View Full Version : I'm disappointed in Petsmart...(vent)

09-20-2004, 10:10 PM
I went there today to pick up some dentabones for my dogs. While I was there I decided to stop by the grooming center.
I used to take Wicket there to be groomed.
I've had some bad luck with them & decided to try a place closer to home but remembered that Petsmart still had a picture of Wicket when he was a "puppy!"
So I asked a woman working there & she looked at me like I was insane!
She basically accused me of lying to her & said they don't accept pictures of dogs there.
I told her the groomers were using it as a guide of what length to keep Wicket's hair at.
Then she decides to say; "well, we've changed things around here quite a bit, WE DON"T USE PAPERWORK ANYMORE....we've changed to computers"! So, they must have thrown it away!
I know this probably seems like a dumb complaint but if you would have only seen the picture of Wicket! AWW...it was so cute & was a close up of him. I have very few of when he was little. I just can't believe they would throw it away along with his paperwork & not at least mail it or call to have me come get it. I was so disappointed!:(

09-20-2004, 10:16 PM

09-21-2004, 10:44 AM
I think the woman was rude.
Even if she was right she could have taken a few
seconds to look for the picture.

09-21-2004, 10:48 AM
i guess that means that the lady hated her job...

the petsmart by me is really nice!!!!...

srry that she gave you a hard time...

i hate high teck things.........

wait i am on one...

srry for the jock:( :(