View Full Version : Zekes first flyball class T-T

09-19-2004, 03:38 PM
Didn't go so well...He whined and barked the whole time, and wouldn't pay attention to me AT ALL. :( He never barks so it made me really nervous that he would fight with the dogs (because of Josie) I bought him a rope toy and he didn't care for it. I need osmething he really likes, but I don't think he likes ANYTHING more then playing with dogs...I know it's stupid, but I felt like crying. It seemed he was th eonly one not listening. (and I get stressed out REALLy easily. I was extremely nervous going in.) I asked my dad to come with me next time. I hope he listens better

Sorry for spelling. To lazy to type properly today

09-19-2004, 03:49 PM
Awww :( Sorry it didn't go so well. I hope you guys have better luck next time!

Zeke, listen to your mommy!!!

09-19-2004, 03:52 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwww :( Hope things go better for you next time

09-19-2004, 03:53 PM
aww dont worry about it, its a new place and its a new game to him. he was just a little distracted that all :)

09-19-2004, 04:09 PM
Awww :(

Thats exactly how I felt in Jasper's clicker classes, it would really stress me out, and it seemed like my mom, and the trainer thought it was no big deal, and I didn't know why they thought that!

I hope things go better next time! {{Hugs}}

09-19-2004, 06:18 PM
The thing is, normally he is very well behaved. I take him to the dog park (with other dogs) he almost always comes when I call him. I've also been running him at my cottage when he always comes when I call, and alwyas does what he's told. Hes never barked at other dogs. I'm just worried he'll become agressive like Josie. He loves to play with other dogs. It's his absolute favorite thing. It's kinda bad too, cause with Josie atleast her #1 thing is food so training is easy. Food isn't that important to Zeke, either is toys. #2 (probably close to #1..not sure whihc is more important to him) is attention and pleasing. I'm thinking I'll take him for a long run at the humane society dog park from now on before class. Also, I'm going to call an obedience place tomorrow as well. He's never done any sort of obedience so I'm hoping it will help with dog issues. I really want to get involved with stuff like this, but I get so discuraged. I want Zeke to be real good when I know it's not possible when he hasn't had the training. It's only natural. It's just like my drawings, I compair myself with ppl who are SUPER awesome and it makes me feel like I suck and can't draw. I need a new motivater that he likes..

09-20-2004, 09:03 AM
I am sorry the class did not go as well as you wanted. Zekes behaviour at his first class to me is very normal, he was surrounded by new smells, dogs and people and just wanted to voice his opinion and check things out. Obedience classes sounds like a great idea, it helps to build up some team work skills and also it will teach Zeke to work with distractions.

I hope the next class go better for you :). As for the motivator keep up with the rope toy bring it out every now and then at home and show Zeke what you have jump around and act like it is the best thing in the world (Dont let him touch it just let him watch). Then put the rope toy away without a fuss (Without Zeke playing with it for the first week or so) by the time you get back to your next class Zeke should (He may or may not) show an interest in this great toy his Mum has been playing with. (That was probably confusing)

Goodluck for your next class.

09-20-2004, 09:21 AM
Aww I'm sorry, Hugs! I really hope that once he gets used to it, he'll listen much better. I want to show Claire, but she would soooo never hold still, hehe, she loves to get pets too much, and give kisses, hehe. Zeke, listen to your mamma!