View Full Version : different hairstyles for dogs...

09-19-2004, 03:51 PM
Blair's hair is just too long and thick, that it gets gross really fast, and it is really uncomfortable for him, because he gets way to hot all the time, so we started giving him a haircut, but now her looks funny.. lol his cut currently almost looks like a poodle! his back end it cut really really short because the back end of his coat will cord if we dont, and we cant brush it fast enugh, his coat needed brushed like at least 3 times a day or it would start to cord again. and the top of his head needs to be clipped short because he did not develop a brow to hold up the hair out of his face. so right now his hair is really shrt on the hind end, a little poofy around the feet, big a poofy all around his ribs, a little fluffy on his head but just cut so his hair falls backward instead of forward, and fluffy hair on his tail lol so he looks really goofy, we need ideas on how to cut the hair on his upper body(all around his ribs) so that it balances him out, and that will cool him down a bit. can any of you dog groomer help with this? lol

09-19-2004, 08:29 PM
bump.. anybody?

09-19-2004, 11:46 PM
Well, I'll give you my advice as the owner of a grooming shop, but I'm sure you won't like it and will have plenty to say about it.

My advice is - take your dog to a professional groomer and have it done right. "Home grooms" almost always look ridiculous. A professional groomer is just that - a professional.

You wouldn't take a pair of scissors and start chopping off big chunks of your own hair, would you? Of course not, you get your hair cut by a professional stylist, who is trained and has years of experience. Why would you think it would be any different with your dog?

Have it done right, by a professional.

09-20-2004, 12:35 AM
my mom cuts my hair lol so no I dont get it done by a proffessional ;) too late anyway lol my mom started cutting some more, and he looks os differnt, she is cutting it to hide his roach back, and its lookin good :p we have always groomed our dogs ourselves, and they have never looked ridiculous lol but my mom has been cutting hair since I was a little girl and she has since tought me how as well, so I clip, Happy, and shadow, and my mom clips Blair, he only looked funny as described above because my mom only cut his hind ene, and was unsure of what to do with the front lol

sorry for the size, but here are some pics lol not fully done yet though, my mom is still workin on him as I type :p

09-20-2004, 12:36 AM
and here he is sitting so you can see his front, he does have the out turned feet so he always looks funny when he sits lol

09-20-2004, 08:46 AM
Aww Blair looks cute with his haircut ;). I would love to see how he looks when your Mum finishes with him. :D

We also do our own grooming and quite a few times VERY matted and knowtted dogs have come into our animal shelter and i have taken to them with the clippers and scissors, they always feel so much happier afterwards and could not care what they looked like ;).

09-20-2004, 12:32 PM
lol thanks guys :p he is all done now, and my mom is an amzing job of hiding his roach back! it looks perfectly level now! his face hair was all trimmed up but is not as short as the rest of his hair, and my mom kept his flag tail lol she likes his flag tail and refuses to cut it :rolleyes: so the hair on his tail is no shorter then it was before lol I will have to get pics of him now :p

09-20-2004, 01:51 PM
ok here he is :p this is a straight ads I could get that dog to stand up! lol it is really difficult to get that dog to stand still! :eek:

09-20-2004, 04:20 PM
How cute! It looks like you and your mom are doing a darn good job!

My mother is her own groomer and her dogs look hideous! I swear they know it when they have a bad haircut, they seemed so depressed whenever she messes their hair up. I wish she'd spend the money to get them done right.

09-20-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Well, I'll give you my advice as the owner of a grooming shop, but I'm sure you won't like it and will have plenty to say about it.

My advice is - take your dog to a professional groomer and have it done right. "Home grooms" almost always look ridiculous. A professional groomer is just that - a professional.

You wouldn't take a pair of scissors and start chopping off big chunks of your own hair, would you? Of course not, you get your hair cut by a professional stylist, who is trained and has years of experience. Why would you think it would be any different with your dog?

Have it done right, by a professional.

Wow, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you don't have any faith in the creativity (and learning ability) of others. That'd be like if I asked a professional photographer for some tips, and they told me to stop taking pictures, and leave it to the professionals! :( Are you going to tell a kid to stop playing a sport because he stinks? No, you encourage him to become better!

Yeah, 'home grooms' might not look good at first - but with practice they do! I groomed Cocoa myself for years before my clippers broke. At first it took me hours, but after a couple of times I had it down to 30min, and she looked great!

I think Blair's cut looks awesome! His fur color looks like blue merle (like an Aussie) Is that what it is? He's so cute! ^_^ And I like how your mom left his tail long.

09-20-2004, 10:54 PM
lol!! :D poor, poor Blair... but he does look super cute and I'm sure he enjoys being cool. Personally, I think you should give him a cut like Gonzo's....




^__^ yeah, its a mohawk. I did NOT, nor could I, do it myself. our awesum groomers did it.

09-21-2004, 11:53 AM
lol that is one funny hairdo! :p cute though!

wolfie, yes Blair is a blue merle :p

09-21-2004, 01:38 PM
I don't think Blair's hair looks bad at all. ANd I just love Gonzo's mowhak. I may have to try that on Drake next year.

We have groomed Drake ourselves since we got him. He gets shaved in the summer. I leave him a mane around his next and head and shave all over except for a poof at the end of his tail. I have invested in some good clippers. EVeryone thinks he looks great. I don't agree that home grooming is a bad thing.

09-23-2004, 12:05 AM
:D thanks, Pike and Doggies!! I think Drake would look fab with a mohawk.. ;) I think Gonzey might be starting a trend.

Cali, I also loove Blaire's coloring. I never see any dogs of his breed, and had no idea they come in blue merle 0.o he's a hansum boy