View Full Version : allergies....

09-18-2004, 09:23 PM
Is anyone allergic to animals here? if so what kind?
(I'm allergic to horses,cats & guinea pigs)

Desert Arabian
09-18-2004, 10:09 PM
I am severly allergic to horses, mules, donkeys, rats, rabbits (just found that out), guinea pigs, and dog saliva. I get hives, rashes, dry eyes, dry throat, sneezing, stuffy nose, and sometimes I even get asthma problems when I am around horses too long I have trouble breathing- especially if I am in a barn where the air does not circulate well. :( Makes it EXTREMELY hard to be around horses- though my obession and passion for them is too strong for me to quit.

09-18-2004, 10:16 PM
whoa! That's terrible!:( I get itchy throat,itchy eyes(the one I HATE most),snotty nose oh and horses I'm SEVERLY allergic, once my eye blew up with a balloon,that was like 5 years ago and I haven't been in contact with one since! Oh and hay! I allergic to it....There is a certain breed of rabbit you cannot be allergic to no matter what which is...drum roll pleez....Mini Rex rabbit! With their special short fur it's just impossible! I don't know what I would do if I were allergic to rabbits!:eek: The best medicine is Reactine(Grape Banana) for kids....even though it is for little kids it actually works on me and my mom....this stuff works wonders!

Desert Arabian
09-18-2004, 10:22 PM
Yeah, the American Bashkir Curly is a great horse for people with allergies to horses, their fur is not like the fur of other horses breeds, so people do not have allergic reactions to them

I was around a Bashkir and I never had a reaction to them, the second I got around a different horses my allerigies exploded.

09-18-2004, 10:24 PM
Yes I've heard of this breed before! I forget where but they sound awesome!

09-18-2004, 10:34 PM
Just about all pets with hair & Horses too. But I don't care, when I'm around an animal long enough it doesn't bother me too much, except horses in the barn, my poor nose & eyes drive me nuts. But still don't care.

09-19-2004, 02:37 AM
This may sound bizarre, but I think I'm allergic to tarantulas....or more specifically, the urticating hairs they flick off when they're stressed. I got sprayed in the face with urticating hairs a few days ago and I wound up breaking out in a rash. 0.o

09-19-2004, 05:21 AM
I'm allergic to bunnies, mildly allergic to dogs/cats (once I'm around the same animal it doesn't seem to bother me, but I have mild allergic symptoms ALL of the time) I might be allergic to Tandoori... but I'm hoping there's something else that's been bothering me!

09-19-2004, 07:20 AM
I'm allergic to Taffy:eek: ! But as long as his cage is clean I'm fine to have him in my room. Maybe I'm more allergic to his litter or soemthing....I've been better n ow that I changed it...

09-19-2004, 09:46 AM
I'm allergic to CATS. After I've been around a specific cat long enough I seem to build up an immunity to that specific cat. Any new cat I am around I get very sick, but I have no problem with my cats. Also rabbits (certain kinds- Angora I know) and all rats (even hairless). I can't think what else.

As for non animal things- dust and mold are my 2 biggest things.

Here is a sweet story about love vs. allergies. My sister, Kati, was a senior last year. She went to a private school that was K-3 through grade 12. Kati is allergic to everything with hair and some things without hair. One saturday Kati and my dad were working on a project at school and dad found a caged bunny behind the janitors building. It had no food or water. they went and bought it food and gave him water. Kati went and fed and watered it everyday, she brought him vegetables and treats. He was a beautiful white rex. Kati was allergic to him and couldn't clean his cage, so Justin and I helped her with that. Tho she knew she was allergic to him, one day she picked him up. She got so sick she had to go to the office and get her inhaler. When they asked her what made her sick she said that she couldn't tell them. (Stupid choice of words, Kati, now you have to tell them.) The forced it out of her that she'd been taking care of a bunny that was on school property. They had no idea that he was there. Turns out it belonged to the janitors 8 year old daughter who forgot about it. Kati begged for them to let her have it, but they wouldn't give him to her. She continued to visit him everyday (even on weekends). Until one day the principles wife gave Kati a little white stuffed bunny and told her that during the night the bunny had died. Kati was crushed to say the least. Despite her allergies and asthma she love and became best friends with that little bunny.

09-19-2004, 10:18 AM
I am alllergic to guinea pigs:( I think it might of just been there hay though, i used to have reactions to horses but that seemed to stop:p

09-19-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by KBlaix
Here is a sweet story about love vs. allergies. My sister, Kati, was a senior last year. She went to a private school that was K-3 through grade 12. Kati is allergic to everything with hair and some things without hair. One saturday Kati and my dad were working on a project at school and dad found a caged bunny behind the janitors building. It had no food or water. they went and bought it food and gave him water. Kati went and fed and watered it everyday, she brought him vegetables and treats. He was a beautiful white rex. Kati was allergic to him and couldn't clean his cage, so Justin and I helped her with that. Tho she knew she was allergic to him, one day she picked him up. She got so sick she had to go to the office and get her inhaler. When they asked her what made her sick she said that she couldn't tell them. (Stupid choice of words, Kati, now you have to tell them.) The forced it out of her that she'd been taking care of a bunny that was on school property. They had no idea that he was there. Turns out it belonged to the janitors 8 year old daughter who forgot about it. Kati begged for them to let her have it, but they wouldn't give him to her. She continued to visit him everyday (even on weekends). Until one day the principles wife gave Kati a little white stuffed bunny and told her that during the night the bunny had died. Kati was crushed to say the least. Despite her allergies and asthma she love and became best friends with that little bunny.

It is a sweet story!:) Too bad the bunny died! Did she have a name? I don't think kids 8 years or younger should own rabbits....they neglect them(oooo I know some people)...it's a sin! That's what I think happened to Oreo, neglect or some sort of abuse....she cowars down when I pet her, I had her since June but she hasn't gotten much better....I just wonder what could have happened in her past!:(

09-19-2004, 12:47 PM
I'm allergic to horses, dog & cat saliva, guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, and I think that's it. I get shots though so it's ok for me now:)

09-20-2004, 12:59 PM
I'm allergic to dog and cat dander, but only mildly thank goodness. It bugs my nose and makes it itch. I give Caleb a bath once a week or two to help keep his dander under control.