View Full Version : LEAVING today!!

Laura's Babies
09-20-2004, 11:36 AM
They are having a driver come get me and take me to the boat so I will be leaving out of here this afternoon about 3:30.. Gee, that was FAST!!

So BYE BYE to all my PT friends. Kiss all the fur kids for me and keep these boards going while I am gone (someone take notes for me).

No need to post responses to this BYE because I don't know if I will have time to check in before I run out of here...I just wanted to say BYE to my friends. Laura (((LOVE)))) to all of You!

Cinder & Smoke
09-20-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies

... having a driver come get me and
take me to the boat...


"A DRIVER... TAKE me to the Boat! :p

WOW! ~ How *Posh*! ;)

Hey ~ Take your Water Skis this trip!
We're sendin a "lil" extra Waddur down the Creek -
you might have some "White Water" -
(well, OK - Frothy BROWN :( Water) -
to Boat Around in for a while!

*Enjoy* :D

Laura's Babies
09-20-2004, 01:27 PM
We have drivers and there is no telling where you will see the same driver. First time I met this one was in Baton Rouge and the last time I saw him, he picked me up from the Illinoise River and took me to the St. Louis ariport..

I am fixing to shut the computer down, all is done here now, just got my last long hot soak in a tub for 3 weeks, showers from now on.

Once again, ((((HUGS)))) to all my PT friends and their babies (fur and skin). You are a great bunch of guys. Love ya and sure will miss all of you. Laura

09-20-2004, 04:17 PM
WAHHHHHHH I was on a school trip taoday and missed saying goodbye.....

Well wish you all the best of luck and tons of pics when you return!!

09-21-2004, 09:07 AM
Bon Voyage,and a safe,and Happy Journey,from the Found Cats,and Feeder!