View Full Version : I am so upset!!!

09-19-2004, 09:15 AM
I hadn't posted about this because I didn't want to jinx it. I have been so happy for the last week because I found a home for the two 5 month old orangie male porch kitties. They are so darn cute and are doing pretty good about being handled.

There is a wonderful woman at work that has ten cats and lives on a farm. I have been talking to her about these two boys as barn kitties. She has a tack room that she heats in the winter for them! She is wonderful and all her cats get great vet care. She finally agreed to take both of them and keep them in the barn.

The plan was that at feeding time this evening I would snatch both of them and bring them to her. She has a cage set up and ready so they can adjust to their new surroundings. She planned to keep them in there for a week and then take them to the vet for nuetering and a check up.

Since these two were about 10 weeks old they have never left my porch. They are there all day and are fed breakfast and dinner at the same time every day. They purr and like to be loved on at feeding time. They have never missed a meal....EVER. Guess what? They weren't here this morning and I haven't seen them yet! They eat at around 5:00 am every morning and this morning they didn't.:(

Please pray that these two come home and that nothing bad has happened right at the time I have a great future for them. I'm so worried!!

Here is a picture of them eating yesterday. Their mom is in the middle and she will be staying here.

09-19-2004, 09:23 AM
I really hope they're both ok and return home soon.

09-19-2004, 09:26 AM
Lisa..are there any places the two could have gotten locked in to? Sheds, basements..garages? I hope they're OK, and they'll be showing up later. I'd ask around the neighborhood as well in case someone trapped the two, and are planning something nasty. :( One never knows in a situation like that...better to at least spead the word fast! Keep us posted, and hope they're just being lazy somewhere.

09-19-2004, 09:30 AM
They were here late last night and I was up before anyone in the neighborhood even thought about getting up so I can't imagine what they could have gotten into.
I have been working so hard on finding them the right home and then this happens!
If something goes wrong now I'm going to feel guilty forever! If only I had brought them in, if only I had convinced this lady to take them sooner, if only, if only, if only! I keep watching for them but nothing yet.
*SIGH*:( :( :(

09-19-2004, 09:43 AM
((((Lisa)))) I just bet they show up later on! They WILL! They are just sleeping in this chilly Sunday, that's all. Please try to get busy with something and I really bet they will show up!! Do I have to *smack* you?
Sorry - just trying to cheer you up! I really hope and believe they WILL show up later!!

09-19-2004, 09:46 AM
LOL!!! You know how I get Debbie! Sometimes an occasional smack is in order!!;) Usually the furkids dole out all the smacks I need in a day but they seem to be lagging behind this morning.;) :D :D :D

09-19-2004, 11:39 AM
Lisa I hope and pray they show up soon but don't be sitting there doing the if only game. I could waste my whole day playing that sometimes.

I just know they will show back up so don't worry, okay!!!

Laura's Babies
09-19-2004, 11:47 AM
They are are cuties! You don't reckon somebody else may have let them in and want to keep them? (WHO wouldn't want something as cute as they are??) I do hope they will show back up so YOU can quit worrying and feeling so guilty.

09-19-2004, 11:52 AM
Oh Lisa ... don't panic, honey ... I'm sure they just slept in late this morning!!!;) You haven't seem mom either, right? So I'm sure they are all safe and sound somewhere, and will come home very hungry soon!!!

Love and Hugs,

carla and mike
09-19-2004, 12:14 PM
I really hope they show up.Seems funny both of them being gone though.Maybe someone scooped them both up.
I would ask everyone around the neighborhood.Good Luck and I hope they are just having fun somewhere.And then return for food later.

09-19-2004, 12:18 PM
The Found Cats,are praying,that wherever these Cats are,they are in a Good Place,or are able to find thier way,back Home!