View Full Version : Litter Box problem

09-20-2004, 01:42 PM
Lately Tuna has decided that the proper way to use the litterbox is to stick his bum out of the door and poop on the floor. He always goes to the litterbox, he just has the wrong end sticking out. How can we get him to stick his bum in the litterbox instead of out?

I also wanted to include this random picture of Tuna in his halloween costume.


09-20-2004, 02:07 PM
Laura - with Tuna - just an idea but how about shoving all the litter to the far end of thr box so that he has to go further in to do his job, bum and all?? Might work:)

Also - if the box is covered - you might try taking the cover off - mine never did like the privacy covers!

09-20-2004, 02:12 PM
Good idea about the litter, I'll tell Alexa to try that. We had a uncovered box before but Tuna is a VERY messy boy so sometimes he would back up a little too far and he would get poop or pee on the walls. Maybe if the litter idea doesn't work then we can go back to a uncovered box and just put carboard up around the walls.

09-20-2004, 02:54 PM
Do you have the possibility of having a swinging door on the covered litter box? That might prevent him from sticking his butt outside while doing his "business".

09-20-2004, 03:33 PM
You know - I wish *somebody* would invent some sort of three sided plexiglas insert for litterboxes. I can see it in my mind. It would fit down inside the box and prevent all the litter flingers from making heaps outside the box, the pee and poo would stay off the walls, and the kitties who don't like enclosed boxes would still be somewhat "contained". Maybe it could even have a fourth side with an opening:rolleyes:
Maybe I will invent it, patent it and make a fortune:D

Shall I have my engineering son design a few prototypes for home testing? Any volunteers?;) :p

09-20-2004, 07:29 PM
I had the same problems with Sades pooping outside the litter box, so I went out and bought a Storage Tote. I didn't know if he or any of the other cats would use it, but the minute I set it up and put litter in it. BAM, Mooky was the first to use it, then Chipper and finally Sades. I haven't had anymore accidents outside the box since.
Here is what they look like. I got it at Wal-Mart.

09-20-2004, 07:32 PM
I've recently had this problem with Speckles as well. Her intentions are good but I think the box was too small to I bought a much bigger one that's longer, wider, and taller; but not as big as the tote. Voila! problem solved with all tootsie rolls safely tucked in the litter.

09-20-2004, 08:11 PM
I found a litter box at the grocery store with slightly higher sides than most...7". This has helped with Julies tendancy to dig deep. it is an open top pan. Something like this might help.

09-20-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
I had the same problems with Sades pooping outside the litter box, so I went out and bought a Storage Tote. I didn't know if he or any of the other cats would use it, but the minute I set it up and put litter in it. BAM, Mooky was the first to use it, then Chipper and finally Sades. I haven't had anymore accidents outside the box since.
Here is what they look like. I got it at Wal-Mart.

Lorraine, did you cut an opening or door out of the tote, or do they just jump in from the top? Very interesting!!!;)

09-20-2004, 09:24 PM
They just jump right in Kim with no problems at all.
I also forgot to mention that I have much less of a beach area also. I got this idea from a woman I work with, who has this, plus her sister also uses the tote.

09-20-2004, 09:47 PM
Great idea, I will definitely have to try this ... I get so tired of sweeping up after my messy pottiers!!!:rolleyes:

09-20-2004, 10:03 PM
I use storage totes as litter boxes too. I use the big 15 gallon size ones in clear plastic. I cut a whole in one of the sides--I have an elderly cat who likes to pee against the walls, but can't jump anymore. The tote still stops him from peeing over the edges and he can get in just fine with a little door cut in.

09-21-2004, 08:55 AM
Moose had that problem,as he is so big,that he cant fit,in the standard box! So I bought ,a wider flatter plastic container,and he is always,on target,now!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-21-2004, 11:36 AM
Sounds like a storage box may be the solution - otherwise a "top entry" litter box - I have seen those advertised too, but haven't tried them with mine. (Tuna *should* still be young enough to re-train into a different type of box?

09-21-2004, 02:11 PM
We had the same problem with Fluffy. We bought a HUGE litter box and that seemed to fix the problem. For some reason I have "grown" some big kitties and they need bigger litter boxes! :rolleyes:

I can't get the picture of the plastic tote box.......but if I recall what I've seen in the back of Cat Fancy magazine, that does look like a good idea. I've always wanted to try that......never did.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: