View Full Version : *rant*

09-19-2004, 09:38 PM
We have nothing to eat at our house sense we have no food left... So we only eat at dinner and sometimes lunch.. Well my mother went to Wendy's I said what I wanted.. And I HATE they're frys! I will only eat the frys with they're "Sweet & Sour" sauce.. I kept telling my dad to tell my mom to get it.. (she won't remember to if she isn't remined) my dad just sat there and didn't tell her AT ALL!! Then he told me she was already gone from Wendy's! GRRR!!! I know he is my dad and I'm lucky to have one but sometimes I HATE him! He chases Milo around! Yells at me for nothing! Throws stuff at Milo! GRRR!!!

09-19-2004, 09:43 PM
ah well forgive and forget:D

09-19-2004, 09:44 PM
It doesn't matter! He throws stuff at Milo ALL DAY!! He hits Milo ALL DAY!!! You can't forgive and forget about that!

09-19-2004, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Mil0Luv3r
It doesn't matter! He throws stuff at Milo ALL DAY!! He hits Milo ALL DAY!!! You can't forgive and forget about that!

yah sorry thats true:(

09-19-2004, 09:53 PM
its ok.. I'm in a bad mood and let it out on you.. I'm sorry

09-19-2004, 10:03 PM
I kinda know about not having any food in the house. In total Rob, Tom & myself pay $800.00 in rent & ALL of it is blown at the casino insted of uying food.

& Rob's mom goes psycho & is trying to make us pay more because the food bill is costing $800.00 to $900.00 a month!!

There is no way its costing that much, we hardly ever have a supper & there is nothing but stail cerial for breakfast & stail bread for lunch!! & then 60% of the time there is no bread & I go to work hungry all the time.

Rob's mom buys herself breakfast, lunch & dinner almost every single day at fast food places!!

& yells at us when we go out to a super cheap place to eat & we didn't buy her anything.. DUH ur starving us so BEEP u!!

For a few years while living with dad, we were really poor & all I ate was cans of tuna for lunch, but we had big healthy dinners. My dad was paying to care for me & Max (my dog) & he was paying child support for me to my mom. No one cared that I lived with dad 24/7 & diddn't see my mom for over a year, but he had to pay her child support for me.

My friends knew this & bought me fries for lunch every few days or ate their fill of their lunch & gave me the rest, some even brought me 1/2 a sandwich from home for me (they were sneeking it out of the house, I didn't want anyone to know I was hungry). I didn't tell my friends I was hungry, but they knew I was because I didn't eat much or anything & I was loosing alot of weight (which wasn't too bad, I'm a bit chubby for my hight)

& for ur dad hitting the cat, keep the cat in ur room & keep the cat away from him. Ur dad could be angry because everyone brought those pets into the house & he prob. didn't want them & is reacting very poorly to the whole thing. I've seen my friends usually friendly parens turn mean because everyone was bring pets into the house & they didn't want all those animals in their home. Not saying its a reason to hit the cat, but that could be a reason hes angry.

09-19-2004, 10:09 PM
he is a glass contractor lady is his dog... he is always mean even when we only had lady... its just.. well him and im sick of it!

09-19-2004, 10:12 PM
When ur old enough move out & take whatever pet they let u take with u & never look back.

He has no reason to even be angry at all. He is just a sad sad little angry man.

Does ur dad hit or get angry at u for no reason ??

09-19-2004, 10:22 PM
When my dad was growing up he was abused his only protection was his dog.. he was also told that he had a diff dad then my Uncle you can't even tell them apart! they are twins!

And we have grown up with pets..

I would keep writing but I wrot ehte WHOLE thing then it deleted it!!

09-19-2004, 10:42 PM
Its kinda odd that ur dad would his Lady, if his only protector was his dog, u would think he would dogs alot & spoil them rotten.

Kinda odd.

09-19-2004, 10:44 PM
Oh he DOES!! Lady will eat right out of your hand when your not looking! eat off your plate when your not looking and eats my baby cousins food right out of her hand and also off her bouncer!Lady is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO spoiled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-19-2004, 10:55 PM
Also maybe ur dad as mental anger problems. My dad had something wrong with him. Once my mom left him he realized he had anger problems. He sad he never knew he was angry, he never remembered getting angry half the time & didn't know why I was grounded after a few days.

