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View Full Version : Doing Nice Things for Nice People...

09-16-2004, 08:41 PM
Just thought I would share something that happened a few days ago when we were in Maine...

We heard about a great restaurant called JR Maxwells (I think). Anyway, on the way there we got really lost and turned around, and seemed to be driving in circles. So, as we were coming up one street, there was a woman walking a dog (a skipperke (sp?) named Skippy). :) I suggested that we ask her for directions. She got this really funny look on her face and she said, "I work there!" She gave us awesome directions and we found it in 5 minutes (or less).

So, we ordered the food to go, and while we waited, I wrote her a thank you note. I even addressed it "to the woman with the dog named Skippy" :o because I didn't know her name, and enclosed a $10 bill. Basically, I said something to the effect of "thank you for the great directions. You truly made a frustrating situation so much easier, and we appreciate your kindness. Sincerely, Mark & Anna, the lost & wandering travelers from NH"

I then asked the manager if he knew who the woman would be and he told me her name. I asked him if he would give the note to her, and he assured me that he would.

So, I wonder now, if she got it and if she was surprised. I just thought it would be really neat to make someone's day, when they totally didn't expect it. :)

Has anyone else ever done this or had something like this done fo them???

09-16-2004, 09:49 PM
That is so nice of you and your husband!!! I wish more people were like you! :D

I was just thinking about how people don't say thank you anymore. You just proved me wrong. That was a great story. ^_^

09-16-2004, 10:14 PM
Not only did it make her day, but I bet it made your day too. Doesn't it feel good to do something special for someone? Sometimes when I am feeling down, the best pick me up is helping someone else.

09-16-2004, 10:23 PM
What you did is awesome!!
I bet it made her day--how special!!!

09-16-2004, 10:25 PM
What a thoughtful thing to do, Anna. :)

09-16-2004, 11:23 PM
During my first xmas at the post office we got these new stuffed postman bears. This lady came in & asked a few questions about the bears & then she asked to buy one.

I opened the box & she asked why are u opening the box? I said well u are collecting bears & I want to make sure there is nothing worng with this bear so he'll be perfect for ur collection.

She said thank you & left.

The next shift I was in, my post office manager called me to the backroom & asked if I remember selling a bear to a lady the other night. I said yep, it was the only bear I sold.

My manager said well she came back & left this note with the store manager.

I thought I had done something wrong again, I thought I must have offended her in someway.

So I read the note, & almost cried. It was the sweetest thank you note I had ever gotten, & well it was also my first thank you note I had ever gotten.

Adair said its very rare to get such a great note from a customer u've never met before. She said I'm sending it to head office, so they can add it to ur PPD file. & she gave me a copy, but I lost it, but all I have to do is call Adair & she'll fax me a copy she kept.

& I got another one a month ago!!! 2 great notes in my 2 years of work!!

I found some papers on the counter & I knew they were important to people who delt with E-bay & pay-pal. SO I read the note & it had his address on it. So I took an envelope, and mailed all the papers to the guy with a note, telling him when the papers were found & why I'm sending them to him.

He came back after he got the letter (I wasn't there) & he wrote a nice note for me. He said he was very impressed that I cared so much for his papers, & had the heart to mail them & send him a note.

I have a copy of this note & plan to send it to head office myself (my new manager wont do it) & I plan to bring it to my next CPC meeting & share it, because I'm known as the little screwup & everything goes wrong in my post office (its not my fault, my store manager just wont give me any staff & I cannot do managers paper work & serve customers & fix problems at the same time), so I really want to show off, cause they don't get notes :p mind u they all like me alot, we all get along just great, they just pick on me, I think being the smallest & the baby doesn't help hehehe

09-16-2004, 11:28 PM
That was extremely nice of you.

09-16-2004, 11:57 PM
One year we had a secrtary at the church that couldn't work , she had been a legal sec. in a very demanding office. Had a melt down needed a year off to regroup. Some how here disablity paper work got lost . so no check for a couple months , she was on the verge of losing here phone,which she needed to reach her support counciler. we didn't have much money either but my kids loved this gal and at the age of 12 and 10 said that instead of getting them christmas presants pay her bill anomously. I was so proud of them so we all went to pay it , the phone company was so inpressed with the story . The employees sent my kids a card and gift certificates to fun kid places. They took alot of the kids from our church with them to enjoy the fun. Ps The gal couldn't beleive some one paid the bill and never did find out who did it. In fact it was hard for me as she always saw me as her 2nd support person. In a meeting with the pastor one day he mused about the kindness done in the church,after the meeting we had to tell him the story. It became uncofortable the next sunday as he used it in his sermon thankfully no one knew who he was talking about. ( we were one of the poorer familys in the church but none of the richer familys would do anything with out being named for doing big flashy projects.)
It was such a great feeling for all of us as a family, I was so surprised by my kids I guess they had been listening to the things we had been trying to teach them .
I'm sure you made the ladies day Anna and Mark.

09-17-2004, 02:12 AM
My co-worker was telling me today that he sometimes goes out to the street, sits with a homeless man near his house, and plays his guitar, leaving a coffee can in front of him. After a few hours, he gives any tips he got from passers-by to the homeless man. I was really moved when he told me that, it's SUCH a nice thing for him to do.


I remember once when I was having a really rotten day at work, a lady came in with her little girl to look at guinea pigs. The little girl was SO excited about one of them, and she informed me that she had been reading about guinea pigs and had been working really hard to save money for a guinea pig!

She really did know her piggy care! I talked to her and her mother for awhile, and found out that they were extremely low-income and really probably couldn't afford the pig right then. The little girl had saved enough to but the _pig_, but not much else, and certainly not a cage.

I walked away while the mom was talking to the girl about the expense of setting up an animal, and bought them a big piggie cage. While I was at the register, I got permission from my manager to give them $10 off the price of the pig. The mother was SO happy, and the look on the little girl's face was absolutely priceless.

It's just so nice when someone comes in who is genuinely interested in the well-being of the animal, and has done their research. They really brightened my day, and I hope I made theirs! ^_^ (See...SEE?! I don't hate kids all the time!! :D )

09-17-2004, 09:12 AM
YES! We were in Connecticut last year and were hungry and stopped to get gas. We asked a fellow at the gas pump next to us if he was local and could give us a good restauarant to eat breakfast, so he directed us to this GREAT coffee/tea shop. We ate a fantastic meal there and asked the waitress if she knew of a place to have dinner. When this guy at the next table turns around and gushes about an itallian place down the street. We all talked like long-lost friends for half and hour and left giving our thanks to him and his family for taking time to talk to out-of-towners so nicely.

My husband turned to me and asked me if I has ANY idea of who that was... ummm... no.... He said, "that guy who was sooo wonderful is hall-of-fame football player so-and-so for the Pittsuburg Steelers!" Well, I was unimpressed with his footballs fame and VERY impressed with how wonderfully nice and friendly they were! :D People in our area would have never talked to starngers at all, let along talk to the like long lost best friends.

The people were so wonderful that we were starting to thnk "lets pick up and move to conncticut!" Then we saw the selling prices of homes and deiced we couldn't! :D :o It just made us more aware of our surroundings and to go the extra effort to make people visiting our town feel as welcomed. I wish there was a way to thank both those friendly people who took their time to help strangers.