View Full Version : I am so stupid!!!

09-16-2004, 07:01 PM
Oh my gosh, I about had a heart attack just now. I considered not telling this story, because it's embarrassing.

So, after a long day at work I often like to come home and take a bath. The kitties are fascinated by the running water, so I let them watch the tub fill. I was home alone tonight, so I left the bathroom door halfway open, and Sophie hung around to watch the tub fill. I got in, and I saw her leave the room. I guess she got bored with me. I took my bath, and when I got done, I stood up and used my Veet depilatory mousse on my legs. As I finished up, I looked down and saw Sophie sitting next to the tub. My heart jumped as I noticed it - a glob of the depilatory mousse, about the size of a quarter, on her fur!!!!!!!

So I freak out. I'm covered in Veet, and I jump out of the tub and grab a washcloth. I wet it in the sink, and manage to grab Sophie and scrub her like crazy. She's squealing the whole time, but I don't care. My mind is racing like 100 miles a minute, and I'm thinking, what if she cleans herself and ingests what's left of it? What if she ends up with a bald spot, or worse? So, I finish with the washcloth, jump in the shower and rinse the Veet off myself in record time, and jump back out and throw my robe on. I chase Sophie down and take her to the other bathroom and give her a bath (as my bathtub was covered in the Veet). Sophie was fighting the whole time, and I was alone, dealing with a wet kitten. In the end, I came out of it with a soaked bathrobe but no scratches, and one clean Sophie. She purred the whole time I was drying her off, by the way!

I'm such an idiot!!! No way am I ever letting this happen again! I'm just lucky I noticed it before she did and managed to get it off her before she licked it off. Please don't think I'm a bad cat-mom, I just didn't think she was even in the bathroom, much less that I would somehow get some on her (still don't know how that happened)!!! I'll have to keep an eye on her tonight and make sure she doesn't get sick, but for now she's fine. She's mostly dry and trying to climb up the side of my boyfriend's bass amp. :rolleyes:

Pictures of a wet Sophie:



Tito investigating:

And a video of a wet Sophie is attached.

Is it wrong of me to laugh at this? I'm starting to see some humor in it now that I wrote it all down! Maybe I'm just calming down! I'm starting to feel sick over the whole thing actually! I feel bad for Sophie - after all this trauma, she still has to go to the vet in the morning for her spay!

09-16-2004, 07:32 PM

Laura's Babies
09-16-2004, 08:07 PM
OH NO!! We, as Mommies can NEVER anitcipate WHAT these little ones will get into, climb on or phantom what could happen next with them.. All we can do is our BEST! If we only knew how many close calls they got themselves into, it would probably scear the pants off of us. But, like you, I too, would panic and think "WHAT IF....." (Scearing myself even more)

And yes, could you only imagine what Sohpie was thinking? What Is MOMMIE on "People-nip, That Canadian stuff????" I can see the real humor in this.....

09-16-2004, 08:55 PM
I'm sorry, but I'm laughing too. We all could be in the same situation. We would never think that you were a bad catmom for this happening. A bad cat mom would have just wiped the Veet off and let her go on her own way. You took the care to make sure every last bit of the cream was off her.

Poor little thing was probably very confused as to why she got that big dunking!

09-16-2004, 09:17 PM
Oh Sophie, you silly girl! That video was sooooo cute! (I love it when they kick their back feet out like that!)

Poor baby, traumatized . . . the night before her big VET appt!

Good luck tomorrow, Sophie!!!

09-16-2004, 09:41 PM
<giggle> <snort> Well at least she will be super clean for her spay tomorrow! :D

Good cat mom! I would have done the same thing.

09-16-2004, 09:44 PM
out of curiousity, what does this Veet stuff say to do if injested? Don't worry, I'll bet they taste all kinds of things that we don't know about. My cats lay in the shower all the time and so are likely licking off shampoo and conditioner and soap remnants (uh oh, now I'm getting a bit worried, I wonder if there are certain toxic ingredients that may build up and cause cancer... there's no stopping them though, they like to lay in the drained water, I'll just run the water longer after I'm done. Wish I had a tub...)

09-16-2004, 10:00 PM
Oh Lizzielou you are not a bad mommy, you are a GREAT mommy. You reacted fast and took care of the problem right away. Accidents do happen. Please don't beat yourself up over it.
Little Sophie will be the best smelling kitty going in for surgery.
I also love those back kicks after they come out of a bath.:)

09-16-2004, 11:42 PM
I'm laughing too, since everything came out okay in the end.

Don't feel bad, you are not a bad meowmie. You jumped on it and took care of things like a pro!

09-17-2004, 02:56 AM
I also had to LOL:D In the office!

Many things that are shocking while they happen make good stories once they had a happy end:)

I hope your legs are ok too and you didn't end up with a wet cat and gooseberry legs:D

Killearn Kitties
09-17-2004, 04:05 AM
Sophie, precious! What are they doing to you? You just wanted to be near meowmie and look what she did to you! That's probably the last time you'll hang out near the bath. :D

You will be the prettiest kitty at the vets. Good luck, baby.

09-17-2004, 06:07 AM
ROFLOL!!!:D :D :D Sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you but the visual you gave was hilarious!! I couldn't help but think of Sophie having a bald spot and you trying to explain that to the vet today!;) :D :D

You're a great meowmie and took immediate action (and that is what cracked me up thinking about how Sophie must have thought you lost your mind!). :D :D :D :D :D

09-17-2004, 09:22 AM
Hey, Remus here

Sophie, tell yer meowme not to worry so much! My meowme soaks me all da time but dats cuz I aways am gettin in da way!! Just watch out cuz that water n stuff can nail ya when ya least expect it to. Tell yer meowme dat I send headbumps to you and her :D And dun think she has lost her mind, she wuz jus worried bout ya!

09-17-2004, 09:24 AM
Those things happen,as our Cats,sometimes gettoo close to us! Does that stuff,work,on Cat Fur,I wonder?