The pills worked great. He was happy, friendly & not freaking out about stupid things. Like a fork falling on the floor.

After a few years he started to go nuts again, I yelled at him & stood infront of him screaming at the top of my lungs. He went to the Dr.'s the next day to get his meds upped. As far as I know hes still normal. But I haven't spoken to him in almost a year so I don't care to know anymore.

I know about my anger problems, I darn well know I have something like my dad except I know when I'm angry & I don't forget. So I just bottle it all up, praying no one angers me or tried to fight me because they will lose. Everyone sees me as small & weak, but I'm naturally strong.

Just ask my sister. She just an inch shorter then me, works out all the time & eats healthy. I'm a couch potato, eat junk foods like there is no tomorrow, I'm about 15-20 pounds over weight (I don't care, I'm ok with it) & put myself off as a wimp.

Well my sister only faught me once & fears doing it again. I beat the snot out of her, she had a black eye, fat lip, ripped out lipring, swollen jaw & cheaks & her sides were brused. Because I bottle up all my anger, I can release it att at once when I get scared or when someone punches me in the face like she did. I felt bad after wards. I didn't really want to make her ugly or hurt her, I just wanted to protect myself from her.

So try to ignor ur dads anger, nothing u will do will fix him until he realizes something is wrong with him & that normally takes something darastic for him to notice his problem, like ur mom leaving him.

SO dint fight back, it'll just make him angry. Just remember, when u get older, u can turn ur back & walk away.

I did & never been happier.

09-19-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus

So I just bottle it all up, praying no one angers me or tried to fight me because they will lose. Everyone sees me as small & weak, but I'm naturally strong.

Just ask my sister. She just an inch shorter then me, works out all the time & eats healthy. I'm a couch potato, eat junk foods like there is no tomorrow, I'm about 15-20 pounds over weight (I don't care, I'm ok with it) & put myself off as a wimp.

Well my sister only faught me once & fears doing it again. I beat the snot out of her, she had a black eye, fat lip, ripped out lipring, swollen jaw & cheaks & her sides were brused. Because I bottle up all my anger, I can release it att at once when I get scared or when someone punches me in the face like she did. I felt bad after wards. I didn't really want to make her ugly or hurt her, I just wanted to protect myself from her.

I dont think beating someone would be the answer:(

09-19-2004, 11:00 PM
Well he knows he is anger problems my brother does too

09-19-2004, 11:32 PM
dogs_4_me, so I was supose to let her beat me instead? I was walking away from her because she was trying to get me to fight her, I told her no & stepped back & she punched me in the face. But because I have bottled up anger I ended up beating her more then I wanted to. I only wanted to do enough to get her off of me, so I could run away. but I had no where to go & then it ALL the anger came out at once & it was not good.

But now were good friends, we talk on the phone once a month & were not arguing every time we see eachother.

& if I don't bottle up my anger, I would loose my job, lose where I'm living, loose Rob, prob would have killed my animal along time ago. I know I have anger problems & this is how I started to deal with it when I was very young. I was a very violent child, & when I saw my dad get angry I realized it was very wrong & swore to myself I wont get physically angry ever again. But when I'm cornered & have no where to go, all the bottled up anger comes out & the person is in for it. But once they r down & r trying to protect themself from me & not trying to hurt me anymore, I stop & leave.

My sister was fighting me the whole time & she was where alot of the bottled up anger came from, she was a major cause.

Still not saying its right. But its not like I fly off the handle, ilike I said, it takes soooo much for me to show anger. I'm a runner, not a fighter, but will defend myself.

09-19-2004, 11:33 PM
Does ur brothe atleast try to deal with the anger in a somewhat good way, or does he let his anger out all the time? I hope not. poor kid

09-19-2004, 11:34 PM
he does.. and on me!

09-19-2004, 11:41 PM
U might want to talk to someone about this. Go to a church & talk to a priest. He cannot tell anyone on u & u do not even have to be of that religion or even religuse. They will listen to u & can give u advice & hook u up with people who can help u.

Maybe u can take a self defence chorse. Start saving up ur money (in secret) & take the next womens self defence chorse u can get into. It'll teach u how to defend urself & once u can show ur brother ur not scared of him & u can stop him (not beat him, just stop) then he might lay off of u.

Does anyone atleast stop ur brother from beating on u & how old r u guys anyways?

I just turned 17 & my sis was 14 when she faught me.