View Full Version : Guess I didn't entertain Brynja enough

09-18-2004, 07:50 AM
before I went shopping, because this is what I came home to, lol:


Here are some new pictures of the baby. She's 4 months old now.





smokey the elder
09-18-2004, 07:53 AM
There are no pictures. Just transient red x's that go away.:(

09-18-2004, 07:56 AM
Yeah, I saw that. Moved the pictures to a different server. They should work now :)

Laura's Babies
09-18-2004, 08:18 AM
Opps, looks like somebody had a whole lot of fun while Mommie was away! That baby is so cute, she looks older than 4 months!

09-18-2004, 08:45 AM
Oh dear, what a mess, and that poor plant. :(

Brynja, you naughty girl! I'm sure you had blast, but it's in the spring plants needs replanting, not now - you silly girl! ;) :)

I can't believe how innocent she looks! :D

09-18-2004, 08:54 AM
She misses you,Kittens,go through phases like,that a lot,until they mature.Maybe another Cat,an older Cat,to keep her company!

09-18-2004, 08:55 AM
No way that sweet thing made all that mess!! Must have been someone(thing) else - ;)

09-18-2004, 09:22 AM
Catmandu, I have 4 other cats (Beans, Bownie the Bat, Boomer and Jade, the Beddy Bear). She's just being a little brat, lol.

... and yes, she IS big for a 4 mths. old kitten.

09-18-2004, 09:37 AM
LOL! I'm sorry but I have to agree that something that darn cute could not be bad! She is adorable! What a precious face and those eyes!
That bad old plant must have been in the way! :D :D :D

09-18-2004, 09:46 AM
She is gorgeous! Last I remeber seeing her was when she was a teeny tiny kitten. She has grown a lot since then - are you feeding her Miracle Gro? :D

That is one bad kitty! Are her older brothers and sisters are teaching her how to be NawTee?

09-18-2004, 10:20 AM
Nope, she came with the naw-tee feature already installed :D

She also absolutely loves water, and splashes with her paws in their water bowls til they're empty (just like her bio sister Bownie also did when she was a kitten).

09-18-2004, 10:45 AM
Surely a kitten that innocent looking could not have committed such a crime. She was framed, I say!!;)

09-18-2004, 10:47 AM
:eek: :eek: Oops, poor plant.

She is adorable and I agree, you must be feeding her Miracle-Gro. What a pretty and nawtee girl you have.

09-18-2004, 03:30 PM
Are her older brothers and sisters are teaching her how to be NawTee?

Well, I guess it's more the other way around! lol :D


Ally Cat's Mommy
09-19-2004, 01:36 AM
Too cute - she is a gorgeous girl!!! Poor plant though!!

09-19-2004, 05:14 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh yeah....she had fun!!!! :rolleyes: :p

And look at that baby growing :D:D Sweet!

09-19-2004, 10:20 AM
I have to agree she was framed! ;) Must have been that critter that comes through when things go wrong...Dudley the Duck? Maybe the plant was trying to commit suicide? :confused: Whatever...Brynja looks much too innocent to do such a horrendous thing! :D