly. Normally when she does that she wants treats or food but she has both so I don't know. She isn't much of a cat to pick up and hold. She only wants on my lap if it is on her terms.
I have been trying to give her lots of loving but you know how cats are.....

09-29-2004, 05:00 PM
What a cutie pie! Wow, she really does look like a ferret in that one pic ... how funny!:D

I know what you mean about always wanting our parents' approval, I am still that way, but learning a little more all the time, that I really don't "need" it! I guess it is just out of our love and respect for them, they we will probably always seek it. In that way, it is a good thing! ;)

Cinder & Smoke
09-30-2004, 10:17 AM

"Not too shabby. :cool:

We have had some swats and hisses and a lot of growling."

Smokey knows ALL about the *swats*, "*HiSSSSin", and "Grrrin"!

Took better than 6 months for Boots, da Kat, to "accept" SmokeMutt...
Poor pooch would lay under my feet and Boots would jump into my
lap or the arm of the Kliner chair and *look* down at Smokey till he
"felt" the burning *stare* and looked up - then Boots would start
with the "HisSSS", followed by the low, rumbling "Grrrr..." -
Smokey would give a deep <sigh>, get up, and move across the room. :(

"Kylie is very clingy to me when Kloe is in the bathroom."

Prolly *worried* SHE'll get *locked up*, too!

"She isn't much of a cat to pick up and hold.
She only wants on my lap if it is on her terms."

Boots has One "Requirement" for "affection" =
"Ya got *FOOD*, Dad??" :rolleyes:

Sit in the Kliner chair with:
. Ice creme
. Cheese
. Mac, Cheese & Tuna...
And I can be ASSURED of an "attentive & affectionate" KAT
sitting on the arm of the chair - *batting* away at each byte! :p

smokey the elder
09-30-2004, 10:24 AM
Maybe the kitten wants to do #1 in one box and #2 in another. Some cats are like that.

I'm sorry your mom is upset about the cat but at the end of the day it's not hers to say. My mom rolls her eyes at my cat rescue efforts but I ignore her.

09-30-2004, 10:29 AM
She is adorable!!

I'm sorry to hear you are having potty trouble though. Do you think if you stayed in the room with her and the litter box until she goes in it and the let her out with praises it might help?

I also know what you mean about parent's approval, espeically with pets. I've decided when I get more pets I'm not telling anyone in my family. They think I'm nuts enough already and I don't want to hear it. Of course I also get the comment that I should be having real babies and not animals.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: I'm almost 37, you'd think they'd get the idea that skin babies are probably not coming.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-30-2004, 10:32 AM
Awww...how did I miss these latest pics? She is soo adorable! I love the one where she's attacking Keegan's tail. :D Keegan is so good for allowing such attacks. :D

As for your parents not approving, I'm sure it's like everything that kids do, the parents disapprove, the kids do it anyway and the parents eventually accept - and sometimes end up approving inspite of themselves. ;)

09-30-2004, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
She is adorable!!

I'm sorry to hear you are having potty trouble though. Do you think if you stayed in the room with her and the litter box until she goes in it and the let her out with praises it might help?

Actually that is what I have been doing. I keep her in the bathroom with me when I get home from work and she has been using the box. I also bought some different litter and tried a different type of box. I am using a dishpan instead of the aluminum pans and as soon as I put the pan down she came over and was nosing it and I shut the door behind me and she went in and peed in it! :)
I also bought a Comfort Zone plug in - wow! And am leaving it in the bathroom where she is - I wouldn't want to buy too many of those!! This one was about $45!!

09-30-2004, 04:19 PM
Awww! Kloe is too cute!!! Very sweet pictures.

09-30-2004, 07:30 PM
Well, here is another update:
Little Kloe gave me a big scare today times 2!!
I had made sure that all the strings on my blinds were well up and out of the way before she came home.
What I didn't take into consideration was the little hangy down mouse in the Leopard print Tent that she has been playing with. :mad: :( She was rolling around in it when I heard a funny noise - immediately I yelled "Keegan" thinking she was trying to roll on her or something. And I went over there and she had the string to the mouse wrapped around her neck like a noose. I grabbed the whole thing into the kitchen and cut the string b/c I couldn't get it loose it was just making it tighter. As soon as I cut it - it loosened and I scooped her up and cuddled her. She actually let me hold her for about 5 min then she got PI$$ED and started biting me and I put her down on the floor and she jumped on Keegan's face and bit at her foot. Poor Keegan it was like trying to get away from a horsefly - everywhere she went Kloe ambushed her!
And then after I changed her box and litter she has been such a good girl using her box. Well, she was in the bathroom and I was out with Keegan and when I came back in I noticed on the foil that I had laid down, there was urine with some blood in it. So then it all came hitting me in the head like DUUUUHHHHH!!!
That is why she is peeing inappropriately, that is why she meowed sometimes when she was peeing. And I noticed the clumps I pulled out of the box today some were very tiny - marble size. So I called the vet and he called me back and told me that she has to come over tomorrow and spend the nite b/c she has to have a needle inserted into her bladder so they can do a urinalysis. So I am supposed to work 3rd shift in a little while and I didn't get any sleep partly I was beating myself up b/c of the noose thing.
Kylie was a year old when she came to me so I didn't have any kitten near death antics. And she never has any problems so far with the litter box so I didn't even think of a UTI I figgered it was b/c she is little - she was on Penicillian for URI up until Sunday or So.
The good thing is that even when Kloe was out and about she came up missing and I went looking and she was in her litter box peeing.

