View Full Version : share or not to share toys??

09-16-2004, 04:59 PM
Kind of the same line as whatmicki76 mentioned...

How do I go about the toys and the dogs? Lucy hasnt shown any jelousy regarding her toys with Ray,, but should each dog have thier own toys or is sharing ok?

I took all of Lucys marrow bones away.... figured bone sharing is OUT!

09-16-2004, 05:10 PM
When adding a new dog to the household, it is always best to have more toys than there are dogs! Be sure there are at least 2 types of each toy that you have too (like not just one plushie or one rope toy). After the dogs have lived with each other for awhile and you are sure a fight won't happen, then its okay to have some shared toys.

Also, by having the new dog come in with their own toys, the resident dog will have a much easier transition and won't feel like they're being replaced, etc.

09-16-2004, 05:15 PM
Ray did come with this,,, well,, i dunno what the heck it is,, its lots lots of ,,, fur and ropes on it,, and he loves it. Lucy just sniffed and walked away,,, she prefers kongs and nyla bones....

I will have to go out and buy some more toys,,, but NEXT payday,, I am so broke after bills, and paying for Ray and all his essentials AND the vet visit,,,,, well,, You know,,, EEEK!!

09-16-2004, 05:31 PM
Yeah I totally understand the money issue. As long as you're not observing any conflict between them, you'll probably be fine. Just be sure that they aren't alone in the same room with the toys for awhile. After at least 2 weeks of careful observation of them, you won't have to watch them quite so much like a hawk anymore :D

09-16-2004, 05:47 PM
not sharing toys is not something that has ever crossed my mind. my dogs have always shared all their toys and bones, and we have never had a problem.. they have toys that are supoosed to belong to a specifice dog, but it never works out that way lol but we also have a toy box overflowing with dog toys, so they are not exactly deprived.. lol

Cinder & Smoke
09-16-2004, 06:42 PM
WHO - me (us)???
Nebbur happin!

We got TWO Nylabonez atta Shop...
boff of em usually onna floor (somewhere)...

Wunna us grabz a bone an startz *chonkin*.
Udder guy hears da *chonkin* an figgerz "Datz a gud idea..."

Dawg Nummer 2 findz Bone #2,
an goes to hiz/her fav spot to begin *chonkin*.

2 Dawgz, 2 Bonez, 2 Spotz; all iz well. :D

Dawg #1 decides to check out Bone #2 - mite be "better"...
Dawg #1 visits Dawg #2; reaches down and
removes Bone #2 from mouth of Dawg #2.
Dawg #1 returns to Spot #1 with Bone #2;
lays down (covering abandoned Bone #1) and begins *chonkin* on Bone #2.

Dawg #2 noticez :eek: "I gotz NO Bone!"

Dawg #2 saunderz over to Spot #1 and sees only
Missing Bone #2 bein *chonk'd* by Dawg #1... :confused:

Dawg #2 lays down an begins *watchin* Dog #1...
Nerbus; Dawg #1 turnz away - exposing the previously abandoned Bone #1...
Which is immediately *snatched* by Dawg #2
who Happilee returns to Spot #2 to begin *chonkin*
on the prized Bone #1

Ahhhhh... All iz Well!
Dawg #1, in Spot #1, is now content wiff Bone #2;
Dawg #2, in Spot #2, is also content wiff Bone #1.

This lasts all of a minnit or two, Tops!

SUMbuddie wuntz sumpin da Udder Guy'z got...
If not da Bone, it'z da SPOT...

Dawgz, Bonez, and Fav Spotz begin a slow, never-ending CYCLE...
Never a *Grrrr* or a toofy *smile*...
just a CONTINUOUS exchange of Bonez & *chonkin* Spotz!

And it goes ON, an ON, an ON... :rolleyes:


09-16-2004, 06:59 PM
hehehe Cinder & Smokey! :D TOo funny! But Im guessing very true! ;)

09-16-2004, 06:59 PM
Cinder and Smoke, you funny, funny sibs. Thanks for sharing your tale of bone chonkin. It was like I was there to enjoy the whole episode. Just don't try switching with anything on Dad's plate!

09-16-2004, 07:53 PM
They'll probably be fine with sharing once they know each other (and you know how they react) well enough. We got very lucky with Millie & Chester. Never had a single incedent over a toy, and bones only once or twice. Like Aly said, have a lot of toys handy. We have close to 60 :eek: in various states of disrepair. :D

I would make sure that Lucy & Ray still both have chewing time apart from each other. They need to be able to get those frustrations out. ;)