View Full Version : Update on Nova

Aspen and Misty
09-17-2004, 08:45 PM
Recently Nova has been chaning so I thought I would come and tell you all about it because it has been touching me so much.

Nova has been acting more cuddly latly. She will leave the couch to come and lay beside me on the floor. Normally when she would do this she would sit like maybe 2 inches away from me and I had to move so that we were touching. Latly though she has been sitting RIGHT up next to me, she will lay so close she bumps me really hard and I am all squished, I love it!!

She also has been giving me TONS of kisses latly! It's like her tongue has just started working! I've gotten more kisses this week then I have in the past year of living with her!

I'm just loving this change in her! I feel like she is really starting ot accept me. Our relationship has been so strong latly!

Just had to share :)

09-17-2004, 08:58 PM
That is so sweet, just put a big smile on my face as I pictured her being so cuddly with you. I think Tasha has become more cuddly as she's gotten older too. I know how deeply it touches your heart, just makes you feel wonderful doesn't it? I'm happy for you and Nova, and I'm sure you'll have more and more precious times with her to come. :)

09-18-2004, 06:12 AM
Aw, Ashley, that is so wonderful. I'm so glad to hear such happy news. I know the feeling well. There is nothing better than when your pup wants to cuddle with ya.

Give Nova a hug from me.

Robin :)

09-18-2004, 09:33 AM
I am so happy for you both.
I know it must give you a special feeling inside.