09-30-2004, 07:35 PM
Oh poor baby! Don't beat yourself, up ... it happens. But ... you will get it taken care of and baby Khloe will make it to the box!;)

10-01-2004, 03:02 PM
Thanks Kim.
Kloe did sooooo good with her little box over nite and during today. She never made a peep on the way to the vet. I am to call in the am and hopefully go get her.

10-01-2004, 08:26 PM
Get Well Soon, little Kloe! :)

10-02-2004, 12:15 AM
Congrats on your beautiful new kitten!!!:D I'm sorry I'm so late at replying to this thread.

I'm sorry to hear that she has a UTI but at least now you know the reason she was peeing in the wrong places. Get well soon Kloe.

Looking For Parents Approval:
When my Pepper passed away, my dad told me not to get any more cats so when I adopted Cirrus I didn't tell any one in my family. He found out one day when he came over to fix something for me. He wasn't too surprised or upset. When I adopted Sky, I decided not to tell any one in my family either. My parents finally found out and now my dad loves Sky so everything worked out well in the end.:)

10-02-2004, 10:36 AM
Kloe, you be a good girl and don't scare your mom. I know you are just a kitten ,abd everything looks like fun to play with, but you have to be careful, okay :)

Hope the vet is able to help with the potty problem. Sort seems whenever one of my grils has a problem, one of yours is similar and vise versa!!

10-02-2004, 01:24 PM
Thanks everyone! I was afraid the Kitten police would be knocking down my door ready to take her.:( I felt like such a bad mommie.
Kloe is home and a bit sleepy she also got her shots. Her urinalysis was normal - a bit of bacteria in it but that could be attributed to b/c it wasn't a sterile speciman since they had to use the non absorbing litter instead of cathing her. No blood at all in her urine. She was quite cuddly afterward then when I was paying the wildcat came out in her and she scratched and bit me. She scratched my nose! :eek: They have put her on anitibiotics just in case b/c after I described what she had been doing it was classic UTI.
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts~ :)

Cinder & Smoke
10-02-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom

... when I was paying, the wildcat came out in her and
she scratched and bit me.
She scratched my nose! :eek:

PayBack for "dumping" her at the Hoppsbittle! ;)

Sorry I *missed* all the drama of yesterday -
but glad you made the Rescue in such fine style!
GUD Meowmee!! :)

Keep a long-term eye on the UTI Symptoms -
Boots' White Coat told me that UTIs are a "strange disease" -
and sometimes hard to treat...
He treats UTIs with an antibiotic that works 90% of the time -
then along comes a Cat that DOESN'T respond to it at all = :confused:
He also "Double Treated" Boots - after a 2-week dose of antibiotics,
when a urine test showed negative for UTI - we continued the
antibiotics for an EXTRA 2 weeks - "just to be sure".

As for the ATTACK Meowmee problems...
Kloe sounds JUST like "Kitten" Boots - gentle as a lamb one moment -
quickly followed by session of KILLER Kat :eek:

Poor Shadow (RB :( Shep/Husky) - who had never lived wiff a KAT -
got to the point that she'd walk into a room and *stop to look*
WHERE da KAT Was before entering.
Boots enjoyed "hiding in wait" on the dining room table -
Shadow would walk by, with her lovely Curley Tail held high -
and Attack Kat would *LEAP* off the table, wrap all four paws around
Shadow's Tail - and BITE at it as he tumbled down! :eek:
Shadow got so worried she's actually "tuck her tail" if
she was near the Kat!

Good Luck with the Poddy Problem!

