View Full Version : ARGH!! Ripley sprayed the new floor!

09-16-2004, 11:53 AM
I'm so mad right now. I was afraid this would happen but was praying that it wouldn't. The new hardwood floor was just completed yesterday and Ripley sprayed in a closet today. The door is still of because of the installation work. I saw him pawing the floor trying to cover it up. It was on the wood floor and with a flashlight I could see splatters on the freshly painted wall. I'm 99% sure it was him since he did this same exact thing in the dining room corner last year the day after the new carpet was put down. Plus, I don't think my girls would do this.

GRRRR! What am I going to do? I now have two Feliway Plug-Ins going and I've sprayed everywhere with the Feliway Spray. When he did this there was only one plug-in going at the time.

If my husband finds out he will go through the roof and all chances of adopting a kitten from Kim will go with it. I've cleaned the area good and wiped eveything down with Natures Miracle. I will get the door to that closet hung tonight but then I'm afraid he will just find a new spot.

Another stress is that new carpet is being installed in the three bedroom on Monday. I bet he will spray there too. Lord, please help me through this.

Any suggestions?

09-16-2004, 12:16 PM

09-16-2004, 12:33 PM
He is 12 1/2 years old and has been neutered for 12 years.

09-16-2004, 12:40 PM

09-16-2004, 12:45 PM
Oh, Jazzcat, I can only keep my fingers crossed he doesn't do it again. That's life with cats... One day I invited a friend in visit and there was a "bean" right in the middle of the hallway :eek:

09-16-2004, 12:54 PM
I was wondering how you were doing with your new carpeting and floors.
Remember just a few weeks ago we put new carpeting in the basement and Samantha peed on the old rug in the laundry room.
Luckily she only did it a couple of times then got over it.
We did shut her out of the newly carpeted area for a few days and that seemed to help.
We also took her to the vet and changed her diet to a food that will help her lose weight and prevent hairballs.
She only had one hairball on the stairs when we were starting to change over her food to the new one.
Have you had Ripley to the vet recently for a check-up?
I wish you luck and I hope it is only temporary.
It may help to keep him out of those areas for a few days and maybe check with your vet for any ideas.

09-16-2004, 01:08 PM
Vermontcat - I do remember what happened with Samantha and your new carpet. You were lucky that it was only a few times and on the old rug.

I can keep Ripley out of the bedrooms for the most part, at least for a while but I can't keep him from the hardwood. We had it installed in the family room, hall and foyer. By the time we are finished about 2/3 or more of our house will have new flooring and a big part of what isn't new this year was done last year. It will be bad news if he misbehaves anywhere.

It's been a few months since his vet checkup but I'm sure this is nothing more than stress and changes since he reacted the same exact way last year when we redecorated.:(

This is SO frustrating! Thanks for the suggestions and support though. I think I'm just going to go cry for a bit.

09-16-2004, 01:41 PM
Emily used to have a "little problem" like this and I used the Nature's Miracle. It turns out that stuff didn't quite get rid of the odor for her (after all she is soooooooo sensitive :rolleyes: ), so she would go back to the same spots. I switched over to Woollite Pet Stain remover and that seems to have done the trick.

Regarding the behavior problem, I have no words of advice. I am planning on replacing my flooring in the next year, so I am definitely interested in how you take care of things...

09-16-2004, 01:53 PM
Jazzcat, don't cry! :( I am sorry Ripley sprayed. He just can't help himself, I guess. Boys will be boys. I wish I had some advice, but I haven't ever dealt with spraying (knock on wood). Just know that all of us are here for you.

Good luck and let us know what happens!

09-16-2004, 02:14 PM
Oh no Lori! I'm so sorry because I know you were so afraid this would happen.:( I don't understand why some males just never get over the need to mark the territory! DARN IT!!
I wish I had some great advice for you but I don't. I'm going through something similar with Lucky right now and I can't figure out what to do either.
I hope that once the "new" wears off he will quit. How long did it take him to stop this when you redecorated the last time?

09-16-2004, 02:19 PM
Lisa - he sprayed about three or four times that I know of and he did it over a couple of weeks and then finally quit. Right after I saw him the first time I bought Feliway that day so maybe it took a few weeks for him to settle down with it. Unfortunately this time I already had a Feliway Plug-in going but it was some distance away from where he sprayed. I have one plugged in just a few feet from that closet now plus I've given the whole house a good spraying with the bottle of Feliway.

All I need is for Richard to find out or catch him and I"ll know of one person and several pets in need of a new home.:(

09-16-2004, 02:25 PM
No wonder you're mad! I too think that he's trying to mark the "new" territory, or it's stress related. I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to put something on the floor he either likes or dislikes, but I'm sure others here will know. :) If it's a raw? wooden floor, one thing you should do, is to wash it with ..... not sure what it's called in english, but it's the white soap flakes you whip up - people used it a lot 50 years ago. If you can get them, use a very thick solution, that will prevent the urine to soak down. He may not even like the smell of it - don't know if that's good or bad.

Someone mentioned lemon and winegar, but I think that was for preventing scratching wallpaper.

Concerning your carpet, I think it's a good idea to not let him in there the first few days. Let the usual smells of your house settle on it.

Sorry for the poor advise, I'm sure you'll get some good tips from others. Good luck! :)

09-16-2004, 02:27 PM
Yoshi is my pee-boy. Any sign of something new or different and he too will spray. :( I guess its just something we are going to have to live with.

I too have 2 plug ins going all the time, and that Nature's Miracle we buy by the gallon. :rolleyes:

Just watch him, clean up quickly and quietly and hope for the best.

