View Full Version : :S i need help about viewing movies....

09-20-2004, 11:05 PM
well, for some reason, my computer won't let me view .wav and .wmv movies. it says i dont have the right player thingy... does anyone know what the problem is? :confused: does anyone know how i might be able to get the right kinda application to play them? :confused:

09-20-2004, 11:20 PM
Do you mean peoples videos from here?? Did you try windows media player? (you might need to do a windows update [start - windows update] for a newer version) If that doesn't work, divx might...http://www.divx.com/divx/?src=toptab_divx_from_/index.php or BS player. All programs I have/use. Unfortunatly I can't think right off which players play those extentions..hehe.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-21-2004, 11:03 AM
Or you could go here (http://www.windowsmedia.com/MediaGuide/Home) and download Windows Media Viewer.

09-21-2004, 12:13 PM
there's also the Apple Quicktime Viewer and the Real One Player that play different formats. Windows Media Player probably came with your 'puter. Just run Windows Update to make sure you have the latest version.

09-21-2004, 08:22 PM
I have an emac, not a windows, will it still work? :( :confused:

09-21-2004, 08:27 PM
There should be a download for windows and a download for macs. Just look for the mac one.

09-21-2004, 08:32 PM
Thank you! :D Thank you! :D THank you! :D