View Full Version : My kitten is evil

09-20-2004, 07:44 AM
Everytime I make the slightest move, my kitten bites me!! I was lying on the couch watching TV the other night, and she looked me strait in the eyes, and then pounced on my face and cut my lip!! (OUCH!)

Laura's Babies
09-20-2004, 08:08 AM
She is not evil, she is a kitten. Sounds like a really playful one too. Some are more energetic that others and she was trying to tell you she wanted to PLAY!! Hay, WE adjust to THEIR schedule, they do not adjust to ours. Make sure she has plenty of toys to keep her busy. She sounds like a hoot to have around, kittens are so much fun!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-20-2004, 08:27 AM
Sounds like she needs to be distracted, and burn up some of her kitten energy with some toys! If she doesn't get out of the biting habit, you will need to start training her that biting is NOT ac acceptable way to get attention. Say NO loudly and then push her away GENTLY. Hopefully she will soon get the message! How old is she, and do you have any pictures?

09-20-2004, 08:37 AM
Ypu need some interactive toys,to help her burn off all that energy! And Im sure,that she is sorry,that she hurt you!She,was just playing,after all!

09-21-2004, 11:36 AM
She's I think about four months. I got her from a lady at Wal-Mart thrying to give her kittens away. She's precious most of the time, but at times, she can be so mean.

09-21-2004, 05:58 PM
Welcome to pettalk tweetlebug. My kitties are all grown up now so I've forgotten what its like to have a little bundle of energy in the house.

Remeber, your kitty isn't being mean - its how baby kitties play. Its very common for kitties to play-bite each other when they play with each other. Say no to your kitty and let her know that biting is not ok. For a kitty with alot of enery, those feather sticks that you can get at the petstore are great. I have a five year old cat that still loves them. That way I can play with her and not get accidentally scratched if she gets carried away.

What's your kitty's name?