View Full Version : Meowmie's Little Helper

09-18-2004, 10:49 PM

Mowgli is such a good little helper when I do anything. Here he is supervising while I work on my first big sewing project. I so adore this little guy!

Oh! Aunti CCL! I've gotta let you know I've been a good boy! I haven't had a single accident, and Meowmie hasn't had to shut me up in the bathroom at all! But, y'know, Auntie CCL, I'm kinda worried. Meowmie's been working on this costume thingy to wear at a convention in some far-away place called Atlanta next week. She says she's just gonna be gone for a day, and Zelda and I will get a really early breakfast and a really late supper. But I dunno if I can make it THAT long without food! Oh dear, oh dear... Whatever will I do? I mean, what if Meowmie has to stop for the night in a motel instead of coming right back home to feed me? Oh dear! A whole night without food! ACK! I have to start stashing some dinner away just in case of this kind of emergency!

09-18-2004, 10:55 PM
Awwww Mowgli, don't worry. Meowmie will make sure you don't starve. I'm sure if she has to stop over then Auntie CCL will be right there to take over.

What a good boy you are to have no accidents. Smoochies to you sweetie.

Lacey, do tell. What are you making and what convention?? :)

09-18-2004, 11:03 PM
Lacey! You make sure that boy has plenty of food on standby in case you don't make it home for the night!!

There there my little precious Mowgli, I told your meowmie to take care of you! We can't have you withering away on us now can we? What are we going to do with that meowmie of yours? She finally lets out of jail and now she is going to starve you to death!!!;) :D
Here you are supervising and helping her with all her hard work and that is what you get in payment! Shame shame on her! Just don't pee on the costume she is making!!!!:eek: ;) :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-19-2004, 01:23 AM
I am sure it's MUCH easier to get your sewing done with Mowgli "helping" !! Cute pic - he is a lovely looking cat!

09-19-2004, 07:26 AM
Slick, I've been working on a Seto Kaiba costume to wear at Anime Weekend Atlanta. And I am so looking forward to it! This'll be the second animation convention I've ever gone to (and the first that I've gone to in costume). :D :cool: The costume is pretty well finished with the exception of a few detaily bits, but boy was it ever a lot of work! Especially since the most sewing I've ever done has pretty much involved replacing buttons.

Mowgli and Zelda have been such good little helpers. They've been my Thread Quality Control. So many times I've been working with one spool of thread only to look up and see one of the cats running off with the other! :D :D

Laura's Babies
09-19-2004, 07:33 AM
Yup! They love to help us sew! They are good fabric weights too, to keep the fabric from sliding off the table while you are trying to cut it out and they will hold it down on the table for you as you sew. Chester use to even try to SHOW me where to sew with his paw as I would be sewing..YIKES!

Have a FUN trip!

09-19-2004, 09:20 AM
It's been so many years since I did things like that! I forget just how helpful kitties can be while a person's sewing. :rolleyes: Mowgli, I'm very happy to hear that you're behaving yourself now! That calls for extra extra treats, and for mama to can that trip and stay home to cater to you! :D

09-19-2004, 09:45 AM
Good boy Mowgli!!! Not only have you been behaving, but you are helpful as well:D Keep it up...oh, and you won't starve sweetie, I promise!!!:D

09-19-2004, 11:42 AM
Aww, sweet Mowgli, aren't you just the best helper and you've been such a good boy too!!! Don't you worry, your meowmie will make sure you get enough food. Now you just keep being a good boy so we don't have to come protest outside the jail to set you free.

09-19-2004, 12:35 PM
Dont worry,Mowgli,we think,that your Meowmie,is knitting you,something Special,that you can slep,on!

Edwina's Secretary
09-19-2004, 02:28 PM
Edwina has always been expert at taking the pins out as I am pinning the pattern to the material! (Which, of course, requires me to get all excited that she will swallow a pin!)