10-02-2004, 06:44 PM
WOW! Kloe is sure adding some adventure to your life!:eek:

I'm glad you noticed the blood and got her checked. Don't feel bad as kittens sometimes do have a problem wth the box. You are a good meowmie to what sounds like a very busy kitty!!
She is adorable! They sure can be busy little things can't they?

I think we have the same little tent and I wondered about that mouse on a string when I first got it but Pete took care of that right away. He chewed the mouse right off of the string within the first hour!!

10-02-2004, 10:45 PM
Kloe is feelin quite feisty- she had a roaming session and is now asleep on the couch. Such the life of animals :)
Here are a few pics....

10-02-2004, 10:47 PM
she looks so sweet when she is sleeping - I think I should have named her Sybil.....

10-02-2004, 10:48 PM
and also

10-02-2004, 10:51 PM
and her with her big sistah - the one that likes her!!;)

10-02-2004, 10:52 PM
and the one that doesn't!!! ;) :p

10-02-2004, 11:46 PM
and also

10-03-2004, 09:22 AM
She is so cute!!! Can I have her??? Just til she gets her adult fur and I become allergic? Please? (Kitten dander doesn't seem to bother me, only adult cats...)

10-03-2004, 10:23 AM

She is PRECIOUS!!! I'm so glad you got her. Anyway your friend can trap the mama and get her spayed? I've got a trap I can let you borrow. Let me know. I can always help you. At least this way she won't have anymore babies.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-04-2004, 10:34 AM
She is just sooo adorable! I'm sorry she's having potty problems, but it sounds like you're a good meowmy and noticed the blood in the urine instead of just getting upset at her because she didn't use the litterbox again. Hopefully the antibiotics will do the trick and she'll start using the litterbox regularly. She is just too adorable with Keegan. :D

10-04-2004, 06:19 PM
She has been doing excellantly with her box. I bought an extra large dish pan with deep sides. And she climbs in their with no problem! :)
My parents came over tonite and They had called before they came over and I asked her "is he going to be mad?" she said "oh he won't say anything" so he went into the bathroom and said "why is their another box in the bathroom?" And my mom just stood their grinning and giggling. And I went and picked up Kloe and all he said was "what the h--- are you going to do with 2 cats?" And then he petted (is that really a word it doesn't sound right) her and then he played with her before they left. My mom even laughed at her when she was chasing a toy in circles.
He was outside and my mom said "see I told you he wouldn't say anything."
Just a bit ago it was awfully quiet so I went looking for the kitties and this is what I found.

10-04-2004, 06:21 PM
I walked into the bedroom and my mouth literally fell open!!
Kylie hisses whenever Kloe is near her! My memory card was full so I had to go delete 2 pics off it so I could get these 2 pics in a hurry!

10-04-2004, 06:39 PM
I know I'm really, really, really late but...
Congratulations on adding Kloe to your family!:D
She is just beautiful and I love the photos of her, especially the ones of her with her two beautiful big sisters!:)

Now I need to catch up on all the other new PT kittens, at least you updated your signature so I had a clue!;)

10-04-2004, 07:45 PM
Few more days and they'll be snuggle!! Kylie better watch it, she's getting a reputation as a softie!!

10-04-2004, 10:33 PM
Awww!!! What cute pics! :D Looks like Kylie's warming up to her sister. :D

10-04-2004, 10:50 PM
I took some pics of the little precious one sleeping on my belly-
too cute to pass up!

10-04-2004, 10:51 PM

10-04-2004, 10:51 PM

10-04-2004, 10:52 PM
sleepy baby
busy day she spent most of the day out and about zooming everywhere!

10-04-2004, 10:53 PM
and I had to get a pic of those precious SPOTTY paws!!
I just love them!

10-04-2004, 10:55 PM
another spotty paw

10-04-2004, 10:56 PM
and baby came up missing - went looking for her and found her here.....

10-05-2004, 12:02 AM
Awww Staci, she is just a precious baby girl! I know you are loving every minute of this!!!! Thanks for keeping us updated with wonderful pics!!!:D

10-05-2004, 12:06 AM
AWWWW cute photos!!! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-05-2004, 09:48 AM
So, she's using the litter box, mom and dad know - mom laughed and dad petted, and she's slowly creeping closer to Kylie. Sounds like little Kloe has definitely found her furrever home and is settling in quit nicely. :D

She is just so adorable. She has such a precious little face on her - not to mention those adorable spotty paws. :D

10-05-2004, 11:57 PM
Here is a video of Kylie picking on her sister under the chair. That is the chair Keegan hid under when she first came up! I can't believe she fit under that!

10-05-2004, 11:58 PM

10-05-2004, 11:59 PM

10-06-2004, 12:00 AM
and going to sneak one in here of her drama queen sistah!