View Full Version : Tree Cat?!?!

09-17-2004, 10:34 PM
My mother has 4 trees one is wood and the other are plastic... They are REALLY tall she has one in our "Florida Room" one by my door one by the kitchen and one in the living room.. I have my door open.. I was hearing a whole bunch of noises by my door I KNEW was Milo! Then my mother shouted "ELLEN!! YOU NEED TO GET OUT HERE AND WHOOP THIS CAT!!" I looked out my door and he was half way up the wood tree!!! I started laughing my head off!!! He just kept clinmbing too!! He was surronded be a WHOLE bunch of limbs so those held his little bum up. I ran out there grabbed one of his paws to grab the rest of him and all he did was put the other paw on! I grabbed the other he put the other on! Then I got soo sick of standing there pulling one foot at a time I grabbed both his front legs grabbed him off quickly! I turned him towards the tree tabbed him bum a little harder than a pet I told him no and then he sat on my shoulder like a Tree Frog!!! It was SOOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!

09-17-2004, 10:38 PM
Oh Milo, sounds like you were having a lot of fun being a naw-tee kitty.

When Chipper was younger he use to love climbing up my tree also. It went from the floor to the ceiling. He doesn't bother with it any more, thank goodness. He prefers his own cat tree now.:)

09-17-2004, 10:39 PM
lol.. Milo has a cat house as tall to the ceiling! But now he just wants "trees" lol

09-18-2004, 09:10 AM
The Found Cats,wish that they had all those trees,ad A Florida Room! Is it OK,if we visit A Week Monday?

09-18-2004, 11:47 AM
sure :D we got PLENTY of trees!

09-19-2004, 12:47 AM
But the cats aren't allowed to climb? Are they art?

09-19-2004, 12:50 AM
They aren't aloud on the trees because most are in perfect shape and my mother doesn't want them torn up. there is one that they can sctrath on and everything.

Laura's Babies
09-19-2004, 07:59 AM
Hay, kitties?......trees?...... What is the problem?? Aren't the trees there for them to climb? LOL! (They sure think so!)

09-19-2004, 12:20 PM
Ya! They do! He has Furniture that touches the roof! It has a little basket thingy on top a little shelf thingy under the bsket thingy and then a 2 story housey thingy lol yet he thinks EVERYTHING else his! Even Mama;) lol

09-19-2004, 05:17 PM
Ok so some of the trees are art work and one is not and ok for the kitten to climb on (is he over his eye infection and everything!?). Please don't "WHOOP" him for it! He really will have no idea what he's getting "WHOOP"ed for!