View Full Version : Help with blood in stools

Miss Meow
09-17-2004, 05:42 AM
One of the sausages has a few spots of blood with this morning's poos on their paper. Two-three spots, light, clear red. Both dogs are wormed, full of energy and eating well. The stool was a bit runny so it's confused my initial thought that it could be constipation???

Any clues? I might ring the vet tomorrow, but that's not going to help until I work out which dog it is :o

Also, as a general question, any advice on how to treat constipation if it ever arises?

Thanks so much.

09-17-2004, 07:04 AM
I have a Lab with a sensitive tummy, she get runny pooh sometimes if she get into the wrong stuff, garbage. I put her on hamburger and rice for a few days. The blood could be because she has stressed her bowel. Calling the vet is a good idea. Never had a dog with constipation.

09-17-2004, 07:53 AM
Sorry but blood in the stool always stresses me ever since Angus had his problem.
But he did get constipated every so often and I would give him a little bit of milk and take him out for a good walk. Worked every time:)
I hope both the sausages are fine.

09-17-2004, 08:19 AM
Blood in the stool could be an irritation of the stomach/colon/upper
digestive tract, blockage etc. etc.

I hope that your baby is ok and by tomarrow
his stool will be back to normal.
IF you still see blood, a call
to the vet couldn't hurt.

Sending get will wishes for your widdle sausage.

09-17-2004, 09:19 AM
Buddy gets stressed VERY easily, and always makes for runny poo, and if he is stressed for a long time (4th of July... days of fireworks) then blood normaly shows up. Then it's rice and hamburger for a day or two, then back to normal.

But if it's the first time, I would make sure to call the vet!

My dogs have never had constipation, they always have the oppsite problem!!! :o

09-17-2004, 09:47 AM
Oh dear i hope the Sausages are ok, i agree call your Vet and get their opinion. :)

Sending good thoughts your way. Please keep us posted on how things go.

09-17-2004, 10:58 AM
Last Friday night I noticed my dog Fenway had blood in his soft stools. I had to work on Saturday and left for North Carolina on Sunday. I left him with my sister and told her to watch him and that if he doesn't seem right, to bring him to the vet. I called her several times while I was in NC (I'm from NH) and she said he wasn't eating and that she thought he just missed me. I told her to call the vet and she did (making an appointment for when I got back to NH-on Wednesday). In the meantime, I was worried sick about him. I insisted she take him to the emergency vet but she insisted he just missed me. Well I went to pick him up on Tuesday night when I got home and I could tell he was sick. His fur looked unhealthy, he had stuff coming out of his eyes and he had blood coming out of his mouth. My sister said she didn't notice the blood and the eye situation just happend that day. Anyhow, I drove 95 mph to the emergency vet and told them about the blood in his soft stools and the blood in his mouth and the stuff coming out of his eyes (crusty/watery stuff). They smelled his mouth and they said it smelled rotten, like he had an abcess. They gave him general anesteshia (spelling?) and looked in his mouth. Sure enough, he had a abscess. They drained it and he is now on antibiotics and feeling about 75-80% better. They said the abscess bled and he would swallow the blood and it would come out in his poop. That would also explain why he wasn't eating - because it hurt too much. I've forgiven my sister, but I don't think I'll ever have her babysit my dog again (and she has TWO Labs and FOUR cats!) You'd think she would have broughten my dog to the emergency vets! Anyways, I would call your vet asap. Perhaps your dog has an infection that can easily be treated with an antibiotic. Good luck! I'm sure your dog will be fine.

09-17-2004, 11:34 AM
Poor Fenway! I'm glad he's better now though!

Miss Meow, I hope both of your sausages are fine. Keep an eye on the stools, and if you see blood in it again, take a sample of it to your vet. There could be a number of different things that can cause that, like KYS mentioned: irritation of the stomach/colon/upper digestive tract, blockage etc. etc. Could also be an infection. Is there any standing water near where you live? Giardia live in that sort of environment, and dogs can pick it up easily. It can sometimes cause bloody diarrhea and/or simply loose stools.

Let us know how your babies are doing! :)

Miss Meow
09-17-2004, 05:48 PM
Thanks for the advice, everyone :)

Poos were normal this morning so I'll keep an eye on things and call the vet if I see a change. Our vet nurse lives around the corner so I'll have a chat to her this afternoon at walkies time. The fat boy just might have eaten something he shouldn't have and it's irritated the lining on the way out :rolleyes:

09-17-2004, 06:13 PM
Glad to hear the sausages are doing better!!

One thing I have heard is that red blood is often less serious then dark dis-colored blood. I hope I am getting this right, but the red is because of the oxygen and is more likely an irritation on exit. The brown looking blood, is more a signal of something internal.

09-17-2004, 11:28 PM
Glad to hear B & S are feeling better today. :)

Canis Amicus
09-18-2004, 11:50 AM
Now and then Rex has runing stools with blood. I give him Immodium, fast for at least 12 hours and begin to feed him with ride and cottage cheese.

Good that your dachs is better now.

09-18-2004, 12:06 PM
Good news!
Very relieved to hear he is doing fine.

09-28-2004, 01:41 AM
NO WAY did that gorgeous studly boy eat anything he shouldn't have!!!!!!! :D

Hope the sausagies are A-OK!

Miss Meow
09-29-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by captain
NO WAY did that gorgeous studly boy eat anything he shouldn't have!!!!!!! :D

Hope the sausagies are A-OK!

Noooo, of course he wouldn't ;) (apart from some tin foil last night which he vomited up and Shane's mobile phone cover the night before). We are really vigilant about keeping things above the 'sausage zone' but the cats push stuff off the benches to taunt them I think :rolleyes:

09-29-2004, 07:37 AM
Holey cow, he really ate a mobile phone cover, I guess I am lucky, my "sausages" don't eat anything like that. Anyway a good thing for constipation is canned pumpkin, just a good scoop should do the trick, repeat if necessary. Joannie and the boyz:p