View Full Version : ERRR Must Kill Neighbours!!!

09-15-2004, 11:07 PM
Our stupid neighbour John is smoking pot beside his house again & guess who gets all the smell??


We've called the cops before & they do NOTHING!!!!! they drive up to the house look at John & his buddies & then drive off!!!!

useless city cops.

09-15-2004, 11:20 PM
Yuck. :(

Not as bad as my next door neighbor though..

We have this crazy old lady next door, and she threatens to call the cops on our dogs when they bark. She once threatened us when my cats wanted her to pet them, asking stupid stuff like why we have them if we don't care about them. Umm.. obviously we do care. They're well-fed and taken care of, and gets lots of love and attention from us. That crazy woman once threw a bucket of water at my dogs when they were barking. :mad: We TRY to keep them quiet, but it's hard when you have Pomeranians and a Sheltie (usually barker breeds, even though Miksy is actually pretty quiet for a Sheltie, and Megan's a very quiet Pom, and her barking can be easily controlled)!! So my dogs are mostly indoors and only go outside to use the bathroom. *sighs*
Our other next door neighbors are awesome. They LOVE our cats and dogs and always pet them when they come to visit.

09-15-2004, 11:29 PM
well the other neighbours tossed a shovel at Cadeau once.
Then they wanted to build their fence on our side of the property line & they were told to go to hell. & so the built in on their side & we gained 2 feet.

(This is my personal thoughts about this)
the guy had every right to toss a shovel at cadeau. Cadeau is a GSD cross & she crossed into his yard & was barking & snapping at his tiny poodle. DUH of course hes gonna protect his dog in his own yard.

The people here do not respect others nor their own dogs. its a long long long story.

& I only rent a room in the basement here. I try to avoid the parents (Rob's parents) at all costs.

09-16-2004, 08:09 AM
yuck:eek: :mad:

what a smell you have in your yard...