Try not to stress him too much. Do projects around the house slowly. That does seem to help Yoshi some. What ever you do, don't get mad at him!! I know this is going to sound crazy, but praise him more than the rest, and pay more attention to him when projects around the house are on going. Reassurence helps! :D :D

Good luck!

09-16-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Catsnclay
Try not to stress him too much. Do projects around the house slowly. That does seem to help Yoshi some. What ever you do, don't get mad at him!! I know this is going to sound crazy, but praise him more than the rest, and pay more attention to him when projects around the house are on going. Reassurence helps! :D :D

Good luck!
I'm trying to give him some extra attention but we've been so busy having the installers here the past three days that it was hard. All that increased Ripley's stress too. I knew this was going to be hard for him but there was just no way around it.

It probably would have been better if we only did the wood now but we also had new bathroom floors put in and of course the carpet is coming Monday. Too much too soon for my senstive boy.:( I wish he was more like Scout, she considers this all fun and exciting. Nothing fazes that little girl.

09-16-2004, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat

All I need is for Richard to find out or catch him and I"ll know of one person and several pets in need of a new home.:(

I'm so sorry Lori. Ripley is not the only one stressed, huh? It sounds like you are on top of it as best as you can be. Hopefully it will only be a couple of times and then he will quit. (and you catch it before hubby!)
I would definitely keep him off of the new carpet for a few days and the minute hubby is not looking and the installation is done I would cover that carpet with the Feliway!
Good luck and we are praying that Ripley won't do it anymore. If worse comes to worse you can always ride back with Debbie and Dennis and I will let you move in with me!!!;) :D :D :D

09-16-2004, 03:37 PM
I can relate to this, really... :(

Well, it's another situation with Luna but it's just as frustrating.

Maybe you can work with Feliway spray in the "endangered" areas since the plug-in effect may not reach that far. I'm sorry that I have no better advice here. Obviously Ripley is very territorial and doesn't like the changes very much... :(


09-16-2004, 04:22 PM
Oh NO, Lori ... I so hate to hear this!!! :( I am really feeling like Ripley just wants everything to have his scent on it ... you know, sort of a "christening"! :rolleyes: Hopefully once he has sprayed everything :eek: it will stop!!! I know, not much consolation, huh? :rolleyes: Surely, this won't stop Richard from letting you have Baloo? Cats will be cats .... you have to take the moment of nawtee along with all the wonderfully blissful times!!!;)

Maybe you can get this across to Richard? Hey, if you had toddlers in the house, there is no guarantee one of them wouldn't immediately spill cherry kool-aid on the carpet, or throw-up on it! :eek: How about as soon as you drive a brand new car off the lot, and you ding your door at Wal-Mart parking lot ... or better yet, your precious baby spits up all over the new plush interior!!!:eek: Am I getting anywhere? These things happen ... now get out there and FIGHT > FIGHT> FIGHT!!!:D :D


09-16-2004, 04:58 PM
I wish I had advice - but I don't and my Sid is like your Ripley - new furniture or other situations just seem to earn a spraying from him. I now also am running a couple of full time Feliway defusers (dang - those things are spendy) in an effor to calm him down.

So what does he do? Last weekend - out in the garage he sprayed my husbands tool cabinet.:eek: :eek: He's also now sneaky enough to do this when we're not looking. It is so frustrating at times.

09-16-2004, 08:10 PM
A vet visit may still be your answer. Ripley may be able to get some medication to take the stress off. He'd probably only need it for a short while. It is worth asking about.

09-17-2004, 09:49 AM
Sam,is occasinally a Pee Boy,its embarrsing,as he sometimes goes,on my jacket,and if I am in a hurry,I dont notice it,until the other bus passengers avoid me!

09-17-2004, 09:50 PM
Oh Gary, i'm sorry, but that made me laugh.:)

Jazzcat, i'm sorry I have no advice as I have never had any of my male cats spray and I hope and pray they never do. Looks like you've gotten some sound advice from the others.

I just want to send you my support and hope and pray that Ripley stops his spraying very soon.

(((((HUGS))))) to you as I could only imagine what you must be going through with this.

09-18-2004, 01:24 AM
Lori, I'm sorry to hear that Ripley is spraying again.:( I don't have any advice but like Jen said maybe you should look into getting some medicine to help calm him down. Good luck and please keep us updated.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-18-2004, 01:31 AM

I cannot offer any advice, just know that I am thinking of you (I also spend a huge amount of time sneaking around behind hubby's back covering up for these furkids of mine!!).

09-18-2004, 01:55 AM
I had the same problem with Snickers my dad found out and said that we HAD to get rid of him!!!

*ABYCAT* Alice
09-18-2004, 06:17 AM
I really feel sorry for you and I hope there will be an end of this problem.
I guess that your restoration of the house is making him confused and takes away the old scents and he has to make new ones.
We have several good Swedish cat sites and I’ve been reading suggestions for cat owners having the same problem as you have. One woman got rid of the problem by spraying perfume on the places were the cat sprayed. Another suggestion is to use ground white pepper. If you catch him just when he is spraying you can take him up and straight to the sandbox to show him were the right plays is. Don’t do this if the accident already is done. It will confuse him and he won’t understand what you’re doing it.
Feliway is sold here too, but I also have another spray (Swedish brand) that I used when Costello started to scratch on our couch. Started to use it a bit too late, though, when the couch was already ruined, but he sure hated that smell. We got another couch now in leather and he doesn’t touch it and I would be happy to send you the spray if you would like to try. Just PM or email me your address.